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Part of The Freeman

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The Freeman Volume I (Issue No. 5) June 1945
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page The Freeman Four The FREEMAN Published Weekly at DHQ, 7MD, PA. Lieut. A. C. FERRARIS EDITOR Lieut. C. P. HOF1LEÑA ASSISTANT Staff Sgt. D. Hortillosa Sit. C. Plame Pfc. S. Murillo Pfc, L. Mortillero Pvt. Ernesto Arroa EDITORIAL COLUMN RIGHT Sometimes Critical, often Amusing, but always Authentic rule here because many still kept to until a companion wou'd touch new ere in the City whtire pave for the roar of brroy trucks and rumble of jeeps aud the mi areally hi>h price? of commodities, everything has settled down to more or less peacetime atmosphere. But it seems also that we have forgotten t'> ,i ñ; hting'st'l'. rages a few miles away from where we leisurely drink a cup of coffee. C vi i,.,-.; -h>uld pi.ticularly use some means and extent what little help they could to the F<1-A nierican troops engaged in a death-struggle against a de’perate and tre cherous enemy. Instead of living weekly parties for Army personnel in Baeolod who are apparently having a lot of fun by themselves, why should this act of eenerousi ty be »<>t also extended to our troopB hi the battlefront?? Charitable institutions should I bear in mind that a piece of native-made caudyj a slice of home-baked cake would g ve the boys) up jheir some hing to brag about. These little things m»y as those rationed to them, but then the thought* fullness, thespirit, is a vital factor la bolstering up their over-fatigued morale. Our boys have already done much in the pa»t. This fact was acknowleged by Majfir General Rapp Brush when he commended the District Cornmauder and his men for “the splendid service rendered”. We are confident that our boys will continue to fight with vim and vigor, aud would exert greater efforts t® wipe out the enemy if they know that while they are fighting’ for God, Country and People, those back home are also working hard and making sacrifices. We should not be indifferent to those heroes whose deeds are “milestoueB on the path to liberation and peace ’. We mast also do our part for .3 is only thus th-t we could expect this human conflict come toan early, su cessful end. ACF. I IT was fuhny in the early morning of June 1 when th® order to drive on the right lane of jthe highways took effect. Even American drivers seemed to have already got used to our traffic the left and them cn the elbow or remind them of the regulati n that they swayed to the right. After both vehicies had passed each '¡there could b® seen a ticklish smile on driver’s face. • Au American driver of the Red dropped late one afternoon at District Baeolod Branch, ahd inquired for the address of a certain Mr. Bablsta whose wife in Manila was sending word to him through the American Red Cross. The driver was informed that there is only one Babista in Negros ahd that fellow was formerly senior inspector of the Japanese constabulary. “A co'laborator?’' he asked, ^nd. like a flash he tore the letter to bits. In that ca?e I won’t trouble my«eii looking for him ;anu this letter. You know what I meant.” he continued and immediately turned his back' £nq left. eth6i 6&ch Cross Hq8. O:i intersections bordering the public plaza we saw American MPs and Filipino public safety officers directing traffic, 1 June 45. This is a great improvement to avoid accidents and ¡makn pedestrians safe from reckless drivers and Í the authorities concerned *tu’ated. i not be as delicious ¡()f There has been a flies in the City should be congragreat invasion force lately. Would be for the public good if street he covered, dumps aud other be applied with preventives. up some refreshment cafe"! and restaurants infested by these germ carriers temporarily. not3 can poo’? about closing it garbage stagnant Or how parlors, SALVAGED CLOTHES:—Salvaged clothes dumped by the American’ at the DQH.. supply depot were im<. mediately apportioned to all combat units in tbe front lines. A representative from The FREEMAN was pre* -ent when the second-hand uniforms were distributed. “I hope some more will be coming so that every soldier in the firing line cou d have his own Bhare,” Major Jaime Dacunay, G 4, 7MD, and DQM, said. This weekly publication belongs to the Army, by ths Army, and for the Army- Address all contributions to The Editor, DHQ, BscoloaCity. State name, rank, designation, unit. Articles should be typewritten and