What a little sampaguita can do IN Little stories for little people [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

What a little sampaguita can do IN Little stories for little people [column]
Aunt Julia
The Young Citizen. 3 (4) May 1937
Children's stories
Sampaguita (flower)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
IU8 THE YOUNG CITIZEN May, 19,17 THE flowers in the garden were looking at on~ another as if to say, "Where can little Pilaring te? The sun is up but she has not come down yet." Her pet puppy tiptoed into the garden. "Wher2 is Pilaring? Why is she not What A Little Sarti with you?" the flowers asked. through the garden. Then loud voices "Ssh! Softly," Beauty, th e d 0 g , came from the gate. warned. "Our Pilaring is sick. She cannot come." "There is Pilaring on her bed. aloµe can see her from my pergola," the The flowers looked sorrowfully at violet morning glory boasted. one another. Everyone thought of "What does she care for you?" the what it could do for the little girl. red gumamela hissed with flamiµg eyes. There was a long hush in the garden. "·Who cares for your dull color?" Even the wind sighed as it went "Quiet please!" pleaded the sampaguita, "our Pilaring must not be disturbed." "Look at me," the gumamela cried ~tretching herself, "my bl'ight red petals .\lay, 1937 THE YOUNG CITIZEN I09 "~~:7i~;-1 ·=··=··=··=··=··=··=·-=··:··:· ·!··=··:-:-:··=-=··=-=··:-:··!-:··:-:··: .. : .. : .. :··!-!··:-:-:-:··=-:··:-:-: .. : .. :-:. poguita Con Do can be seen anywhere. When she opens her eyEs she will see me at once." "Ha! Ha!" roared the morning glory. "How can she when you are so short." "She loves you both," whispered the sampaguita. "She will smile at you as soon as she opens her eyes. quiet." Only be But Pilaring did not open her eyes. She did not like the bright sunshine in Tenderly the thin breeze touched the ·sick girl's cheeks. Pilaring with closed eyes took a deep breath and smiled. "It is my sweet sampaguita," she murmured. . Without opening her eyes, she called the maid. "Make me a sampaguita garland," the garden. There was a throbbing she whispered, "and hang it over my pain in he1· head and her brow was hot. head." "I wish I were bigger and brighter," When the morning glory looked the little sampaguita sighed. "Pilar- th1·uugh the bedroom window again, she ing might be pleased with me." saw :i. necklace of white modest sampJ.The little sampaguit;i breathed her guitas gently swaying just above Pilar"cent into the gentle morning breeze. ing's pillow. "Brush her cheeks gently with your Seeing Pilaring's joy, the sampaguita cool. breath," she begged. buds smiled their sweet content.