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I: ITli I:~··· C) 12 ._, S. ARTIAGA, Jr. l'he other day we received the villit of a friend who had returned to 01e city after having left. i~ 8hortly after liberation ; he had left, a very discouraged man, and had returned, a very surprised individual. He waxed eloquent and fairly went into histerics of happiness at what he termed the. "great change •or the better that the city had un(argone.'' ·]'rankly, we did not get him at first and even tol~ .him to sit dow1i, relax. a.nd asked hl\on if he had t'1ose attacks very often. But he was not to be silenced· by only a pail , of cokl water; he went on and on pointing to the good things that had come to pass. At the end we were glad he hid come . . ·. it was pleasant to have somebody still able to see the brighter side of life. As a matter of fact we are seriously con· sidering him as our official morale builder. "Greater love hath no friend than this ... '' A man is either a pessimist or an optimist. Our friend apparently is an optimist (even if he says he is just a realist) and also a genius. ~e saw 1 what we, in our daily struggle for survival, failed t-0 ·see. He saw a city valiantly rising from out of the invader's lash ... a city that refuses to stay down and. inste!!-d picks up whatever remnanh of its old glory the monkey man left it. And lfefore he left, this jewel among friends, gave us this bit of wisdom: "Write and tell people to forget tlil!ir woes and t-0 smile ; after all . a smile does not cost anything and. the profiteers cannot get at it." QUEZON bN COLLABORATION Th~t the !ate President Quezon gave mstruct10ns to prominent lea~ers for collaboration short of tak. mg the oath of allegiance to Japan was . revealed recently by Senate President Manuel A. Roxas in an effor.t to clarify the collaboration issue which has gripped the people. ' TRAFFIC BOOK · A J;landbook containing a.n explanation of all traffic ·i-ules and prepared by the Traffic Division of the Manila Police Department is n~w .off .the .Press and ready for d1stnbut10n at all Police Preeinots. JULY, 19@ GONZALEZ BACK TO U. P. J,atest reports from Malacaiian are to the ~ffec-t that Bienvenido Gonzalez, president of the U.P. at the start of the war and another "graduate" of Fort Santiago, is going to occupy again his former position. The announcement has been received with general apprC'· val by educational rircles. 14UGE DEFICIT FACES P.I. A huge delkit of 130 million pesos is faced ll\· the Commonwealth gonrnment fr;r the coming fiscal year, which begins next month, ac(·ording1 to figu.re's compiled by governmental financial circles. The budget for the comin.1J: year is estim,ted at 137 million pesos while tbe experted income does not pass the seYen million peso mark. R~CORD B•t9 ATTACK . More than 500 superforts attacked Japan and dropped 3,000 tons of high explosives on munition factories in what is considered a record bombing attack on enemy military installations. There's /u!l ~()~I: DOUBLE DECK NITE CLUB l~Tl:l2Ml:ZZ() ~ITI: CLUE FIRST CLASS BAR & REST AUR.ANr. is comparably distinguished . . . the rJndezvous of '.American Sailors and Soldiers and people of social standing ... The very center of ·Manila's entertainment the-..most talked about NITE CLUB in Manila..-. INVITES YOU ON TH~, 2nd FLOOR Featuring S. Samanieg_o and his Swing Band 0 FLOOR GARDENFeaturing Joe Felix and His -Orchestra - O Most Spacious Dance Floor in the heart of Manila O Continuous Floor Shows 519 Rizal Avemle U'ekome! ______________ _ at the To the U.S. SAILORS and SERVICEMEN We Invite You to Enjoy Your July 4th Celebration ' . ' . MELODY ..... RESfAURANT.& BAR Where we can offer you* Good Foods * Excellent Service * Specially Selected Wines & Liquors * Cdurteous Waitresses GEORGE LEE Manager 304 Quezon Blv~. (Near the Bridge)