The Balancing zoo


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The Balancing zoo
Young Citizen, 7 (9) September 1941
Animals in art
Animal forms in decoration and ornamentation
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SEPTEMBER, 1941 THE YOUNG . CITIZEN 333 TIU: BALANCING ZOO ON THIS PAGE is shown a collection of balancing animals. You can make them easily out of old post-cards or a thin piece of cardboard. First, draw each animal as shown in these p"ictures, taking care to keep to the same proportions, though you can make the animal bigger or smaller·. The curve of the body must be kept in order to get the balance. With the lizard and the monkey there be a good curve of tail at die end. Having drawn the outlin~- of each animal, color each with crayola or colored chalk. Then cut each animal out very carefully. See that the projecting claw, beak, trunk, or hand is well curved and pointed. Each toy should then balance itself on the tip of a finger or the point of a pencil. If it is well made, it will balance itself firmly and easi-Iy. There is science as well as fun in the Balancing Zoo. Let us take the lizard, for exainple, and see why it balances so (Please turn to page 339.) SEPTEMBER, 19+1 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 339 A FRIDAY PROGRAM FLYING WHEEL MAKING A SCRAP BOOK (Continued from page 337) (Continued from page 332) (Continued from "page 337) very much, ·tor the magi- Then between these draw side of it also. Then I loosecian did many marvellous two more lines, and then ly tie all the sheets and the things. He taught us all four more, so there are cover together with a fancy how to do one trick, but eight lines crossing the cen- ribbon which. I ·save from there· is no fun in a trick ter at equal distances apart a bqx of candy. after you understand how as shown in the first picture. I find great pleasure in it is done. With a sharp penknife making a scrap book in_ this The program committee cut along these straight way,. and the scrap books never tells what is going to Jines and then turn the which I have made seem to ?e. given at the program- poin;s upward and down- give pleasure to my classit is always ,kept secret un- ward alternately, as shown mates. Mother is glad to til the thime comes: 1 And in the second. picture. The have me make su. ch scrap then-w at a surprise. · · b k · W II . 1 . flying wheel 1s now com1 oo s, for she thinks I learn e a enioy p anning 1 S . II' h · · h A the programs, getting them p ete. et 1t ro .mg out- t ,mgs mt at way. ny way d d . . th doors during a windy day 1t s lots of fun to make one. rea y, an giving em. . T . · Our teacher thinks this is on a smooth walk, .and 1t ry 1t. an incentive to cause us to will whirl along at a great ----------read stories' and poems in speed. BALANCING ZOO search of program mate- (Conti11ued from page 333) rial, and teaches us to have WIND-BALL well. The reason is that by initiative and executi,·e (Contiliued frorfl page 332 ) curling the tail and curving abil_ity. on one side of the table, the body the center of WINDOW BOXES another boy on' the other gravity of the whole object . side, and the two boys can is kept down towards the ( (iontlnu•d from page 337 ) blow it backwards and for- lower half and under the slope; I washed the earth wards. projecting claw, so that the from it and dried it. After the six boxes were Y o.u can make a game by animal is not top heavy. filled with soil and were in drawing a chalk mark The same principle apthe windows, my problem across the - center -of the plies to each of the. toyswas to find suitable flower- table. One boy tries to blow the shaping and curving ing plants. I planted some the wind-ball across the keeps the center of gravity wdena-de-amor in each box line. The other tries to just where it should be to' and some nasturtiums. prevent him from doing preserve the balance. This got some petunias also, and this and at the same time is often done by means of some small sized mari- tries to blow it acros& the a lead weight. If these cardgolds. After a few months line. When a boy succeeds, board animals are well my plants began to bloom. he scores one point. The made, no. lead weight is How pretty they looked, boy scoring five points first needed. and how attractive· they wins the game. Don't you So these interesting toys made the windows appear! 1 want' to make a wind-ball?, are quite scientific.