Villareal ousted as LP head


Part of The Philippine Magazine

Villareal ousted as LP head
Philippine Educator, 1 (7) May 15, 1969
Political parties
Liberal party
Philippines. Congress. House – Speakers
Philippines. Legislators
Villareal, Cornelio
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
by the Greater Man,ila Terminal Food Market to serve as a major outlet for fresh food commodities, including fish. President Marcos has similarly proposed the establishment of an action regional fishery research center in cooperation with other Asian countries and the U.S. government. The center will conduct basic and applied research on freshwater and brackish water fishery. The Fisheries Commission will ablo continue to stock major lakes, swamps and other inland bodies of water with fry and fingerlings. :rncreased credit assistance has also been extended to the private sector. The government has called for closer partnership between the government and private industry in the promotion of the fishing industry. Last year, the g-overnment conducted workshops on fisheries and oceanography to accelerate fishing research and to identify areas in which science-based technology might be applied to stimulate the growth of the fishing industry. Seven training programs were also conducted on fishing methods and techniques. The government campaign against dynamite fishing and water pollution has been stepped up. The administration is evolving a more comprehensive and realistic conservation program for the protection of fish and other marine resources. We should apply our experience in rice production on the fishing industr;r. With the application of scientific techniques, improved tools and the utilization of, trained manpower, we were able to increase significantly our rice production. There are no limits to what we can do, as the gains of the past three yP.ars have pointed out. In the end, the miracles of this generation will not be the miracle rice or the expected miracle fish but the men of will and purpose who are capable of charting their own destiny. These include not on]y and sincere public emp!oyees, but also upright members of law enforcement agencies and a people concerned with the protection of the public good. The d~velopment of the fishing industry will come about through the collaboration of all these people. Then we shall have enough fish in our time. ™ VILLAREAL OUSTED AS LP HEAD Former Speaker Cornelio Villareal, once fondly referred to as "Mr. Liberal,'' emerged as the most dejected man in the recent Liberal Party meet (May 10) at the Manila Hotel where he was ousted as LP president. In his stead, the 630-man LP directorate installed Senator Gerardo Roxas whose father, together with the deposed leader and a few others, founded the Liberal Party. Villareal, embittered by the directorate decision, is reportedly not abandoning his position and plans to seek court remedies to press his claim. Photos above show huddling party leaders as they plotted moves to depose the long time LP head from the leadership of the party he not only helped found but for which he labored hard to make a major political party of the country that it is today. If he is not lucky, he may yet find himself a total outsider from the Liberal Party. THE l'Hllll'PINE MAGAZINE I MAY 15, 1969 I l'AGE 5