Mailbag of the Little Apostle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Mailbag of the Little Apostle
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
101 ftAILBAG OFTHE LITTLE A~O!TLE Fur all correspondence with "THE LITrLE APOSrLE" send your letters t!) The Little Apostle, Box 139.1, Manila Dear Subscribe!"$: If I had time enough, I would write to you all a personal Jetter to thank you mo~t sincerely: you have made '·The Little Apo<;tle" I\ success. Already "The Little Apo~tle" has more subscribers than any other review in the Philippines. That shows how popular the etlorts of the Missionaries are in the Philippines. It shows how the Catholic Filipi.nos have an interest in the conversion and ci rilizat.i-Qn of. their brethren of the Mountain Pro,._ ince. Many have sent in several subscriptions. Dear readers, let me now ask a personal sacrifice of each one of you. What is it? Five rninutRs of your time to speak with a friend or to write to somebody asking the person mentioned to take a subscription. No doubt, if you recommend the review and, above all, the work among the last Filipino Pagans thru the review, that the person you invite to subscribe will take a subscription. May I count on you? Some of you, especially the students in the Catholic schools and colleges, will write or speak to more than one friend: simply say that by subscribing they help the missions, spread God's Church, relieve the poor lgorots and consequently· draw down God's blessing on themselves and their country. Are you determined to do this apostolie work? Then, do it now, not tomm'· row. But I must add an advice: tell them to send their pern er dollar for the subscription 119 re,gistered Muil, or by M. 0. Then the letter is ~ure to arrive safely. The other day I received perhars the most enthusiastic letter I ever recei ,·ed asking for subscription1;. It came from a Missionary: parish priest of Dapa, Surigao. Do you not feel enthusiastic when JOU read it? Here it is: Rev. and dear Father 0. Vandewalle. Long live the newborn baby in. the Catholic Newspaper-family! And long live the good Miosionaries of the Mountain Province and all the School and College girls and bo~s, ready to help them, under the leadership of their good teachers. May your endeavours in this new field meet with all the success wor~h so noble a cause! It is the first Philippine Missionpaper. So let us help it along. C. W . Van Berke! M.S.C. A few hours after the letter had left Dapa, a terrible ea.rthquake destroyed much property in the province of Surigao. The Church of Cantilan built by a confrere of Father Van Berkelen crumbled. What is consoling, is that "The Little Apostle" .found a footing in several 102 colleges of Manila it had not reached yet. Some girls from Santa Rosa, Santa Isabel, etc. have taken a subscription. No doubt they will become little Apostles among their friends of the college. I give them the title of promotors, provided they really promote this grand undertaking. To work, dear ladies, for God and country! Just tell your little friends to put by ten centavos a month; may be when they ask their parents for the sum of one peso for the Little Apostle, Mamma will immediately and generously open her purse: it is a duty of the educational work of the parents to help their children to do a work of charity. Space forbids me to give the full details of the Contest in subscriptions. I will say only this: the first of last monr.h remains the first and a high first with exactly 100 subscriptions, which mean 100 pearls in the winner's crown in heaven. Number two is a one whose name did not appear yet. He ordered one hundred letters to be. printed in order to send them to his ask their subscriptions. Can you guess who this is? He is a Filipino priest from the North. Priests can do much for the mission work an<l whatsoever is taken away from their parish for a good work in another field is returned a hundredfold to their own work. No less than an American Bishop said this publicly three months a. go, and anyway any Catholic, who understands God's power and generosity, sees it must be so: God was never beaten in generosity. I resume: to all subscribers, my heartiest thanks, All subscribers try at least to bring in a new subscriber. The subscribers partake of the sacrifices of Mass celebrated every day by all the Missionaries in the Mountain Province. God bless your efforts, dear subscribers, and above all your persons and enterprises. Rev. 0. Vandewalle. P. 0. B. 1393, Manila, P. I. While going to p1"t"ss, St. Scholastica College. Manila sends :10s more subscriptions. Three ehee1'l> for the students of St. Scholasea College. ~ CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED Blessed Little Flower's fund for the Bokod Mission. Anonl·mously hy mail: - - - - - - P 2.00 Previously Recelrnd: - - - - - - - .. 126.!IO Total P128 .00 T" sapp;Jl't a catechist at Ma.ya.oyao: from Assumption College, lllanila. !" 30.CO St. Paul's Institute, Dumwruete. - - - " 0.50 l\llss Juanita Javellana.. - - - - - - " 4.00 St. Paul's Institute, Manila. - - - - - " !l.50 Miss Lottie Trosky. - - - - - - - - " 4.CO Mrs.Gardner. - ----------·• 2.00 Miss Car. Roth.--------- - " 1.00 Miss Emma Smith, and some other working girls. for J<'. Claerhoudt. - " S0.00 Ml~s K. Guttenbergh. ------- "10.00 Total P14t.Oo All the Missionaries of the Province recomm1md their benefactors at each mass. We gratefnlly acknowlPdge the receipt of canceled stamps, for the beneHt of the Missions, from: Josefa Prudencio, Pasig, Rizal (2 times) Irenea Prudencio. Pasig. Rizal. Sil vestra Prudencio, Pasig, Rizal. Juan Genegaban, Carles, Iloilo. Clemente Aradlllos, Legaspi, ~anlla. Ignacia Garcia, 8to. Domingo, llocos Sur. .JA There is a charity which consists in withholding words, in keeping back harsh judgement, in abstaining from speech, if to speak is tQ condemn. Such charity hears the. tale of slander, but does not repeat it; lil~tens in silence, but forbears comment: then locks the unpleasant secret up in the very depths of the heart. Truth which is not charitable springs from a charity which is not true.-St. F1·ancis de Sales.