List of high Government Officials


Part of The Nation

List of high Government Officials
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.. The of CO.MMONWEALTH the PHILIPPINES Know the High Officials of Our Government Hon. Cecilio :\Janeja (lfarinduque) Hon. Alfonso Mendoza (Manila, 2nd. Dist.) 1-THE COMMONWEALTH THE EXECUTIVE HONORAJU,E SERGIO OSMEi<A President of the Philippines HON. JAIME HERNANDEZ Secretary of Finance HON. DEL1''IN JARANILLA Secretary of Justice HON• MAXIMO M. ~LAW . Sec. of Publie Instruction and Informat1on HON. SOTERO CABAHUG Secretary of Public Worka HON. VICENTE SINGSON ENCARNACION . Secretary of Agriculture and · Commercf' HON. MARCEL9 ADDURU Secretary of Labor THii LEGISLATIV!f The Senate Hon. Meleeio arranz Ho11. Nicolas :Buendia Hon. Mariano J esua Cuenco Bon. Ramon Fernandez Hon. Carlos P. Garcia Hon. Pedro C. Hetnaez Hon. Domingo Imperial Hon. Elpidio Quirino Hon. Esteban de la Rama Hon. Vicente Rama Hon. Eulogio Rodriguez Hon. Rafael Martiner. Hon. MANUEL A. ROXAS (President) Hon. Alauya Alonto Hon. Ramon Torres (Senator Maramba died duriq the Jap occupation. Senator Ozamiz is also presumably dead. All the rest of the 24 Senators are not available.) The HOUR Hon. Valentin S. Afable (Zambales) Hon. Vicente Agan (Deceased, from Batanes\ Hon. Ombra AmilbaJl&'S& (Not available, from Sulu) Hon. Benipo S. Aquino · (Not available, lat. Dist. Tarlac) Hon. Ramon A. Arnaldo ( Capis, 1st. Dist.) · , Hon. Jose Artadi (Not available, · Misamis Oriental) Hon. Pedro Arteche (Deceased, Samar, 2nd Dist. Hon. , .Gabriel Belmonte (Nueva Ecija, 2nd. Dist.) Hon. Pascual Beltran (Panpsi32 nan, 3rd. Dist.) Hon. Ramon P. Mitra, (Not availHon. Jose Bengzon (Pangasinan, able, Mt. Prov., 2nd. Dist.) 1st. Dist.) (C 't ) Hon. Isabelo Binamira (Albay, Hon. Justiniano Montano av1 e 1st. Dist.) Hon. Filomeno Montejo (Leyte, Hon. Juan V. Borra (Iloilo, 5th. 4th. Dist.) Dist.) Hon. Gregorio 111 or re r o (Mt. Hon. Leon Cabarroguis (Nueva Prov., Srd. Dist., Not ' Vizcaya) available) Hen. Mateo Canonoy (LeytP., 1st. Hon. Ricardo Navarro (Surigao) Hon. Ni~~!j Carag (Not availa- Hon. Emigdio V. Nietes (Antible, Cagayan, 1st. Dist.) que) . Hon. Lino J. Castillejo (Not Hon. Maximino Noel (Cebu, 3rd. available, lsabela) . mst.) Hon. Olegario B. Clarin (Bohol, Hon. Elisa R." Ochoa (Agusan) 2nd. Dist.) . Hon. Felix Opimo (Samar, 3rd._ Hon. Engracio P. Clemeiia (Ma- Dist.) nila, 1st. Dist.) Hon.. Tomas Oppus (Leyte, 3rd. Hon. Joi;e Cojuangco (Tarlac, Dist.) 2nd. Dist.) Hon. Eusebio Orense (Deceased. Hon. Miguel Cuenco (Cebu, 5th. Batangas, 2nd. Dist.) Dist.) ·Hon. Francisco Ortega (La Union, Hon. Sofronio Espanola (Pala- 1st. Dist.) wan) · Hon. Jesus Paredes (Al>ra) Hon. Emilio Espinosa (Masbate) Hon. Emilio de la Paz (Rizal, ilon. Jose P. Fausto (Pampanga, 2nd. Diflt.) 2nd. Dist.) Hon. Eugenio Perez (Pangasinan, Hon. Manuel Fortich (Deceased, 2nd. Dist.) · Bukidn.On) Hon. Frtancisco Perfecto (Albay, Hon. Leonardo Festin (RoJJ1blon) 4th. Dist.) Hon. Jose Fuentebella '(Camari- Hon. Ugalingan Piang (Not availnes Sur, 2nd. Dist.) a,ble, Cotabato) Hon. Manuel V- Ga,llego (Nueva Hon. Miguel P. Pio (Cagayan, Ecija, 1st. Dist.) 2nd. Dist.) Hon. Aguedo Gonzaga (Negros Hon. Cipriano Primicias (PangaOcc., 2iid Dist.) sinan, 4th. Dist.) Hon. Crisanto Guysayko (De- Hon. Conrado Potenciano (Laguceased, Laguna, 2nd. Dist.) na, 1st. Dist.) Hon. Agustin Y. Kinatanai- (Ce- Hon. Nicolas Rafols (Cebu, 6th. bu, 4th. Dist.) . Dist.) Hon. Eligio Lagman (Not avail- Hon. Narciso Ra,mos (Pangasinan, able, Pampanga, 1st. Dist.) 5th. Dist.) . Hon. Jose B. La'Urel (Not avail- Hon. Marcial Raiiola {Albay, 3rd. able, :Qataagas, 3rd. Dist.) Dist.) Hon. Francisco Lavides ( N o t Hon. Margarito Revilles ~ De - available, Tayabas, 1st. oea,sed, Bohol, 3rd. Dist.) Dist.) · Hon. Jaime M. Reyes (Camarinu Hon. Vicente T:Lazo (Ilocos Nor- Sur, 1st. Dist.) · te, 1st. 