Bottle doll IN Hobby page [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Bottle doll IN Hobby page [column]
Baldovino, Gilmo
The Young Citizen. I (6) July 1935
Waste recycling
Do-it-yourself work
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Jv/11, 19J,5 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 15 l HOBBY PAGE ~ed bg g.ilmo baldovmo BOTTLE DOLL 0 NE clay a small girl asked me if I coulcl fix her doll for her. It was an old wooden doll and its neck, body and one leg were broken beyond repai1·. I did not know much about fixing dolls, but I managed to tell her what to do to sav8 and make use of the good parts from her old toy. I told her to get a bottle of about eight 01· ten inches high, some sand and one or two candle sticks. Afte1· she came back with these materials, I took out the head of the doll from its neck and fitted a round sticl; of about three inches long into the head in place of its neck. (Figure 1) I filled up about foUl'-fifths of the bottie with sand. Then I melted the candle sticks and powcrecl it on top of the sand while it was still hot ~ncl then pushed the stick in the head into the melted candle sticks. (Figure 2) A piece of cloth was then wrapped and sewed around the neck of the bottle to make it bigge1·. Then I told the girl to take off the hands of the old doll and attach them on the cloth · which was placed around the bottle. After this was clone, I told her to make a new Filipina dress to fit her and that I'll come back after a clay or two to see how her new playmate will look. Three days late1-, I visited my small friend and found her doll beautifull~.· dressed and I never thought she made it out of an old broken doll and an old bottle.