

Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province XIX (9) May 1950
Conduct of life
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Editorials One of the purposes of ''THE LITTLE APOSTLE OF THE MOUNTAIN PROVINCE" is to promote the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You will find in this issue (page 14) a candid and inspiring "Song of May": Aniwan-the old man-with his childlike devotion to Mary ... , and the little children-the angels of Maygathered around their Mother. Read also "Don Bosco to his Filipino Boys" (page 28). Shall we too, young and old, boys and girls, gather around Mary during the month of May? Shall we too "look for Mary?" "I shall not rest" said St. John Berchmans, "until I have found Mary." Shall we too make the month of May a "Mary-finding month?" There are many ways that lead to the Heart of Mary, and among them is the ROSARY, one of the Church's richest devotional treasures, the devotion Our Mother loves the most. Were all men to pray the rosary every day,· there would be peace. The trouble is that men do not heed the message of Mary and plan to rule the world without God, without Mary ... No wonder the horizon is dark with the threatening of another war! May is the month most appealing for a start of the Five First Saturdays. It was in May that Mary appeared for the first time to the three children at Fatima. The promise attached to this devout practice is most appealing, particularly the promise at the hour of death to help with the graces needed for salvation those who have observed the first Saturdays of five consecutive months and shall have confessed their sins and received Holy Communion, and kept company with the Blessed Mother for fifteen minutes with the intention of making reparation to her. No rosaryless day in May! Why not form the habit of going to bed WITH OUR ROSARY? and falling asleep with the name of Mary on our lips? Mary will continue our "unfinished beads." And the beads we will leave "unfinished" at the hour of death, we will continue them in heaven, around Mary, "THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN." Our Family Circle THE LITTLE FLOWER, TEACHER OF ALL VIRTUES. The "PRESENCE OF GOD" is nothing else but a feeling of deep recollection and respect, by which the soul ever looks up at God being present to her or at least around the corner. The Old and New Testaments are literally filled with references to that INTIMACY of God with men; it produces MUTUAL CONFIDENTIAL INTERCOURSE and effusion, the source of w~?t we call "the happiness of the soul. "Habitabo cum eis," said God, "I will live with them." God does not only live WITH US, but IN US. He wants to be "at home" in us as ONE OF THE FAMILY. And the Little Flower often said, "Don't underestimate this; faithfully keep company with Him; if you do not reach there within one year, keep on .... , you -8may reach there sooner or later." Did Jesus not say: "If anyone loves me, my Father too will love him, and we will make our abode in him." Therese, therefore, tried by all means to love Jesus more and more; and to such an effusion and demonstration of true love neither Jesus, nor His heavenly Father, nor the Spir· it of love can resist. That's why she exclaimed: ''I keep the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity prisoners of my love." Continually did Therese seek Them in the solitude, day and night, as true lovers are wont to do. Now we understand her words: "I wonder what more I shall find in heaven than what I have already now. Of course, I shall see Him; but nothing more, since I possess Him already now." Mary knoll College UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS 610 Pennsylvania :\venue MANILA Collegiate • High School • Elementary • Kindergarten ANNOUNCEMENT for the School Year 1950,51 First day of enrollment--June 19 First day of classes -June 26 Enrollment with fine of P5June 27 to July 1 Requests for catalogues (please specify the particular course in which you are interested) should be addressed to the Secretary General or the Registrar of the University. -9