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Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

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The Young Citizen. I (6) July 1935
Flowers as food
Sponge (Material)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
142 THE YOUNG CITIZEN SAFETY FIRST, THE BEST GUARD A STORY by Moises Viviezca (1-'rn"' lj,.,,/n1111 •·ul) MINA was a seven year old girl. One clay she came running to her mothel' with something in her hand. It was the lifeless body of Reny, her baby doll. She was crying bitterly. "Fix it, mother," she shouted. Two lovely teal's rolled down her cheeks. Mother took the poor doll and tried her best to put the b1·oken pieces together. It was of no use. There we1·e several small pieces which were difficult to paste together. There was a hole in the doll's head. Mina was careless of he1· playthings. She lost one time her rubber ball when she had placed it in a corner and the dog played with it. She broke her pots when she placed them at the foot of the stairs. Her grandfather had stepped on them. Now, her doll, the best of her playthings, was destroyed. She had placed her doll on the window sill and then played with her friends. The doll was blown by the wind and down it fell on the concrete sidewalk. Children, how much would have been the gl'ief if Mina herself had been the one who sat on the window sill and had fallen down on the ground? Who would have felt unhappy? Would you be careless of yourself? You are too yourig to die There are so many beautiful things in this world fo1· you to have. If you would like to live a long happy life, just avoid sitting on the window sill for fun or standing on it to reach something. You will lose your balance and Oh! ... just the thought of going down with a Cl'ush. No doctor can ever fix you. Would you like to be free from danger? Get "Safety First" as your best guard. "Safety Fil·st" will make your life long, healthy, and happy. DO YOU KNOW?--The germs that escape from the mouth or nose of a pe1·son when he coughs or sneezes, or even when he only talks, may live in the air fo1· forty-eight hours. In many countries in Asia the petals of flowers, especially those of roses, are used in the making of marmalade, pastry, and othel' sweets. The "Volt", an electrical unit, is named after Alessandro Volta, an Italian physicist, who was one of the earliest investigators of the wonders of electricity. The ordinary bathroom sponge is really an animal, though admittedly very low clown in the scale of life: A shooting star is not a star, and it does not "shoot". Though its exact nature is not known, astronomers call it a meteor. Sometimes these meteors strike the earth, and they are called meteorites.