For the little Tots-Echoes of a dialogue


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

For the little Tots-Echoes of a dialogue
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1CJ For the Little Tots Echoes of a Dialogue between two little girls at X . .. , P.I. MARY. --The other evening Father told me that the grand Cathedral of St. Patrick in New York City, was built by the pennies of the poor, especially the Irish Catho!ics. JOSEFINA. - I never heard of a Church built with pennies. MARY.-How silly you are! I do not mean the Church is made of pennies, but that every little penny put together made a mountain of pennies, then dollars, which bought the materials for building th e Church. JOSEFINA.-! beg your pardon for being so stupid at my age. MARY.-Let us run a race. JOSEFINA. - Whereto? MARY.-To the mite- box of course . ... One, two, three and away! JosEFINA.-How much are you dropping into the box? MARY. --Every coin big and small that I have, but I want only the Infant Jesus to know how much. JOSEFINA. -Suppose we do something else for the missions! MARY.-Imustexamine my conscience to see what faults I could avoid for the missions. JOSEFINA.-! have nothing to examine; I know too well already. MARY.-No. 1. I must never put out my tongue at any body, only at the "blacksn in hell and to (not at) the doctor and nurse, to see if it is in good condition. JosEFINA.-No. 2. I must never _grin at anybody, for it hurts my nose and makes it ugly and shapeless. MARY.-No. 3. I must never make a face at anybody, but keep a bright and cheerful face to please Baby Jesus. JoSEFINA.-No. 4. I must never push in the ranks, nor pinch my companions, for only savages, not little ladies, do such vile things. MARY.-No. 5. Suppose we take a triple resolution to PRAY WELL, STUDY WELL and PLAY WELL during the year. JOSEFINA.-"This is the best 104 thing" Mother and Teacher say, ''for keeping away from sin.'' The devil seeing us always occupied, will not dare to approach. Should he come, say "Jesus and Mary", take Holy Water and make the sign of the Cross. for he is more afraid of these things than y o tt would be of a gun pointed at your head. MARV.--You will see that I shall have good marks for everything in the future. JosEFINA.-So shall I, to please Baby Jesus and all at home. MARV. - The bard-working Missionaries in the mountains, bow tired they must feel e\·ery evening, after their great work for little boys and girls who know not Baby Jesus like we do. JOSEFINA.-Let every thought, word and action be for Baby Jesus. to draw down endless blessings on God's Ch11rcb and His Missionaries. Let us help them like the "Blessed Little Flower" who is styled the ''Sist.~r of the Missionaries.'' "'@IV®"' Prayer to Baby Jesus Little Jesus, Infant mild, Listen to Thy little child. I my prayer would make to Thee With Thine own simplicity. .JI Little feet of Jesus dear, I would follow You so near; Your petter-patter in the street Is to me snc:-h music sweet. .JI Little hands of Jesus, pray Hold me fast, nor let me stray. Little arms my neck entwine, Tell me Jesus I am Thine. :at Little eyes of Jesus meek, Oh, what love to me they speak. C' Little mouth of j esus mild, Sweetly kiss Thy little child . .JI Little Jesus, ne'er will I Sin again and make Thee cry; Little Jesus, smile on me For I will be true to Thee. .JI Little Son of Mary fair, Take me to her tender care; Little Brother, treasure mine, I am ever wholly Thine. .JI Little Kii~g of Heaven above, Bring me to Thy home of love. With 'rhy Saints to sing Thy praise, Through eternity's bright days. , •