Kite flying [short story]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Kite flying [short story]
Canciller, A.C.
The Young Citizen. 3 (4) May 1937
Children’s stories
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.1IU1J, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 127 Kite Flying By A. C. CANCILLER Tito was fly_ing his own kice in che field near his house. The wind was not blowing hard at thac cime, so he ran along holding the end of his kite's string. Soon the wind scarted blowing hard and then Tito's kite was up in the air. It looked like a pretty bird, its wings outstretched, flying gcndy. Tito's friend, Juanita, was standing in the shade of a ··malobago" tree. He was admiring Tito's kite a.c; it gracefully· swooped and soared in the wind. He wanted to own a kite like that of Tico's. But he was lazy to make one. "Tito! Tito!" Tiang Juana, mocher of Tito, called. "Buy buyo and mascada foe me." Tito heard his mother's voice. "Yes, mother. I'm coming," Tito answered as he cied his kite's string on their backyard fence. Then he ran toward his mother. The kite kept on flying lor the wind blew hard againsc it. Juanito approached the fence while Tito was away. He untied the ·kite's sering and flew the kite himself. For a while he played with n. "I shall keep this for myself," he thought. He looked around. Then he pulled down the kite and ran home with it. Tito returned to untie his kite, but it was no longer there. Looking around he saw Juanita running with it. "My kite, that's my kite," he shouted aloud JI Juanico. But Juanito did not mind Tito. Juanico ran up the stairs of his house. Behind the aparador he hid the stolen kite. Juanito's mother who was washing clothes didn't see her son come up the house. Soon Tito walked toward Juanita's mother . .., ... ho was drying the clothes on the clothes line. "My kite, Juanico got my kite, that's. mine. my my . ," Tito cried. "Juanito, Juanico!" Mother called. J uanito appeared, his head bowed. Fear and shame marked his face. "Did you get Tito's kite?" his mother asked. Juanita could not answer. "Return it to Tito or else this stick, this stick Juanita immediately left. He returned with the stolen kite dangling behind his back. He gave it back to Tito. Tito received it with joy. "Thank you, how considerate you are," Tito said to Juanita's mother. Then Tito ran back to the field and played with his kite. The next day, Juanita, with paper and bamboo sticks, was making his own kite, too.