The Novena of Atonement


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

The Novena of Atonement
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
100 The Novena of Atonement Dear Father Carlu: Encouraged by two graces received during the two last novenas to Our Lady of the Atonement (recovery of one who was paralyzed and the cure of one who had suffered for a long time of headache)· 1 forward you herewith another petition. S. R. I 70 intentions were recommended during the novena of Sept em her. The aoove letter of acknowledgment shows that Our Lady of the Atonement is not invoked in vain. It would be too long too publish the many letters of acknowledgment of favors received. Petitions must be sent in before the Saturday after the first Friday of the month. Rev. Father Carlu. In Disaulse While visiting the poor of the town nf gil"enach one day. St. Elizabeth of Hunga.ry found a leprous child that needed care. Lifting the laothsome, sufl'ering little hody into her own arms, she bore ft to the castle and laid it in her own bed and comforted its pain. This made the mother of Louis, who was St. ElizalJeth's husband, very ang ry. To thin!~ of bringing the sick child into the house and even into her own bed! And when Louis came home she complained bitterly: "Elizabeth has lost her right mind. Look what she .has done now. She has brought a leprous child into the house and laid it in her bed." Louis did become impatient and went te remonstrate with his wife. "Did you bring a leprous child into the house?" he began. " Come!" said Elizabeth sweetly: and she quietly led the way to her room. Lo! what they saw! How all eyes opened wide with wonder! There lay a child, a smiling child, fair and soft, and beautiful beyond telling, who faded from their sigt and left the bed empty even while they looked on. The child was Our Lord in disguise, who wished to assure them of the truth of the words He spoke when on earth: " Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it t o me."