The order of the short pants: short pants, good cakes, and red ants cannot be mixed together [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The order of the short pants: short pants, good cakes, and red ants cannot be mixed together [short story]
Asuncion, Fortunato
The Young Citizen. I (6) July 1935
Short stories
Scout leaders
Scouting (Youth activity)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
146 THE YOUNG CITIZEN July, 19.15 The Order Of The Short Pants Short Pan.t.r, Good~, and Red ,?Jn.tor &nnot Be Mi.xed T~ ' ' ...... and for all these, Father in Heaven, we thank Thee, Amen." The simple prayer ended a very entertaining camp-fire program. The campers, boys from the different schools in Manila. hurried to their own tents to go to bed. Comments on the program and activities of the day could still be heard as the boys talked their way to sleep. As usual taps was sounded at eightthirty. It was a signal for everybody to keep silent. The camp patrol returning from its inspection reported that all was well. Ten o'clock struck and everything in the camp was quiet and peaceful. The stillness of the night was, however, broken now and then by the voice of someone tal\dng in his sleep and the chirping of the crickets. Ten thirty was announced by the "Big Ben" in the director's tent. Still all was quiet and well. Eleven o'clock struck. Mysterious looking persons in short pants were seen gathering around a chess table in the middle of the camp. It was the order of Short Pants on one of its nightly conventions. They were plotting some mischief. In a low commanding voice the leader spoke. "You," pointing to the smallest sturc!ylooking fellow, "sneak into the directo1"s tent and bring here the tin can you will see on the table." "You," addressing the tallest, "stay nearby and prevent anybody from minding our business." "The rest, be on the alert." Without much difficulty the tin can was gotten. It was laid on the chess table. With eager hands the lid was opened. What do you think was inside? A very delicious lcoking home-made cake. It was a gift to · the director for his magnificent performance of duties. The leader apportioned the spoil among the members of the order. They were in the midst of their meniment when a man in pajamas was seen coming from the director's camp. It was the assistant director. He saw the thief and was on his way to recover the goods~may­ be to capture him. But before he could come nearer the men in shorts jumped upon him. After a brief struggle the man in pajamas ran with the speed of a deer to his tent. He left his woodenshoes and undershirts behind. The noise was so loud ·that it awoke the camp director. "What is all this noise about?" he roared. He spied his assistant in one corner gasping for breath. "What is the matter?" inquired the director. (Please turn to page 158) 158 THE YOUNG CITIZEN July, 19.1.'i KIKO'S ADVENTURES - Caught in the Act by __g,ilmo b<'.lJdovino THE ORDER OF THE WHEN THEY WERE THE STUPID BOY (Contini•rcl from page, 1.46) (Co11fin11cd .from- J)age 145) (Continued from 1>age 143) "They " answered the as- Jnd then supervising teacher aml "Oh, I know. Aunt Rosa, sistant. q•ialified in the "senior teacher know now: A big, fat animal. It examination." One time h(' was of· "They what'. Come on. talk!" fcrcd the superintendent's positi0r:. is like "They tried to take off my in Zambales. He declined the oit~r Rosa?" Pepe asked earnestly. like you. is it not, Aunt pants The director could not help but laugh. He continued, co accept the pcns"ionad6ship to th(.! "Go back and tell Aunt M:iria United States to pursue courses in to take the two of you for a walk. education. stupid!" And with that she left While a teacher. he took the hig!1 a surprised Pepe standing beside "But why~" school course by corresponder:.ct. Baby's carriage. But suddenly "I tried lo cake back the cin can but could not cover the laboratory Pepe's eyes grew round and big. they stole from your table. Thcr subjects. He finished the for he could sec a horse running jumped upon me-all seven of course leading to th.e master of Arts very very fast without anybody on them-and tried to undress me. degree in the Columbia Univer~ity its back. And before he could "Oh! I sec." in three years [aking at the same think another little thought the time a few high school subjects. horse was almost on Baby's carThe director sto)pcd for a whil~ A man of high principles and a riage. So he gave Baby's carriage and began to think. He then lofty sense of duty, he always sci.s a big. big push. and then everywhisp('rcd something to the car of a high standard of work for bis thing became black. his assistant. I-Ii> face brightened. They went to th('ir tent and begar1 to laugh. They were carcfol though not to w.1kc up the camp·· crs. Th~y finally fell asleep with smile still on th('ir faces. The ur · d('r of the Sho:·t Pants were left outside wondering why, after all. th'.? two were laughing so merrily. V cry early the next morning th~ bugle was sounded. The boys got up and fixed their beds. They then lined up for the morning asscmbl). As usual the director was at his post ready to begin tk morning warmup. Much to th~· surprise of Jll. sC'vcn leaders wcr~ missing. Finally they came out of their tents. subordinates. who have to keep µac1.' with him always, such is the tremendous influence of his personal ity. At all times firm. upright, anc! fearless. Florentino Cayce has won the respect of his colleagues. the ad .. miration or his subordinates. and the esteem of cv::rybody who know~ him. When he opened his eyes, be was on his Mother's bed wich Aunt Rosa. Aunt Maria, Mother, and many others around him. And all he could hear were the words "my d<1rling", "my brave pet''. "my dear" and many other beaucifo: nam~s by which he had never been cJlled before. He was waiting for "stupid boy"; but it never came. su What a sight! One was trying h..: gave them a sweet. sweet smile to hide his swollen lips. Another and closed hi~ big. round eyes. had his hands in his pockets. -1 h·~ others w~rc trying to cough oif something which seemed to be stuck in their throats. It turned out that the cake they -a reason why it was left on th<! rJ.ble unguarded. The Order of the Short P.rnt'i frastcd on was full of big red anl3 did not meet anymore.