Little fingers IN Reading time for young folks [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Little fingers IN Reading time for young folks [column]
The Young Citizen. 3 (4) May 1937
Short story (Literary form)
Children's stories
Reading (Early childhood)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
110 THE YOUNG CITIZEN May, J9.J7 READING TIME FOR YOUNG FOLKS LITTLE FINGERS "I shall help you wash, Mother," four-year-old Lita offered. "Your fingers are too small. When you are bigger, you may help me. Run out and play in the sunshine." "I am tired of playing, Mother. want to work," Lita insisted. She dipped her hands in the suds and tried to blow bubbles. Then she shook h e r hands and watched the flying foam. "The little fingers must be given some work to do," Mother thought. "Lita, de a r , I think you can help Mother." "Yes, I can Mother. What 'shall do?" Mother gave Lita a handkerchief. "This is my handkerchief, Mother r· Lita exclaimed. "Yes. See that dirty spot? Dip it in the suds and rub this way." "I can .do it. Mother." Soon the little fingers b ad re - moved t h e dirty spot. "Look, Mother, my handkerchief is white!" "Yes, I see that little fingers can be useful." Mother smiled sweetly. A FOREST DANCE By RAMON DE JESUS /Jololan Efrm<'nfm·11 Srhool, IJotohrn, Zam/)(lfrs The leaves were silver castanets Beneath the roiuid full moon Which Night Breeze clicked so lightlysweet In rhythm to his c1·oon. The nymphs with scented chalices, Buds blo~soming to flow'rs, Danced while they raised to thirsty lips The vintag·e from the bow'1·s. So gay and lithe in gown of green, With diamonds in her hair, The swaying woodland violet Was the fairest of the fair. A maya drowsing in her _nest And hark'ning to a dream, Was once in a while startled by The cadence of the stream.