A day of pleasure IN Pen and pencil circle [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A day of pleasure IN Pen and pencil circle [column]
Choko, Estelita F.
The Young Citizen. I (6) July 1935
Summer vacations
Antipolo City (Rizal)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Jidy, 1935 HOW I TAKE CJ\RE OF MY BABY SISTER I am very fond of Lita, my bJby sister. I carry her although she is very heavy. Every morning I take hc1 to the playground. When we g0 home. I let her go to sleep. \\Then she wakes up we play in the house. Sometimes we go again to the playground. She is only one yt:ar and a half and yet" she c<.r.n say many things. She can say her wusins' names such as Baby, Irma, Boy, Mey. It is hard to pronounce my name so I taught her to call me "Ate", which is easier for her ttJ pronounce. When her cousins tease her she would say, ·'Mam1J1;i it0 Baby lo ta!" (Mamma. Ba_by beat Lita.) She always included hu name when she says something. By NORA CRUZ IV-A Rfral Elem. School, Ma1~iln A DAY OF PLEASURE Last May. we went to Antipolo to spend our summer vacation. On.: S.J.turday evening we all agreed to go to Mangahan the next day. Mangahan is one of the noted bathing places in Antipolo. We went to bed early that night in order to W<!ke up early the next morning. The next day, we ate our breaKf.ist and attended the mass. At about eight o'clock in the morning we were all ready for the hii<.e. There was a division of lal>or among us. My cousins carried tlil• kettle and pots while others carried th· chickens. I was assigned to Lat ry the rice. On the way to Mang.I h.:ln we were siilging and laughing 'Vv'e saw high mountains and ricefields, terraces. and beautiful scenery. After an hour's hike. we reached our destination. As soon as we THE YOUNG CITIZEN I 55 th spirit. Whenever the ghost was hit. fire came from its body. AftH af! hour, the ghost declared th.lt h.: was defeated. He asked the man to turn his face away for he had sonu:tbing to say. In a hollow voice that seemed to come from the grav~. he said that he had a pot of ~old hidden under the stairs. If he Jud not found a brave man to who111 he could tell his secret. he would changed our dresses we dressed the have been sent to hell' in ten day:,. chickens and built the fire. When Hl' have all his property to the mJn. all were ready, we jumped into the S"") that his relatives would beli.::v-~ water and took a bath. We ha<l the man's story. rhe dead man li:ft such a good time at rhe place that h~s finger marks on the door. W;.' almost forgot to eat our lunch. From thJt time. no more noisL:> \A/e stayed in the water while eat- wne heard in the haunted hou.>c. ing. After resting in the water our The bravz man and his family liv~·J' grandmother wanted to return. but thre in peace and plenty for mJn~· all of us opposed. So she waitt:d ye.-:.rs. and we went home at five o'clock in the afternoon bringing our ktttl~ and pots all empty. \Ve went homz happy and satisfied. When we re.:ched home we told our companions how much "we eiijoyed the picnic. They regretted not having gene with us. By ESTELITA F. CHOKO / • .4 Tori es High School, i\1(tmlr. THE REW ARD OF BRA Vr.R. Y In Baliwag many years ago, there lived J Spaniard. He lived alone. The neighbors believed he was a miser. After his death, the people heard strange noises coming from the house at twilight. N1) body would go near the house. One day there was a typhoon. Many houses were blown down. The Presidmte told the people to go to the house of the Spaniard. But nobody would go. At last three men offered to stay in the haunted house. Two of the men wne drunk. and slept right away or. the bed of the Spaniard. At tv.-ilight, there was a loud voic~. It was the ghost of the owner of th:• house. 1 t went to the bedroom ar.d found the drunkards on the By JULIANA ENRIQUEZ Class 1935, Rizal Elementa,·y School, Manii:r STORY A BIRD TOLD ME One day whrn I was sitting ou a bench. rwo kind-hearted girls came. Tho.'y requested me to t.'.!ll them about my life. I lived in a nest. When I wa:; about a month old I told mother that I would wander about ro src the beautiful world. My motlh•r told me that I might lose my way. But I CO.lxed her to lee me g:o. My mother scolded me and I cried. One day mother went away to looi~ fer some food. When mother w ,1s away I stole away from home. I went to the forest and looked for some berries. When .J wanted to go home. I could not find the way. Then two boys came. '1 hey trioo'd to shoot me. So I hid among the bi~ branches of an acacia tree. Mother came to our nest. She was surprised to see me in the rree. I begged hi:r to forgive me and we went home. By MATILDE BAUTISTA VI-n E .. .Jacinto Blem. School, Ma.niltt b(;d. So the ghost threw chem out MY DREAM o~ the window. One died instanriy It was three o'clock in the afterThe other broke his leg. The noon, when I fell asleep. My coughost went to the kitchen and sir, lilang went to our house Jad found th~ third man cooking. Tb..! told me to go fishing in the rivl'r. mJn pulled his belt and whipp-.:d (Ph·nsc turn to page 162)