The young citizen pantry: Mother’s guide in care of children


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The young citizen pantry: Mother’s guide in care of children
Millan, Juliana
The Young Citizen. 3 (4) May 1937
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
130 THE YOUNG CITIZEN May, J!}.:;· MOTHERS' GUIDE IN CARE OF CHILDREN Desserts Dessert-tbe last course served in every meal-has for its purposes the following: 1. To remove the caste of the food in the mouth before drinking. 2. To complete the food value of the meal. 3. To havP. an additional source of vitamins and ni.inerals -fresh fruits. 4. To create a desire for more water-,1s in the case of eating sweets. lht !f oung titiztn PANTRY BY l'vi!SS JULIANA MILLAN • even jusc plain caramelo or a lump of sugar regardless. of the kind of meal served. It we shall only pfon our dessert togcchcr with our meals. it won't be 11. difficult problem nor need we serve ripe banana too often or a moncitony of sweets. In awragc homes, l coun.c!I arc sufficient for every day purpose. A meal consisting o(· boiled, not sautecd. vegetables dishes need light desserts. All sncculcnt or juicy fruits like papaya. chico. atis, ripe mango. watermelon, melon. blackberries (duhut), guava. santol. ba/imbing. balubad. pineapple, and a host of other native fruits. fall under light dessert. All prepared desserts that call for the addition of sug•ar or milk or both sugar Jnd milk arc heavy. Under this foll sweet preparations with thin syrup: prcscryes like jams and jellies: and frozen preparations like ice cream. ice drop and It is customary among us to and fish is quite light and may Magnolia tid-bits and sandhave for the last course usually be serv;.-d with heavy desserts wich. ripe bananas. if not some dry. sweet prcparauon. like bocayo. condo/ or rimas and sometimes "' Teacht•r of Home Economic~, Emilie: Jacinto Elmnentary School. ro add some more to its food value. One consisting of fish or meat .md sauteed vegetables is h:avy and another made up of fish and meat is he.wier. Such Sen·ing fresh fruits the yccH round is not . a problem for us because different ki.nds of fruit trees and plants bear fruit J.I (P/em;r• t1!1·11 111 }mge 1:12) ! 12 THE YOUNG CITIZEN Ma11, J9.J7 ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS ON PAGES 112 and 113 GRADE I OUR ALPHABET a - are n-no 1. kind 2. big 3. litt.e GRADE III 6. clean 7. pretty 8. down b - be o- of 4. aCOVf 9. glad c - come p-play 5. high 10. sad cl - door q-quick e-eat r-run GRADE IV f - fathe1· s-so 1. Pedro 4, knife· g-go t- to 2. grocery 5. kid h - he u-up i-in v-very j - ja1· w-we k - kite x - xylophoae l-like z- zero m-me GRADE II 1. tea, teach, each, ache, her 2. me, an 3. he, ear 3. cap water boo.k stove room 1. here 2. have 3. he 6. feet GRADE V culasisi market cabbage GRADE VI 5. another 6. ever 7. pig 4. thin, in ink 4. basket 8. them 5. ever, every, thin, in, thing 6. other, her, is, wise 7. fin, in, is, finish, he, she 1. plan 8. count, try 2. rat 9. rain, in, coat, at 3. hand 10. an, no, not, other, her 4. trap THE YOUNG CITIZEN (Contim1ed from 110) different seasons. During the dry season we have lanzones, blackberries, watermelon. melon, pineapple, mango, cilrous fruit - pom::los and native orange, tamarind, goyabano. and others while during the rainy season we have guava, santol, atis, balimbing, and seniguelas . . And if we get tired of these, for those who can afford. we have fresh imported fruit to THE CABIN OF A TREE (Confi11111'd lrom page 12.JQ are bright enough in the dusk to see a moving insect a foot or more away. It is so quick that it can leap from one leaf and catch the insect before he ~eaches anocher. It can cling to anything that ic couches with a hand or foot, because che tips resort co once in a while. Apples. grapes. and oranges can break the monotony. GRADE VII 5. lack 6. paddle 7. lamb of its fingers and toes are sticky. Some Cree-frogs never leave their trees. They deposit their eggs in the cencral cup o( a Cree or at the bases of decaying banana leaves. But when the rains fall, for most of them, Crees are forgotten for a while and ponds are remembered. However, after the rainy season. the old tree-frogs travel back co their tree honles, each one alone. But the mothers do not go before chey have stuck cheir eggs to the stems of WJter plants.