Cleanliness is next to godliness [Children’s song]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Cleanliness is next to godliness [Children’s song]
Words and music by Rodolfo V. Chavez
The Young Citizen. I (6) July 1935
Children's songs
Children's song lyrics
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN 159 CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SONG C'LEANU/''fESS ][S NEXT TO COlJUNJESS Composed exchisively for THE YOUNG CITIZEN J C!Qan-li --- n<>-ss J I tf j so \' ll d l::I na.xt ll'ords and Music fly RODOLFO V. CHAVES al -'---ways be claan ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~d~ ~) ~jtJ CLQan i.n mi.n.d so '3ol.d -- 0n. th.ou~hts \'LL find } ) I F tr\. h.ea.rt s love con. Jo its pa.rt ---J I J #~ I ij~ '1. ~ I ) I j , Clea.1"\. 1.1'- .soul for I'm God's chi.ld, ths J r F r - a. -Lon~, all, If 16,-u l'rr--. strol"\.~ h.eolth-y oT\.d all d Ii ,-JIJfJ(J _., If' ii l'm true- tn.d brave and Ltve - o/ too,. 1&:9-. d J I J g I g r I ~~ I ~~ I p ll's be.- THE SKY AND THE (Contimwd fl'om vage 147) The American Indians had a l·.:gend respecting this constellation. poared. She introduced hersdf ,, ERNESTO'S EXCURSION the spirit of the Pole Star. Follow- (Confini•cd fi·om page 144) ing her. the hunters reached home fronts, and the other stealing be· hind to tweak its tail.' safely. \\'hen the huncers di.:d. "Father, I wane to know mor·.! they were carried up into the hcav- about birds." Some Indian hunters lost their way. ens forming the Little Dipper and After praying to their gods to show following the Pole Star faithfull) them the way, a little child ap- every .dear night. "I shall tell you more about other interesting birds of thl' Philippines. II