Two kinds of cakes and their icing IN the Young Citizen pantry [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Two kinds of cakes and their icing IN the Young Citizen pantry [column]
Young Citizen, 7 (9) September 1941
Icings (Confectionery)
Children's recipes and cookbooks
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SEPTEMBER, 1941 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 33.I TWO KINDS OF CAKES AND THEIR iCING Angel Food Qake egg whites. Put sugar, ually, beating . well after Ingredients needed: 8 cream· of tartar and hot each addition. Sift the whites of eggs; I teaspoon water in a saucepan. Stir· flour, ·baking powder, and of cream of'tartar; I cup over a low flame until dis- cocoa together. Add altersifted· flour; 1 · cup sifted solved. Boil the · syrup nately with the milk. Beat sugar; I teaspoon vanilla; without stirring until it. will between each addition. 114 teaspoon salt. Beat the spin a thread when drop· Then melt the butter and whites of the eggs slightly. ping from a spoon or until add to the batter. Beat. Add the salt and cream of the thermometer registers Flavor with vanilla .. Bake tartar, and beat till stiff. 238 degrees F. Beat the in a loaf pan for about. 40 Add the sifted sugar grad- white of the eggs until they minutes at 350 degrees F. ually, beating between each are stiff. and dry. Then pour For the icing to this addition. Sift the .flour 3 the syrup onto the egg\!Vhite cake you'll need the follow. times. Fold lightly into the in a thin, steady $!ream, ing ingredients:· 1 white of mixture. Then add the beating constantly as you egg; I tablespoon water; 2 vanilla. Turn the batter pour. Beat until the frost- cups confectioner's sugar; into an ungreased tube pan. ing is thick enough to I teaspoon vanilla; I cake Bake 60 minute& in a. spread. Add the pineapple bitter chocolate. Beat moderate oven at 325 de- and orange cut ·into bits. slightly in a bowl the white grees F. Turn the pan up· Stir into the frosting. of ·egg and water. Add side down on. a wire rack. Spread on the cake with a sifted sugar gradually. Beat Let the cake cool in the spatula. Decorate with can- between each addition. pan. died cherries and angelica Continue beating after the A good icing for angel cut into thin slices. sugar is all used until thick food cake may be prepared Chocolate Cake enough to spread. Flavor. in the following manner. Ingredients: 2 eggs; I Spr~ad on the top and sides Ingredients: !c!/2 cups cup sugilr; 1/2 cup milk; 1 of the cake with a spatula. sugar; 1/8 teaspoon cream cup flour; 112 cup cocoa; 4 Melt the chocolate in a of tartar; 112 cup hot tablespoons butter; I tea- double boiler. .Cover the water; 1 teaspoon vanilla; spoon vanilla; 2 teaspoons icing with a thin layer of I sliced candied pineapple; baking powder. Break eggs hot chocolate. "For variety I slice candied orange; an- into a mixing bowl and beat the chocolate may be flagelica; candied cherries; 2 well. Add the sugar grad- vored with peppermint.