'Dist.). . Bon. Juan' M. Reyes (Deceased, Hon. Oscar Ledesni.a (Iloilo, 2nd. Capiz, 3rd. Dist.) Dist.) Hmi. Enri9ue" Rimando ( L a Hon. Raul T. Leuterio (Mindoro-) Union, ~nd. Dist.) ;Hon. Pedro Lopez (Cebu, 2nd. Hon. Celestino Rodriguez (Cebu, Dist.) lat. Dist.) Hon. Tiburcio :tutero (lloilo, 3rd. Hon. Joie V. Rodriguez (Cebu, Dist. 7th. Dist.) Hon. Antonio Llamas (Deceased, Hon. Eugenio del Rosario (MisaBataan) mis Occ.) ' Hon. Salvador T. Lluch (Lanao) ' Hon. Norberto Roque (Sorsogon, Hon. Enrique B. Magalona...(Nes. lat. Dist.) · Occ., 1st. Dist.) · Hon. Decoroso Bosalea (Samar, The NATION . lat. J>iJt. ). . Hon. Oonrado Rubio (Not available, llocos Norte) Hon~ Jose Romero (Neirros Or., · 2nd. Dist. ) 1Ion. Prospero Sanidad ( Iloeos Sur, 2nd. Dist.) HCln. Ce:ferino de los Santos (Iloilo, 4th. Dist.) Hon. Juan A. Sarenas (Davao) Hon. Jesus Serrano (Ilocos Sur, 1st. Dist.) Hon. Franciscc. Sevilla (Rizal, 1st. Dist.) I Hon. George K. Tait (Mt. Prov., lst. Dist.) Hon. Dominador M. Tan (Leyte, 2nd Dist.) Hon. Julian L. Teve11 (Neg. Or., 1st. Dist.) Hon. Miguel Tolentino (Bataniras, Dist.) DELEGATES. FROM RUSSl4 troyers and two or three . carriers Hon. Pedro Ynsua (Tayabas, Dist.) Han. JOSE C. ZULUETA (Speaker) THE JUDICIAL '!he Supreme Court Hon. Delfin Jaranilla Hon. Felicisimo J.<'eria Hon. J os'e Espiritu Hon. Greg:irio Perfecto Hon. Francisco Delgado Hon. Mariano de Joya Hon. Emilio Hilado Hon. Guillermo Pablo Reversing its previous_. stand the 1st. TSSR i8 senping t'\\·o delegates to the London conference whic-h\ l;rn~ lwen <·ailed for the trial of those ac:cusecl of heing war eriminals. Jap Navy ls Badly Crippled Two partly converted battleNyaga; the battleship Nagato and ships, and half carrier, the Jse and two other old battleships not in commission, approximately 30 desForrest Sherman, Deputy Chief of Staff, of Admiral Nimitz: 1st. Dist.) UNINATIONS CHARTER Besides ah undetermined. number· of submarines_, the following surfaae ships are all that is left of the o;ice proud Imperial Japanese Navy, according to Rear Admiral ·not ready for service. Hon. Leon Valencia (Deceased, . . . . . . Bulacan, 1st. Dist.) , In a historic _sess1011 cla1maxmg Hon. Jose Valenciano (Albay :.efforts to establish World peace 2nd. Dist.) ' the lJniteed ~a~ions hll:ve approved .-Hon. Ray'mundo Vargas (Neg. a charte_r, ai:i mterna~10~al court Occ., 3rd. Dillt.)° and an mter1m orgamzahon. Hon. Jose Ma. Veloso (Not avail- ~----...... --__,,_,,__ _____ ...... _ _.__,,__ _____ ...... ___ __,,__--:! a,ble, Leyte, 5th. Dist.) For Comfort and Style t Hon. Teodoro de Vera (Sorsogon, YisitHon. A!~!~ii?isWuarama (BulaM()M~§ f)L4.Cf: can, 2nd. Di11t.) Music and Entertaineri; Hon. Wenceslao Vinzons (Camari- NO COVER CHARGE i nu Norte, Deceased) 509 Tandhay 1 1 • Hon:. Genaro VisalTf (Bohol, 1st. 1 , , , , , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - - - White House SCOTCH WHISKY TYPE WHISKY 'GIN I •• • BENEDICTINE ·I i Best Wine of Various Kinds Blended with Fascinating flavor Guaranteed: NO HANG ()VER! V. LILARAM & COMPANY 523 Rizal ~ ve., Manila Jtii..Y; 1945