The Table of Contents


Part of The Nation

The Table of Contents
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
\ The NATION Vol. I, No. 1 The-NATION is pu'lttished monthly by·- the UDO ,July, 1945 Publishing ~J at 988 P. Noval st., Maiiila, ----------~------ Philippines. Price per copy, Pl.00. Su}lscription rate, IN THIS ISSUE PlO the year.-Articles on subjecb of immediate intere!lt and short stories from 1,000 to 2,000 words are Page 'acceptable. for publication at regular rates set by th& }J11blishers.-Editor: .lose Villa Panganiban. Associate, 5 Editors, Antenlo Zaliarias and Santlqo Artiqa, .tr. • A i>.RESIDENT AND HIS SoNS Antonio Zacarias • 0SME:&A VS. ROXAS Andres Zaldivar 6 Busine$s Manager, Roque Jaramllla. Advertising, Manager, Ernesto Francia . Our Heartfelt • EITHER ..• 0~ ............. , ... . S. Artiaga, Jr. 9 f3~1:1:Tl~f3i TO THE u.s~ SERVICEMEN • Is THIS OUR ComiTRY? .......... . 11 on the occasion of July 4th J.M. H. • P600 FOR OUR SHq~T-STORY WRITERS 13 . • LIBERTY FOR ONE AND A1'L . . . . . . . • 14 Efrain Ma. Guerrero • WHAT IS THE YARDSTICK OF LOYAi.,,. TY? . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . . 16 J. R. Nuguid • WANTED: A CIVILIZED STYLE . . . . . . 18 Antonio Estrada / , • MEETING: POST-INVASION (POEM] 20 .Sgt. Harry Eclc~tein '. FATHER· ••• WE Au HUNGRY! 22· Oscar de Zuniga • HISTORIC SPEECHES I. President Sergio Osmeiia 24 II. Gen. Douglas MacArthur 25 III. President Sergio Os~eiia (Reply) ' ... ·.· ...... - ..... '.. 26 IV. President Sergio Osmefia (Ex~ cerpts) ... , . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~· ; . 29 V. Senate ~esWent M&A.uel A. Roxas ... , ................ ,. 30 '. King's Hotel & IESTAURANT !IE ® AMERICAN & CHINESE_ J?ISHES ® FIRST CLASS LIQUORS ® REFRESHMENTS ®ICE CREAM ® SOFT DRINKS S'lJ(LCious and Well Veii.tllaud Romns · 1080 R. Hidalgo Quiapo, Manila -~--?---------------~~~ ON THE. OCCASION OF JULY 4th ·w,. Extend the U.S. Sailon and Servicemen Our Greetinp l I QblAPO' BAR & .~l:S.T4-U~.4~T · -370·'Ques•1itvd. ' _ . We Serve American & Chinese Dishes • LIST OF HIGH GoV'T QFFIClALS .32 , SAFE LIQUORS-COLD DRINKS • THI NATION-'S ,PARROT SP~KS , Ye E_di~or ' WELL VENTILATED 34 MUSIC FUllN18HEU BY 'ujUKE BOX" .JULY, 1945,