

Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

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The Congregation of Rites is now examining the cause. of beatification of two great Frenchmen who died 20 years ago: M. Philibert Vrau and M. Camille Feron. two brothers-in-law, the uncle and the father of )I. Vrau, the present director of the French Catholic Dail,r "La Croix". The first was a manufacturer of a large textile plant at Lille and the promoter and organizer of the first Eucharistic Congresses. The second was a doctor of medecine. He became associated with his brother-in-law and aided him in his social works. ~ The diffic"ulty of housing a.ccomoda.tion during the holy y~ar is causing serious thought in Rome. For ecclesiastic visitors and pilgrims, the Holy See h5.S resources in the numerous scholastic a.nd other houses wherein arrangements may be for the ordinary residents to give place temporarily, and "systematization" of pilgrimages, so that all do not come at once, is being thought out. Another matter which wants consideration is the variety of categories of pilgrims. One hears of the possible arrival of 600 good Catholics from China, deck passengers, who will certainly need special accomodation. In its turn the Municipality is thinking out projects: to pave, prepare and systematize all roads of approach to St. Peter's a.nd the Vatican: to reorganize the tram service, and a Commission has been 73 appointed to or!!"anize all available lodging accomodation. It goes without saying that there will be communication and understanding bf'tween the ci vii and ecclesiastical authorities. ~ Abbe Viollet was arrested while slashing a music-hall poster depicting a nude woman. But he told a. Paris police commissioner: "I will repeat my action whenever I see that poster." ~ A film life of St. Jeanne d' Are is to be produced in France at a cost of 10, 000,000 francs. There were twenty-eight golden weddings in the small town of Nivelles, Belgium, on Ascension Thursday. ~ In the women's prison of, Paris, there is a nun, Sister Leonide, who entered the prison voluntarily 53 ye:irs ago, and has remained there ever since, attending to the welfare of the prisoners. ~ Over 30,000 people were present at the open-air Mass on June 1st in the Esplanade de la Pyramide, Alencon, France, where a. solemn triduum has been held in honor of Blessed Teresa of Jesus. .JI Seven bishops, 84 priests, 8 brothers, 19 nuns were martyred in China during the nineteenth century. One bishop and 8 priests belonged to the Congre74 gation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There are 300,000 Indians in the "United States, of whom about one-third are Catholics. "' Conversions in England are now approximately 12,000 a year. "' The Catholic members of th< L'ondon Police force have a Guild of their own. with a membership of 5;iO. A dri ,-e is projected to raise the membt>rship to a thousand. "' Six Missionaries are expected from Belgium, next Octobt!r, to join the other Fathers in the Mount. Province. "' Tlie Association of the Three "Marys, founded in 1910 by the Bii:hop of Malaga, endeavors to furnii:h at least three adorers for each tabernacle in the land, to console Our Lord, as His three faithful followers consoled Him by their presence near the Cross on Calvary. Statistics show that in one year the united sections made· 18,169, 662 Communions and 17 ,572,172 visits to the Blessed Sacrament. "' In December 192'2 Belgium numbered in the missions, according to the joint statistics of the Clergy : 1191 priests, 311 brothers, 1134 Nuns. in all : 2,686 missionaries. ,,, The ignorance prevalent in certaJn American non-Catholic High Schools is revealed by a recent survey undertaken by Dr. G. R. Crissman, Superintendent of the States Teaeheri:' College at Warrensburg. Sixteen per cent of the High School students knew neither where Christ was born nor the name of His Mother. Sixty per eent, did not know what Christ said about ~oving one's neighbor. Agrippa was given the peculiar ranking of "an apostle" by 70 per cent, whereas to ;10 PE>r eent, Jude was a "King.'' Nearly half of the students thought the Scriptures were "quotations." Thirty percent, said Gethsemane waE a cit.y of Egypt. Still others defined Caiphas and Herod as Apostles, "A men" as applause, "Elders" as bushes, "Tithes" as things fastened together, or as missionary money. According- to official statistics the number of Catholics in Holland is over 2.000,000 or a third of the whole popul~tion. In 1815 Holland had 673 parishes with 925 priests. By 1910 there were 1,014 pari8hes with 2,310 priest.s. At the beginning of 1924 the numbers were 1,184 parishes, 2, 736 priests. The number of regular and secular seminaries training men for the priesthood in 1923 was: 41 Little Seminaries with 4,793 students, and 42 Great Seminaries with 1,708 students. The Catholic schools are no less flourishing. At the beginning of 1923 there were 70.~ kindergartens with 71,889 pupils; 1,597 Primary Schools with 293,509 pupils and 33 Secondary schools with 8,121 students. To these must be added the technical, commercial, industrial and other spedal schools. The German Chancellor, Dr. Marx, received Holy Communion froUl the hands of the Austrian Chancellor. Mgr. Seipel, at an unique little ceremony in Vienna. Dr. Marx was paying an official visit. to Mgr. Seipel and attended his Masi;:. This remarkable incident was announced at Cologne by Father Esch, S. J., who said that those two great. Catholic Chancellors are saving' Central Europe f.rom Bolshevism and ruin.