He did it for fun IN Safety section [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

He did it for fun IN Safety section [column]
Cruz, Quirico A.
The Young Citizen. 3 (4) May 1937
Animal welfare
Children and animals
Children's accident prevention
Fire prevention
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
May, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 1z; SAFETY SECTION He Did It For Fun By QUIRICO A. CRUZ* "Nonong, please don't be cruel. You are hurting your cat," cried sweet little Luz when she saw Severino throwing his cat out of the window and pulling her back by means of a long rope tied around her neck. Nonong enjoyed seeing his cat fall on the ground, feet first. He wondered why Pussy always fell on her feet every time she' was thrown from the window to the ground. He held her by the neck and hurled her with all his might :-he held her by the legs and swung her round and round, then let her off :-and lo, as if nothing had happened, she dropped bravely on her paws and looked at Nonong with a look that pleaded for mercy. Cruel Nonong failed co notice this. "See how wonderful Pllssy is?" asked Nonong boastingly, unmindful of what Luz said. "Yes, but you are hurting her," replied Luz. .. Pussy can do many tricks. Wait for me there and l'Il show you how clever she is," said Nonong as he went down. Luz was in the front yard of Nonong's house. They were neighbors "Please do not hurc her," replied Luz. "Sh1: is trembling with fear." "No, no. I won't hurt her. We will have a nice time seeing her run at full speed." "Stop! Don't do that," cried Luz ·as Nonong began tying a bundle of old newspapers ac Pussy's Cail. She readily guessed what prank Nonong meant to do. .. That's all righc. We will do it just for fun." .. No, no " cried Luz. But, before she could finish what she was to· say, Nonong had set fire to the newspapers. Pussy saw the fire. She was frightened and ran as fast as she could; · here chere and finally she ran up the house and went right under Nonong's. bed, dragging behind her the burning newspapers. The mosquito net caught fire. Nonong and Luz did not know what to do. They cried for help. "Fir· Fire! Help! Fire!" they cried . Their neighbors heard them and came to their tiid. They ,...,""',. in~t in the nick of time and (Please turn to page 135) and good playmates. * Gregorio del Pilar Elementary School. "Pussy will run for whatever I throw. Lend mt: your toy-mouse. l'll throw it down the road. Pussy will get it for me,'· and without waiting for Luz's permission he grabbed it out of her hands and threw it down the road. "Pussy. run and get that mouse," he shouted at Pussy. Pussy. then. had not yet recovered from the shock that she got from having been hurled to the ground several times May, 1937 ENLARGE YOUR (Continued f1·om page 111) example: pick a mango, pick some camote leaves, pick the gumamela. We use pick up when we have to stoop down and get something from a low place as rhe ground. floor, or grass. For example. pick up th~ stick, pick up the nail. pick up the clip. Ill. What would you use in t.'ach case, pick or pick up? 1. a centavo on the floor 2. a button on the ground 3. some req roses 4. a head of cabbage 5. shells in the beach 6. some ripe chicos 7. a pin in the yard 8. pieces of paper in the garden 9. two white lilies I 0. a doll on the grass KEY TO ANSWERS 1. died 2. dead 3. die be kind to him. Thank you. A Stranger After the note was read, the teacher called the boy and handed him the five-peso bill. saying. ··1 am proud of you. Victor. Give this to your mother. She knows what to do with it. Don't forget to tell her the story." Victor rcct.'ived the money and thanked the teacher. The boys on the line hung their heads in shame. The teacher struck the gong and the children marched into their rooms. THE YOUNG CITIZEN HOW IS DEW FORMED? (Continued f1·om page 122) So much dew may form on the !caves that it wil1 drip off on the ground. This supplies the roots of the plants with moisture just as rain would. Have you ever gone down on your knees to look closely at a dew drop~ If you try it you will find the little drop a mirror reflecting the whole landscape in minute detail. A drwdrop is one of the most b~auti­ ful creations of nature. 4. dead 5. die 6. dead 7. die 8. died 9. dead 10. dead II 1. Put out 2. come 3. ask for 4. teach 5. get out of 6. has 7. seat 8. enter 9. laid 10. is Ill !. pick up 2. pick up 3. pick 4. pick 5. pick up 6. pick 7. pick· up 8. pick up 9. pick 10. pick up 135 HE DID IT FOR FUN (Continued {?·om pa.ge 125) saved the whole house from burning. Nonong's bed was completely burned. "My!"' sighed Luz with relief. ''And you did it jllsc for fun!" Nonong couldn't say a word. He couldn't look up. He was afraid,-afraid of what his parents would say and do when they arrived home from work. JOKES One chilly evening in the early part of March the sheriff entered the county jail and addressing the colored person who o::cupied the strongest cell. said: ·'Gabe, you know that under the law my duty requires me to take you Out of here tomorrow and hang you. So I've come to tell you that I want to make your final hours on earth as easy as possible. For your last breakfast you can have anything to eat that you want and as much of ir as you want. What do you think you'd like to have?" The condemned man studied for a minute. "Mr. Lukins," he said, "I b'lieves I'd lak to have a nice wortermelon. '' "But watermelons won't ripe for four or five 'months yet;" said the sheriff. "Well suh," said Gabe." 1 kin wait."