Mailbag of the Little Apostle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Mailbag of the Little Apostle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
77 ftAILBAG Of THE LITTLE A~OITlE For all corresponden<'e with "'THE LITTLE APOSTLE" send your letterS to The Little Apostle, Box 1393, Ma.nila This has been a most consoling month. Every day new subscriptions arrived, many of them accompanied by enthusiastic letters, mostly from the clergy from all over the PhHippines. It is an undeniable truth that the help for the missions has to come thru the action and cooperation of the priests. They more than laymen understand the duty of the Catholics to spread the kingdom of Christ among the heathens, especially if these last belong to their own country. They more than laymen can cooperate with the Missionaries, not only thru their daily prayers and Holy Sa<'ritices, but thru their words and deeds. Fathe1 Alejandro Ose parish priest of Zamboanguita understands this when he writes: Dear Father Vandewalle: Herewith are five pesos for th·e subscriptions. May the Catholics of the Phiiippines unde1'Stand the importance of the press and take an active part in the conversion of th~ Mountain Province. Last Sunday at both masses, I preached about your Review: inviting the youth to subscribe to " The Little Apostle." Dear Father Ose, I thank you most sincerely and may your etlorts bring God's blessing upon your poor parish. I wish the readers of the Review had seen, as I did, your poor church and convent, so that they might understand your disinterested charity better. You know that what is given to God returns a hundredfold. Father Niedehepper from Parras<'al, Surigao, is no less generous. He writes: Dear Father Vandewalle. I wish you great success with your little Review. Yes, let us teach the Filipinos to take an interest in their as yet uncivilized brethren. So much money was collected for Japan, for Independence ... Charity should be exercised at home, too, for the conversion of the Igo rotes. You know very well how poorly we lh·e in Surigao, what sacritic'es we have to make to keep up our Catholic schools. I have just received a gift from home of 25 gld. Of this amount I send you P5.00. One is for my subscription and the other P4. 00 are a gift for the lgorote Mission. I hope the children of my Catholic school will also contribute their mite in the near future. I wish Father Niedehepper the greatest success in his parish and therefore many more and greater gifts from home and elsewhere than ever. And do you wish to hear something from the personal sacrifices Filipino Parish Priests make to help the Missionaries of the Mountain Province? Father Quintin Donato, from San Fernando, La Union, asks twelve subscrip78 ions. He takes one, the Governor of the Provlnc2, Hon. Mr. Lucero takes one and Father Quintin will visit personally all the employees of the Government to fix the other 10 and more subscriptions. Well done, Father Quintin. For God and country, be? With a little organi.Zation thru some ac.-tive promoters, San Fernando will soon have 1()() subscript.ions. The reading of "The Little Apostle" can but help the priests in their great work. This is so true that several directors of Catholic schools use "The Little Apostle" as informal reader in the fourth Grade. And why not? '.rhe Current Events should be known by the Pupils, according to the prescriptions of the Bureau of Education. "The Little Apostle" will give them every month. Besides: the pupils will learn more in "The Little Apos~le" about the Mountain Province than in any geographical classbook. Last but not least; the reading of this Review sets forth examples of virtue, which can not but Jea,·e good impressions upon the tender hearts of CD y:>uth. And how does the conteSt stand? The first of last month, the unknown Filipino lady, did not sleep: she sent seven more subs•!rlptions. Thus she reached the number 77. But we have a new second: Mr. Llora from Manila with 30 subscriptions, and they are only a beginning, he said. )Jrs. Katie Gutenberg, U. S., takes third place with 27 subscri'(>tions. Fourth and fifth pla<'e: Father Graham with 25 sub~riptions. Miss Sollta Oppen from Pulupandan, Negros Occ., collected 25 subscriptions during the month of August. Watch Miss Solita. Next time she will occupy a higher place. During the month of August two new colleges have sent in a number of ·subscriptions. St. S·~lastica: 33 and San Juan de Letran: 22. Both promised to send more. No doubt, now that our beloved Archbishop of Manila and the superintendent of private schools recommend "The Little Apostle", the number of subscriptions will be doubled during September. Te Deu.m laudamus! Rev: o. Vandewalle. CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Blessed Little Flower's fund for the Bokod Mission. llrs. A. 0. - ·- - - - - -· - - ·- - PH.00 Ml!ti Ceferlna Witte - ·- - - - - - ,. 5.00 Receivl'd before - - - - - - - - .. 110.llO Total Pt26.90 From the Beaterlo de Ja Com.1>11nla de Jesus. Ma.nlla-- - - - - - - PJ0.00 1''l'Om the Rev. Emeterlo Pineda, Lubao. Pa.mpa.n(l'a. - - - - - - - .. 1.00 For a. Ca.teehlst at Mayaoyao from the Assumption Colleee, Manila - - .. 00.00 From Miss Remedios kuarra, Manila ,, 6.50 From Miss Consuelo Kerr, Tondo - -- •. 5.00 Tota.I P 52.50 We gratefully acknowl'dire the receipt ot some canceled stamps. for the beneftt ot the Missions, from: Fel"llando l\lann.oang, La. Union. Remedios .Javellana., Sllay, Negr. Occ. E. C., Sa.n Narciso, Zambales. Serapio Ellorln, Santiago, lloc. Norte. Juan Reyes, Magallanes. llanlla t3 times) Eutlqu\ano Sa.cay. Tuburan, C'.ebu. Clemente Aradlllos. Cablldo, Manila (litlmo) Vlvencla A. Bolttzon. l\lagallanes. Sorsolron. Conoepelon Rlcatort, Magallanes. Sorsoiron. Baldomero M. Berdan, Ma.late, Manila. Eusebio de la Fuente, S!Y!'P<>n, Legaspi, Al· bay. The most sincere thanks of "The Little Apostle" to all benefactors. All the ~llsslon­ &rles of the Immaculate Heart ot )lary recommend them every da.y a.t Mass.