Revenue collections reach P7.3 billion


Part of Government Report

Revenue collections reach P7.3 billion
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Government Report, Monday, July 12,1976 3 Filipinos Staying A broad Illegally Filipinos who left the Philippines illegally are the continuing subject of a survey by Philippine diplomatic and consular establishments abroad. Several Filipino citizens left the Philippines with forged or improper travel documents. Many of them were recruited by unscrupulous agents who extracted from them substantial amounts of money on the false promise that they will be given gainful employment in their countries of destination. A great number of them are now facing immigration and technical problems in those countries. Their predicament is compounded by the fact that many of them possess passports and visas that are not valid. All foreign service outposts abroad have been directed to mount a survey within their territorial jurisdiction with respect to the number of Filipinos in such situation. The Department of Foreign Affairs, of late, has discovered a large number of travel applications supported by false documents. The travel committee of the FM Orders Ople To Assume Control Over WCC^.ses President Marcos ordered Labor Secretary Blas F. Ople to assume and exercise effective jurisdiction over workmen’s compensation cases pending as of March 31, this year. Under Presidential Decree No. 952, the President vested the labor secretary “additional power and authority to determine, dispose of and to take final action on workmen’s compensation cases pending as of the said date before the Workmen’s Compensation Commission and Workmen’s Compensation units in the labor department’s regional offices, and those cases remanded or to be remanded by the Supreme Court for further proceedings.” Under the Labor Code (PD 442) the compensation commission and units, together with the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation, were abolished as of March 31, 1976. With the abolition of these offices, there were and still are workmen’s compensation cases to be acted upon or finally disposed of and similar cases on appeal in the Supreme Court which may be remanded for further proceedings. The President directed the labor secretary to take over these cases “in order not to prejudice the claimants and employers thereby assuring a speedy dispensation of justice.” All cases pending before and DFA has noted that many requests for business, technical training, attendance in conferences or seminars, etc. have been submitted on letterheads that are fictitious or were obtained from respectable firms without authorization. In some cases, the request were made by certain firms to accommodate friends and relatives who are not officially connected with or employed in such firms. The applications, at times, were supported by fake or false invitation letters, income tax returns, financial statements, and other documents. A number of the applicants who have submitted such false documents are now under investigation and will be charged criminally together with their accomplices. In this connection, the Department of Foreign Affairs is warning anew travel applicants against submitting false travel applications and is reminding the public again not to deal with travel fixers or any person not authorized to solicit travel business, but only with agents. duly docketed by the units and the commission shall be processed and adjudicated in accordance with law, rules and procedures existing at the time their causes of action accrued, according to the decree. Decisions, orders or resolutions by the labor head on these cases may be reviewed on “certiorari” by the Supreme Court on questions of law upon petition of an aggrieved party within ten days from notice. The decree stipulates that all decisions, orders or resolutions of the labor secretary which have become final and executory shall be enforced and executed in the same manner as decisions or orders of the Court of First Instance. The labor secretary shall furthermore have the power to issue to the city or provincial sheriff or to the sheriff whom he may appoint such writs of execution as may be needed for the enforcement of such decisions, orders or resolutions. Anyone who shall fail or refuse to comply therewith shall be punished by the labor secretary for contempt. The decree empowers the labor secretary to draw personnel from his department and its attached agencies and those available from the Employes’ Compensation Commission, to assist in the disposition of and final action on the cases. Revenue Collections Reach P7.3 Billion The Bureau of Internal Revenue reported last week a P7.3 billion gross collection from all internal revenue taxes for fiscal year 1975-1976 ending June 30. The amount represents an increase of >400 million over the P6.9 billion collected by the BIR in the preceding fiscal year. The P7.3 billion tax collection, however, is short by P600 million over the bureau’s goal of P7.9 billion. The deficit, according to the BIR, was due to the exhaustion of the BIR’s tax collection resources, including the expiration of tax amnesty and taxes collected under Letter of Instructions No. 308 which is non-recurrent. HUMAN SETTLEMENTS - President Marcos and the First Lady, Mrs. Imelda Romualdez Marcos, discuss with Brig. Gen. Gaudencio Tobias the establishment of industries around settlement vtes to give meaning to the country's human settlements program. Concurrently the Metro Manila governor. Mrs. Marcos provides inspiring leadership to the program that Tobias as general manager of the National Housing Authority gives concrete form. Propose Establishment Of Data Banking System The Planning and Project Development Office of the Department of Public Works, Transportation, and Communication, has proposed the establishment of a data banking system in the government machinery to make information readily available to users in both government and private sectors. Data banking, according to the planning office, supports development planning in the country. The proposal is contained in a recent study on the subject which the planning agency completed recently. The study provides a perspective on the various attempts to organize data banks which attempts were interpreted as manifestations of the increasing sopNon- Traditional Exports Increase Non-traditional exports posted an average annual increase of 36.6 per cent from $107.06 million in 1970 to a high of $108.77 million in 1975. Traditional exports, on the other hand, rose by an average compound rate of only 11.6 per cent, from $1.02 billion in 1970 to $1.77 billion last year. The Board of Investments, analyzing the country’s export performance for the last five years, said the growth rate in non-traditional exports was significant in the light of a World Bank study forecasting an annual growth rate of only 17,5 per cent to reach a level of $198 million in 1975. The BOI explained that the performance record actually shows that the targetted amount was surpassed in 1973 to reach the amount of $373.38 million histication of planning, decisionmaking, and policy formulation in the government The study notes that there exists a vast amount of data in various agencies of the government, but these data cannot be used simply because they are not organized for the users, adding that government planners are hampered in their jobs because of disorganized data. A unique feature of the PPDO’s proposed data bank is its pragmatic growth strategy which may serve as a model for other organizations wishing to establish their own data banks. The strategy is built on the usefulness of the data bank at any given time. Usefulness is the principal purpose of any data bank, in 1975. The actual rate of growth, from 1972 to 1975, was 36.8 per cent against World Bank’s projected 17.5 per cent BOI Governor Conrado Sanchez said the BOI will focus on the area of non-traditional exports to develop and diversify the country’s export pattern. Last year, BOI-registered firms exported $170.77 million worth of non-traditional manufactured exports. These exports have been increasing at an average of 55.4 per cent per annum, a rate faster than the growth of total manufactured exports as a whole. The growth in non-traditional unmanufactured exports benefitted strongly from the increase in banana, and lately, nickel exports, Governor Sanchez said. according to the PPDO, and this is achieved by being of immediate service to users at any stage of the data bank’s evolution. Four inter-related components are defined in the PPDO’s data bank report. These are the environmental data system (ENDS), the data and agency referral subsystem (DARES), the related programs projects subsystem (REPS), and the planning technique subsystem (PLATS). The study also recommends the active intervention of an “information broker,” possibly the National Economic and Development Authority. The “information broker” will oversee the coordinated growth of a data banking system for planning in the country, the PPDO said.
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