The Superintendent of Private Schools recommends the Little Apostle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

The Superintendent of Private Schools recommends the Little Apostle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
60 that as matters go now, we can only look forward to the gradual corruption, dismemberment and decay of our beloved people. There are two solutions for this important problem. One is that the People-I mean the voters-should send men to the legislature, who are independent of outside influence and ready to give to their fatherland the remedy so badly needed. The other solution is that the nine million Catholics, through personal sacrifice, hand down to their children the knowledge of God, they have received from their forefathers, and which is practically denied them in the public schools supported by their own hard-earned money. 'Vhile our Government is so apathetic or hostile in regard to a que~tion which means either life or death to the Philippine People, it is ~onsoling and a deep satisfaction to welcome the advent of "The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province", which purposes to extend first the blessingR of the True Faith and as a consequence "all other things", to those brethren of ours who have been sitting in the shadow and gloom of paganism. e .. ' The Superintendent of Private Schools recommends "The little Apostle" THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLA.NDS iltpartmtnt nf Juhlic Jnstrurtinn Slanila The Superintendent of Private Schools approve:-; mo~t heartily of your review "The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province". Current Events, according to the regulations of the Department of Public ln1-;truction, must be studied in all inter1nediate and high-school classes. He recommends the Review to all private intermediate schools. He is glad to learn that it has been adopted as an informal reader in the fourth grade of the Pasig Catholic School. Other schools may well follow this example.