The Nation's parrot speaks


Part of The Nation

The Nation's parrot speaks
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The Nation's PARROT-Speaks . Nl> DOUBT we shall receive many criticisms, both cqnstructive and destructive. We shall not mind. It is only h\linan,-both to praise and to lind fault. We are publishing The Nation for an ideal, ---a national ideal. are their chances in their coming presidential fight P If the elections were to be hefd t-Omrorow, who is the most probable winner? These questions are answered and eYplained by a veteran writer who knows politics and the people in t.he political game w.E! GIVE YOU, for instance, "Historic Speeches" by Gen. Mac- IS THIS our country? asks Arthur, by President Osmeiia, by IJMH. And he sat down to writ.e Senate President Roxas. ThfY are his ideas for the readers of The t'or your record and iour library. Nation. We would like very much One of these days, you will want to to talk of our dea.r friend, JMH, refer to them. Their being t?Ee- hut he does not desire publicity, so ther would be a 11:reat convenience we keep mum. to you and to all of us. Thi-9e speeches represent history in the making. :EFRAIN Ma. GUERRERO-, young · newspaperman, furnishes us the inotif for the month of July,American Democracy. to America alone; 88' a very young boy, where he found normal life and a secure future. A high scboot valedictorian, he studied Gover~ ment at Harvard University. Joined the Armed Forces in 1948. "I feel that I have something important in common with the Filipinos," he says. "We have both personally tasted and witnessed the ways of out enemies. We know why we fight. and that military victory is only the beginning of our battle. In retu.~ for our exp&riences we have not ~med sym· pa thy but only the nspon•ibility of hnilding and trustin°g in the kind of world for which we fight. It is fitting that the Philippin.;o r•·oplc. · , who ri!present the hope in a new worl~. and_ the< American armies, ·who/represent its, strength, should -J)OW · ~ · b.roJJ.&ht. ·. tqii~ther in this tasli;-'' I 1 ~~ . ' TRAGEDY AND SORROW. dis· tinctly personal, st~lk the return of our distinguished President Se1·· 11:io Osmeiia. "A President and His ~" was inspired by the strength of character manifested by our grand old man. This one is by our Associate Editor, Mr. Antonio Zararia.s. WHITMAN HAS many follow- Jap Pr~ -1s': -i~tt~~ ers in his "Leaves of Grass," pa~·. Prem\er ·suzµki. of Ji,.p~n, in a ticularly "Song of Myself." sgt. reeent·radio tallt ·~al'ned ·his peoHarry H. F;ckstein (Meet~: .pie .that JaJ.¥Ul• 00\v• faces an inPost-Invasion) comJ:iines _.l\meric11cn. vasion crisis unparalleled since the and Filipino feeling. Harry was Mongols -tried . t.O . sweep . over the born and raised in German~ and islands in 127 4. Said Suzuki: was subjected early in life to the "This eri11is · is · the greatest one terroris~ic forces which later theat- since the :Mongolian invasion; Now ened to engulf the world. He came • is the time t,() d~ide the destiny of 1--~11;;;;-;r;;-;:;;--;-;;-:;:;::::-:;=:~-::--:=-----------_:_--the Japanese Empire." LET THE MOB THAT DAIL y FLOCK 08:\CE~A VS. ROXAS. Wha.t TO OUR DOORS SPEAK FOR US ••• • MAAG • Modern Advertising AgeRc:r *_ S~GNS * POSTERS * PORTRAITS * BILLBOARDS CINE SLIDES *.,ADVERTISING LAY-OUTS 890 RIZAL AVE. TONY. VELASQUEZ, M~. i Tomas Confesor, Secretary of the Interior, and Tomas Cabili, Secretary of National Defense, the two most vociferous members of 9smeiia's Cabinet, have been appointed memMrs of the Philippine Rebabilitatiob Committee and will leave for• the States in the near · future. Their appointment to the new p0sitions is considered a virtual ouster from the Cabinet. ~··-········ .. ---········ . :1 BroadwaY~OPti~"i .. & .. w;·t~h·s~·ppyy··: Optometrist • Optioian • ; DIRECT. IMPORTERS - WH.OLESALERS - RETAILERS •: . • C...mte .stolk: Qlllillal G~ watolt. Spere Par-., w....,.:ReA111rer· Toals ~ ' we .,.. .,.,,. Watch spare parta ..... OpUcal GoOtll. ' etc., etc. • .~ FRAN4(1SCO SO BING SIU ,: • Manager · · ~ ;., 419 Nuna st., Manila : ,............................................................... . 34. . • ••••••••• The·NA'nON ·~