Vacation days are over IN Pen and pencil circle [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Vacation days are over IN Pen and pencil circle [column]
Rubin, Agripina
The Young Citizen. I (6) July 1935
School vacations
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
!62 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Mee~ Some of Our Readers Pt1rin17 Semill1' and brothers, Santn Ana, Manila. Mritr.o, Pudta, Conscjo, and Loin-di~.<; A r·iznlml of Baguio. HOW "BJ\BY"' (Contin11r<l .from JJOUC J!,I) The children raised their hand~. Fiery raised her hand. too. "I shall have Flerv this time."' the teacher said. :.Her mother s.lys Fiery works bard at home." Fiery \Vas a better monitor tban Celia. She helped the other children with their work. She led rhcm in their games. The teacher called her Flcrv. The children called her Flery. she did not answer wh::n she was cllh:d ··". S11lvio I.Am, IAuo-<f.cs Hif(ldo, Ailct Rodi·iguez, Lita. M mi;;m10, 1htd Gforfrt Avccilla. Norn. c ,.,iz and her baby sister. (Sec~ her co11frib11t-ion on 71. 154.) SOLUTION TO CROSS-WORD PUZZLE OF JUNE ISSUE July, J9J5 PEN J\ND PENCIL (Co1tti111ted from page 155) I was so happy that I jumped for joy because that was my first chance to go fishing. I took my hook and line. I got a pail of water and I began to fish by my«lf. Just then my hook and line becan;" V(ry heavy. I was frightened sv l told my cousin that it was he.wy. Then my cousin said, "Pull! Pull thr line and be surC' to hold it tiihtly." So I began co pull i.lw string. Just then I was awakened by the fierce wind that was blowing very hard I opened my eyes and found out that it was only a dr~Am ar.d that I was pulling the braiOt:<l hair of our servant. By REMEDIOS HERNANDEZ t-'f-A Rizal Elem. School, Manil1 t AN ENJOY J\BLE PICNIC One summer vacation we went to a hill in Angat. A teacher i1> vi1cd us to a summer house sbadt:d bl mango and duhat trees. There we had a picnic. What attracted m i.: most were the mango trees ladt>n with fruit. After breakfast, our hostess took us down to gather clusters of mangoes and sweet as Dig as the tiny guavas. Two mrn climbed the duhat tree. When they shook the branches, the luscious b(rries rained on us. W e st.::rted for home at eleven o'clock. \\i(" were very tired. but happy. By ARACELI CINCO V I-A R izal Elem . S chool, Jl!u11 ii,1 VACATION DJ\ YS ARE OVER I was suddmly awakened by the ringing of our clock. I opened my eyes and rubbed them. I stretched my body. I did not want to go away from my cozy bed. I have had a nice place in my bed. I wantccl to sl~p some more but I knew that I would be late in the class. M y breakfast was hurriedly eaten. As I dressed for school, I felt sad for vacuion is now over. By AGRIPINA RUBIN 11'·8 E. E cmentary School