Liberty for one and all


Part of The Nation

Liberty for one and all
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Once More, After Three Years of· Oppression, We Shall Enjoy •• EFRAIN ~-GUERRERO LI BE R T y THIS FOURTH OF JULY is specially significant to us Filipinos because we have not celebrated it. f'Or the past three years. That is, we did not publicly honor this historical occasion as in years FOR ONE AND ALL ---On July 4, 1945~-~ gun one hundred and sixty-nine previous to December 8, 1941, with fine speeches, military parades, years ago is still being fought. The forces of evil and oppression gay baUs and the deafening cracthe Divine Myth of Nippon's Emperor will meet the same iate in the land of the Rising Sun? are slowly being crushed and exkle of fireworks. But we did cele- We believe that this is not so. orcised. Light is beginning to break brate it with a muffled prayer or That the fight will not be over ·two and a fervent wish in our once again over the world's hori- J"ust bec~use the last shot shall zon. Of the three original archhearts that the current year would have been fired and the tides of Put an end to the insufferable pain enemies of Democracy, there but 1 h 11 have subsid d The remains one: Japan. ' ~ar s a e · . dJ having the Japanese boot on our . . . fight for democracy must continue necks. And ·I would not be far History testifies that. every ma-.. until the doctrines and ptinciples from the truth were I to assert jor war that the Uµited States contained in America's Declarathat its significance rather than has f~ught has been fo;. th? pre- tiun of Indei>endence have become dying out during those years of op- servation of democra.ic ideals. of universal application in such a pression grew in luster propor- The current one i_s no ~ception. manner as to embrace not only. tidnately as ~ur sufferings in- It ha~ been the strict policy if the those peoples who were already enereased in intensity. American Government .to de~o~n~ joying the blessings of democracy . To-day, July 4th; 1945, we are wars of conquest and imperiahatic and self~government, and for a once more free .. to pay tribute to aims. time were deprived of their en-· this great Americaµ National In 191'7 she justified her entry- joyment, but also those nations Heliday. To refresh our minds as and properly so-into the First which . up to the present time are to its meauiing JlOt · only for those World Conflagration with the coin- clamoring and fighting ·tooth and who are fortunate enough to be ed.phrase, "The War To Save The nail for the God-given right to able to call themselves the cham- World For Democracy." At work eut their own destiny withpions of democracy and liberty and seht she is again engaged in . a out foreign - control or · interven .. to us who are under their tutelage;- st~uggle to pr~serve those s.ame tion. but Q.lso to those of the rest of the ideals. But sh~ has felt no need world who even now are still striv- to 'justify her entanglement 1n this Unless the Ieng cherished dreamsing for freedom from oppresaion c0nflict with encouraging slogans and desires of these peoples attai1' ahd slavery. · because Americans, from all walks fruition, victo:ey shall not have The principles enunciated in the •. of life, whether civilian~r mili- been gained and the Fight For~ Declaration of Independence en-• tary, are well aware that thi~ is mocr~cy could not appropriately· acted in Philadelphia, on the -4th a battle for the survival of those, be s.aid t~ ?ave been fought to a of July, 1776, by the thirteen ori- principles for which the heroes of glonous fmiah. • ginal States of America are being Bunker Hill and the Crossing of The writer has not lost sight o! carried out not only to the letter the Delaware bled and died~ the fact that amidst the tutmoif but also in spirit as witness the Through t?e superhuman efforts of warfare there is now beintt fact that countless American lives of her vahant sons and those of held in San ·Francisco a United have been snuffed out and verita- allied nations, she has defeated an Nations Conference whose primor.; ble skeamt!I of Aineriean blood have' enemy whose forces of ·evil had dial ai:in ·is to see to it/ that wheit flowed both on its own and on :i;nanaged to suppress and -stiffle peace does come, it shall be a last.< foreign soil so that nations and in- .the light and warmth of freedom ing and permanent one. And perdividuals may be entitled to ~free• from millions of European homes. ceiving that such a blessed stau! dom and· opportunity under equal But can one say tbat the· battle of aflairs can only be if justice la•, freedom ·and opportunity of has been brought to .a victorious is· done to one and -.n, great and their own making and through end simply becauae Nazism and. 11D18U., ~t has·taken within its put'-' their own work. Fasci~m have been erased from. the view the , intere&tS of· all colon~ ~eri now, the fight that was be- face of: Europe? Ancl ~ecause s00n peoples~ indiscriminate. .of irace . oii Th~ NATION creed. Toward the achievement of and avowed intentions have been this, a United Nations Com- fulfilled. For then and only then mission unanimously approved a will there be a possibility that the trustee chapter the primary pur- coming peace will be real and lastposes of which are: to insure poli- ting. tical, economic, social and educational advancement of colonial THE BLESSINGS OF peoples; their just treatment and DEMOCRACY their protection against abuses; to In the years before the war develop self-government; to take broke out in 1941, we of this due account of the political ascountry have not paid much attenpirations of the people and to tion to political forms of governassist them in the progressive development of free institutions. ment. We took them for granted This particular chapter of the as part of the life of the people. trustee charter has been hailed by We never counted our blessings. our Filipino representative to said We just lived in them. conference as a "charter for all When the international gangsthe Colonial Peeples,'' and a "vie- ters who called themselves sons of tory for the whole world." heaven invaded these shores, we In particular it would ~ a sig- · received a jolt in our minds. nal triumph for th~ United States Ther~ tire forms of government -the country who ·so laboriously different from each- oth~r. .And laid the foundation for this monu- the tyrannous and oppressive conrilent to Man's progress and civi- trol of the invad{lrs made us lization. May the Builders' hands realize the liberty and the prosnever cease to toil till the whole perity we enjoyed- Qnder the prostructure has reached final form tec1jion of American Democracy. and stateliness. Till its shade Now that we are back under the shall J.iaye afforded protection to wing, we find that the blessings nations, one and all. For then and of Democracy are numerous and only then wilt the signatories of desirable. So, blessed be the day the Declaration of Independence on which American democracy was be assured'that their true wishes born, and blessed be America on -to++++++++++++++++++•+++++++++++••··············· ·FEEL GOOD I After a he.arty Chin,ese chow prefJ( under sanitary conditions at the ALLIED RESTAURANT We serve Food of Quality both American and Chinese We SpeclaHze In BANQUETS Courteous Service Reasonabl~ Jla.tes Superb Dishes C. B. TANG 909·913 Jaboneros St. Manager ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"' 1 j C~ and pay us a Visit! '.WAH HING RESTAURANT Clean, COol and Comf!)l'table We Rerve American, Chine8e and Filipino Dishes l't moderate prices . . , 1 Iced Cold Drink and Ice Cream served any time JULY, 1945 Bring your famlly and friend$ anJi time. 1852-1854 Azcarraga St. this day, July 4, 1945. • -GUILLER!l«O ltJ:YICS. Bambang Auto Supply 721 Bambang St. Enjoy ybur 4th of July Celebration at the LUCl\"r 13.~~ 558 ltizal Avenue where you will be treated with* Selected Wines le Liquors * Outstanding Service * Delightful Music We have devised a cooling System of Hindu style to ·make our place comfortable and cool at all times. · Welcome! ADMIRAL RESTAURANT ' We Serve-LIQUORS & WINES : AMERICAN .. & CWNESE I . DISHES I 166 LEGARDA LA PERLA, INC. RESTAURANT & BAKERY 515 Rizal Ave. ( BIRTHDAY & WEDDING CAKES Our Specialty Welcome! nE w CltlnA HOTEL & RESTAURAftT 1444 O'DONNELL ST •. , MANILA I 115