Novena of last resort


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Novena of last resort
The Little Apostle of the Mountatin Province, 17 (2) July 1940
Catholic prayers and devotions
Rosaries (Prayer books)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
- UT OMNES UNUM SINT! - 71 Lord Jesus, pray with us: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name: Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread: and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation: but deliver us from evil. Amen. Novena of "Last Resort" (Saturday, July 6, to Sunday, July 14) GENERAL INTENTIONS Crusade of prayer to restore peace in the world. We pray for peace, true peace, based on justice and charity, and not for the victory of any worldly power. We pray for the victory of the Catholic Church, the persecuted Catholic Church. "That the enemies of the Church be humiliated." To mention the Church's leading enemies in one breath: Atheism, Neo-paganism, and Freemasonry. These have corrupted the mind of the peoples, of which the now universal cinflict is the natural result. To these must be opp:>se:l true Christianity with its divine principles of justice and charity. True peace comes from God, given to individuals, families, governments and nations of good will True peace lies in submission to the will of our Crea tor expressed to mankind through divine revelation. "Lord Jesus Christ, \Vho didst say to Thy Apostles: Peace I leave you, my peace I give unto you; look not upon our sins, but upon the faith of Thy Church; and grant her that peace and unity which is agreeable to Thy will: Who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen." ---We can no more ask prayers for more cate::hists in the Mountain Province; the present sad condition is such that we are obliged to ask prayers to keep the catechists, schools and dormitories we have today. We have to ask the prayers of the members of Our Family Circle that the good God, through the intercession of The Little Flower of Jesus, to whom The Little Apostle and El Misionero and the Christianization of the Mountain Province are intru3ted, may save them from utter ruin. They are in imminent danger right now. SPECIAL INTENTIONS We have never felt so much the need of prayer, of united prayer, than in these days. The pangs of sorrow and fear overwhelm us, oppress our whole being. The day of tomorrow does not promise much good; the horizon is dark, and black clouds of despdr menace us from the sky. We are in need of a greater faith, of a stronger hope, ofagreaterfaith,ofaconfidence. We need consolation, we need tokens of sympathy and love: charity should come back home. Yes, we are in trouble, and long for relief from too much evil surrounding us. Where to find this relief? In God. in Jesus, in prayer. "Come ye all to Me .... ! Let us 72 - UT OMNES UNUM SINT!....:.. unite and go together to Him through our united prayer. "Domine, salva nos, quia perimus! Lord, come to our rescue, for we perish!" These feeling; were expressed in a few letters we received, and these are the special intentions included in this Novena. --lt:E-MONTH OF AUGUST The Novena of Last Resort for the month of August begins on Saturday, August 3. and ends on Sunday, August 11. General Intentions: 1) Crusade of prayer: Jesus peace for all! 2) 0, God, save Thy own work in the Mountain Province! "ASK AND YOU WILL RECEIVE" ---THANKSGIVINGS I confess not having the courage to publish the. very few thanksgivings Our Family Circle received during this last month. We keep them for next month. \Ve feel as abandoned by every one in this our hour of urgent need a nd great sorrow. Only two have sent in their usual contribution for the support of two catechists; the total received, for the keep up of the remaining twelve caterhists supported by The Little Apostle and ElMis:onero, amounts only to P6.00. Besides, all resources from Belgium are cut off-and we foresee that in the near future other 50 catechists will have to be dismissed. And our schools, dormitories and orphans? Paree, Domine!.-.. Spare, 0 Lord! •. _. Save the work of Christianization in your own Mountain Province! With this urgent S.O.S. I finish this edition cf July 1940. +1 ................... 1 ................. ~ = -++ ABSOLVE, we beseech Thee, Lord, the souls of Thy servants: Geno,·eva Vergara Vda. de Concepcion, Manila; Rafael Ung'on, Manila: Maria Salome Fideldia, Vigan, Iloco> Sur; Roman Florendo, Vigan, Iloco> Sur; Marta AlpuErto Mala;arte, Dumanjug, Cebu; Fortunato Fernandez, Manila: Juana de Je;us Vda. de VillanueYa, San Juan, Rizal; Franci co Velaoco, Bokod Mt. Province; from every sin, that in the glory of the resurrection among Thy saints and elect they may arise in the newness of life, through Christ our Lord. Amen. +------------------------------!+