Sybil Jason - the Little big shot IN Movie page [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Sybil Jason - the Little big shot IN Movie page [column]
The Young Citizen. 2 (3) April 1936
Child celebrities
Jason, Sybil
Little big shot (Television show)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SYBIL JASON-THE "LITTLE BIG SHOT" LITTLE SYBIL JASON is not y..:t six y:ars old. but pwpll? who have seen her picrnres.think that she is a " Little Big Shot." Sybil is a prcny little girl who was born in Soufh Africa. Shi! has dark. straight hair and dark eyes. She is J very healthy little girl weighing 40 pounds. There are those who think she will be as fa. mous as Shirley Temple. Sybil's latest picture. "Little Big Shot'' is coming ·to the State Thea· tre. In this picture. Sybil is a littl~ girl whose father was killed hr gangster:>. Two kind but lazy men, Robert Armstrong and Edward Everett Horton. take care of her. Glenda Farrell, a hotel checkroor1 girl. try to reform these two men so th:?t they could take bener care of the little girl. When the two mrn had saved enough money and had bought a gasoline station in lhe country. gangsters kid~apped Sybil. The gangsters thought that the two men would come to get her. When they did, they were to be kilkd. The climax of the picture i~ very surprising. The story is not a gangster $tory. although there mav be gangsters in it. With Sybil Ja. son. the picture. "LirtfC Big Shot"' becomes onr of the most enjoyablt films that the whole family would like to see. JANE WITHERS J:< "P/\DuY O'DAY" LAST month, we told you a story about Jane - W ithers This month. we shall tell you another about her new pictun:. "Paddy O'Day." In "Paddy O'Day." Jane plays the part of an frish girl who goes co America to join her mother. Her rr.other is a cook in a rich man· s house in New York. When Jane arrived at Ellis Island, hrr mother died. Bue the boar officials did not THE YOUNG CITIZEN Apf"il, l .<>-Ui MOVIE PAGE SYBIL JASON in "The Liule Bio Shor" tell her this. They wanted to sen'1 her back home. Jane would not go back because she wanted to find her mother. So she hid in a milk can and was brought to New Yo~k. There she looked for the house in which her r.iothzr worked. She found a friend in the house. though her mother was dead. She also mer the rich i:~:;m who own£'d the house. Sh~ became his friend. One day, a pretty Russian girl whom Jane met in the boat, came w look for h:t. Jane was very happy to see her. She introduced the Russian girl to her rich friend. The rich liked the Russian girl and was going to hold a floor show in \\'hich she and Jane will appear. W hen t!l~ show was about to be given, the aunts or the rich young man came home from a v.i.cation trip. They were angry ro find J anc in the house. So they sent for thi: immigration officials and asked them to take Jan.e home to Ireland. '>-'hen an officer appe;ircd with the aunts, the show was over. It was a big success. T he rich young man v. ould not let the officer take J anc away. He married the Russian girl aud adopted J ane. So Jane became a happy little rich girl.