The Bishop walks into the trap


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

The Bishop walks into the trap
Delpe, Alb
The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province XIX (9) May 1950
Christianity and culture
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
up, THE CHAPEL OF TETEP-AN MIDDLE AND BOTTOM' CHRISTIANS ON THE CHURCHYARD AT TETEP-AN, BONTOC ~ aaaaaalQ~ :t: C' by Rev. Alb. Depre a anaaDJ:J!Q ~ "P -~~ ~c:,HOP WALKS INlJJ-<9 TO THE TRAP. :c f-4 v isitors touring the Mountain Province, leaving the Baguio-Bontok trail at seven kilometers before reaching Bontok, to climb the curving road leading to Sagada have certainly noticed the picturesque barrios of Antadao and Tetep-an with their wonderful rice terraces, beautiful scenery and typical huts scattered between the camote fields. Simple and good people are living there. All the missionaries who at one time or another stayed at the Bontok mission, from where these barrios are visited, will tell you that it has always been a consolation to visit there on mission trip. There are many fervent Christians, simple souls, people poor in earthly goods but rich in faith and grace. Barrio Kilong, where the Catholic school, with five grades, and the chapel are situated is, with an exception of a dozen old men, entirely Christian. Every Sunday the small chapel is so overcrowded that two prayer-services are to be held. When the priest goes to visit them two Sundays a month, he has to offer two masses. This is an inconvenience for the people, because those who come from distant places find the chapel already crowded when they arrive and often miss ·he opportunity to go to confession and to receive Holy Communion. Several times they suggested that their chapel be enlarged. And this is where our dear Bishop walked into a trap during his pastoral visit. His visit to administer Confirmation had been announced for March 7th. Notified ab:::>ut the coming of their Shepherd, many went to meet the Bishop at the road. Their -17feastly gansa' s (gongs) sounded like the peals of cathedral bells. The next day, the Bishop administered Confirmation to more than 200 people, in two shifts. When Monsignor saw the assembly, he decided to offer Mass in open air. It was a beautiful sight and deeply edifying to see the long rows of people in colorful native dresses kneeling a.nd praying with sincere devotion. After the H. Mass, a delegation of leading "la.cays" of the barrios came to see the bishop. They selected the best "diplomat" to do the talking. I felt what was coming. "Your Excellency has conceded already the point we wanted to present. _You have seen the large congregation standing outside under the hot sun-rays during H. Mass. You permitted Holy Mass to be celebrated in open air. Twenty years ago our chapel was too large; now it cannot accomodate our people anymore. Therefore, we humbly request you to have our chapel enlarged." What could the bishop do but promise that their wishes would be granted? But now, he and Father Leon Quintelier, the Rector of our mission, are scratching their heads; for that will mean an extra burden on the already too heavy budget of the mission. These poor people are wiliing to contribute their manual labor. So they are decided to pray God to move some generous hearts to help secure the funds needed to purchase the materials. Do you think God will disappoint them? -><=><le!><=><Going with -me to the North Pole The 1 famous North Pole explorer, Sir Rooert Scott, appealed to Lloyd George, at that time Secretary of Finances, for some official subsidy for his forthcoming expedition to the North Pole; but Lloyd George seemed little interested in that expedition and he advised Scott to ask help from a certain rich and generous englishman who was known as fond of such expeditions. Scott went as he was told. VI/hen he came back, Lloyd George smilingly asked: "Well Mr. Scott, did you succeed?'' And Scott answered: "Sure, I did. He gave me at once $5,000, and he promised me $150,000 more if I could make you agree to come along with me, and finally he promised me $5,000,000 more, if then I could manage to let you alone behind on the Polar Ice ... " for school and after school • ~ ""'~ • 8~ Th:: fountain pen with points for every student use. Distributors J. P. HEILBRONN CO. :J7.) Atlanta, Port Area, Manila. TEL· 3-36-17 & 3-36-18 -18