Screen star liberator wing commander


Part of The Freeman

Screen star liberator wing commander
The Freeman Volume I (Issue No. 5) June 1945
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
P H Th a Freeman Two Nip Surrenders To RegtT Surgeon A Japanese soldier surrendered j to Lieut. Pcd-o A. Arches, j Regt'i Surgeon, 7o Infantry, on 28 May 45. The medical office* : was on his way back to his CP ; from fiii inspection tour of 3rd Bn perimeter when he discovered > the enemy hiding in a thick | ou>h. The Jap was turned over ! to a representative of the 160th. Infantry, 40th Division. Room For All’ Says District Commander! .......... i Lieut ..Col- SALVADOR ABCEDE, DC, 7MD, declared ; that there is a room for every ¡ officer and enlisted man who ; would like to continue in the i {Service. > The District Commander also : paid that no one s h o old ¡ feel that he is being “kicked ¡ out”. The District Hqs would ¡ welcome all men who desire to stay with their Units, he added. Sams Jap Tactics i ¿n South TACTICS applied by the Japanese, now pocketed in the ¡ mount ins of Dumaquete are 1 similar to the ores lhev are I applying here in central Negros ¡ battlefront. according to Lt. ■ Col. Ernesto S. Mat% CO. 72nd : Division, who just arrived from Oriental Negros on an inspection trio. . He added that the American and Philippine Army troops iu that area expect to finish the enemy by the end of this month. Vacated Fests Will Be R«turaed ¡ Ho b. SALVADOR BENEDICTO, member, provincial board- ' said lately th t vacated positions I of officers and men who enlisted ' for militvy service with the Seventh Military District will be reserved for then whenever they • could effect thei* release from the Army. “It has always been the policy of the Government to give ~back former posts of ompieyees who have served the Cause, that is why all positions now in the Government are temporary.” I Mayor Overhauls City police Force Mayor Aurelio L. Locsin of Bacolo.i announced recently ¿be reorganization of the local police | forctf in order to create an effjcient and honest police department. The city executive al^o < declared that public safety, peace and order must be preserved in the City at all cost and he has the opinion that only a force fh<t is strong arid highly efficient could maintain public order. The Mayor begun to eliminate | those in the present police bureau notqnalifhd for the post, A policeman should be at least 5 ft 6 inches tall, second year high school, and with no previous criminal record. After the reorganization, the Mayor will hold classes for the policemen who will be instructed on subjects connected with their work, some of which are: civil statute®, city ordinances, first aid, [ j j'tsu and fencing. Boxing and | wrestling lessons will also be given. : i Screen Star Liberator Wing ; Commander J^mes Stewart, Hollywood’s ¡ most eligible bachelor, was re- ¡ ceüt'v promoted to Colonel in the | AAF and appointed Commander ’ of Liberator Bomber Wing. j Stewart was once stationed ! at Moffet Field. California, as ! a p-ivate and fhen raLed to ' a.Corpor-1. But since he h.d many f Lying hours ns a civilian ; he w h s later commissioned Sec- • ond Lieutenant. His Ti6e was i slow until lately when he ww : promoted to hi* present rank. ; The Dumaguete Free Philippines j said" the assignment pays a great ; tribute to Co’onel Stewart who ! has proven him-elf r valuable fighter, and leader of men. The screen actor was twice rejected by the army authorities for beiug underweight. Before he finally passed all qualifications, Stewart starred in finch popular films as The Philadelphia Story with Katherine Hepbu-n Mr. Smith went to j Washington with Jean Arthur, I and Destry Rnlas Again with Marlene Dietrich. He was awarded the Academy “Oscar” for his magnificent performance in Mr. Smith Went to Washington in 1938. More Supplies For Front Lines Major Jaime Dacinay, G-4 TM D, and DQM, declared soldiers fighting io the front lines will be given priority in matters of supplies ever administrative units. He said that the combat teams will have all necessary considerations by supply offices under bis jurisdiction. Supplies placed in reserve are being stocked for emergency measures and unless it is absolutely necessary these commodities must not be rationed. Major Dacanay also said that he is not giving out supplies to families of officers and enlistedinen due to the fact the present allotment from the G-4, 40th Division is not enough to feed the actual number of the Filipino forces now in the front. Families of soldiers who have no means whatsoever will be extended help if there should be an excess of supplies for all the units, he added. Municipal Mayors Below are the names of town executives for Occidental Negros released by the Office of the Provincial Governor; Bago, Basilio Lopez; Binelba gan. Augurio Abeto; Cadiz, Man* uel Escalante; Calatrava, Honorato Ulgasan; Cawayan, Godofredo Lirnzan; Escalante, Victor B. Hedonía; Hirnamfiylan, Agustin M. Gituslao, Hinigaran, Ricardo G. Lagtapon; Ilog, Emiliano Tejada., Isabela, Manuel Yulo; Kabankalan, Norberto Cordova; La Carlota, Jose Y Jalar doni; La Castellana, Gregor?o Henares; Manapla, Mamerto Ferraris; Murcia, Jose D. Santiago; Pontevedra, Miguel Perez; Pulupandsn, Joie C, Jacildo; Sagay, Teodoro Lopez: Ssn Carlos, Eugenio Antonio Jr. San Enrique, Jose Sola; Saravia, Jose Yorac: Silay, Atty. Rieardo Ledesma: Talisay, Mumeriano T. VillMva, Valladolid. Ananias Oricio, Victo*ias, JoseJover. Season’s Outstand» ing Social Affair The Saturday’s Children^ party and dance turned out to be one of the liveliest social event8 of 19.45. Feminine pulchritude ! was on display amidst officers in ’ khaki uniform and gentlemen in coats and ties. The food wad plentiful, th*3 service par excellent, and everybody had fun.