P600 for our short-story writers


Part of The Nation

P600 for our short-story writers
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
P600 for Our ··short·Story Writers • • • • • • Amount May Increase; Watch For Announcement • • • • • • One of the purposes of The Na· Manuscripts already received: tion is to encourage national The Story of a Meeting, by literature in all the language Emilio F. Constantino (Observer). vehicles existing in the Philippine Your Eyes Are Old, by S. LioaIs}ands. But as English is the nag (Observer). language of this magazine, for the Behind tke Skimbu Line; by present, encouragement is offered Geronimo D. Sicam (Nation). to the revival and development of Between Two Worlds, by Amado the Filipino short-story· in Eng-· Q. Viray. lish, , . Leticia, by Gerardo S. Dy. The managements of The Nation Wliisky, by Pacifico Canlas. and Tile Fili1nno Observer have Father, We Are Hungry, by joined to set aside the sum of ~ix Oscar de Zuniga. Hundred ·Pesos to be used in pay- Any theme in relation to the ment of and given in prizes to the Filipino-· or the American, except best short-stories submitted to the low and the indece!lt, is acboth magazines from the month of ceptable. No bars are put against June, 1945,.up to December 1, 1945. form. Substance and moral and . All stories published· by both spiritual background are· required '!'he Nation and The Observer will without prejudice to art.be .given compensation at regular rates. On December 3, 1.945, all manuscripts submitted, both .. published and unpublished, will be turned over to a Board of Judges who will make. a decision as t.o ll!hlch are the · p;ize-winning storiea. The remainder ·of the P600 appropriation not spent in payment cf published manuscripts will ·be apportioned to the first three best· short-stories of the year. Efforts are being made towards increasing the prize fund by soliciting the aid of Filipino and American philantropists s,nd literati. If the prize purse sh&uld reach an appreciable amount, either. the first prize will be larger- or more manuscripts will be given prizes. · We are soliciting the aid of the public in suggesting as t.o who would be interested to done,te t.o ~e prize fund and as. to how the pibes should be distributed. There i&111uch time yet hefore:December, 1945. Write us what you tbiiiko JUL~. 1945' New Joh For St~tinius · Washington amiounced that the President has accepted the re·signation of Edward R. Stettinius jr. as Secretary of State who in turn acceptild his new appointment as United States representative in the United Nations w~n the new organization comes into being. President Trumen highly praised j;he services of Stettinius in the sfate Department and in the recent Uninations Conference in Frisc~. B<ffllrd EllJ4ms Held 'Valid The different Board ·of Examiners for Engineers and Architects recently appointed by the Exeeutive have decided that the Board ' examinations held during the Nip oecupation are valid. · The Board of Medical Examiners and the Supreme Cou»t are expected t9 announce shortly their decision in the case of .physicians and· lawyers who took. the corrl!Si:>onding examinations in the sam.e per~od. DR.P.L.MANLAPAZ Physician· .•surgeon Obstetrics-Women,. Children, '\'" enereal and Skin Diseases Treatment Strictly Conlldentlal 265 San Rafael, Manila Facing IA!. Consolacion College DR.R. 0. CAMACHO Surgeon Surgery. Diseases of W ODl811 and Sterility 028 P. Noval, Manila Hour11 : 3 :00" to 6 :00 p.m; •••••••••••••••••••••••• I DR.C.M.PAULINO LADY DENTIST CL. INIC: 908 RAON, MANILA (Formerly _ __. ....... .._,.__ ______ _.._._., ...... ~~ Announcing To Our PATRONS The Re-opening. of - FILIPINAS Bi\ZAR. 'PERFUMERY I 531 Ave. Ri~J: MANILA CAMERA R~PAIR. · 1~ . SERVICE · . : , f PHOTO SUPPLIES .·· llEVELOPING, -•PRJNTIHG AND ENLARGEMENT @ . we repair all kinds of cariw-: ras .. Belfows made fo order. , Buy cameras & spare parts. Francisco P. Ab~ria · Repairman · ·. 1736 Rizal Ave., Manila CAMERA PORT RA. I.'f.S. ''X'OR,'·' WEDDING, FAMILY -AND· BABY PORTRAITS . · ·· 1026 Ri.zal Ave., Trei Chio Bldg. Reg. M. Montemayor Mgr. a.. DJr.._ of' PhOtOgraphy