Catholic News of Interest


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Catholic News of Interest
Catholic Church--Facts
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Facts and figures on Catholicism
CATHOLIC NEWS.• • • • OF INTEREST ROME. During the first days of May, 350 U.S. sailors of the Mediterranean Fleet joined 30,000 other H. Year pilgrims for a papal audience in St. Peter's. 700 others American service men joined the Navy party. 30 of the sailors made their First H. Communion at this occasion and were afterwards confirmed by the Italian Military Ordinary. LONDON. 6 Oxford undergraduates bought a 1933-old Taxicab, for $90 only, with which they plan to motor from England to Rome (some 2000 miles far) Good luck! boys; and hope You come home with your Taxi! 1950 CATHOLIC MOTHER. Mrs. John Bauer of Manchester. Mich. has been named the U.S. Cath'Olic Mother for 1950. Mrs. Bauer 'has 14 children, 4 of them Priests . and five daughters Religious? Sisters 'of Mercy. She married in 1890 and is a widow since 1936. Congratula, tions Mrs. Bauer; your marriage has surely been blessed by the Lord not only in number, but also in qu~lity. Mabuhay! 45 of the Catholic Children in U.S. Public Schools. or 55 of U.S. Catholic Children attend Catholic Schools. According to P .I. standard this is a very great number. How great is the per cent of the Filipino Catholic Children attending Catholic Schools? SAINT MARY GORETTI. Last June 25th the H. Father Pope Pius XII has decerned the honors of Canonisation to St. Mary Goretti, the "Virgin Martyr of the 20th Century" who was savagely killed on July 6, 1902, by a disappointed lover, ~ho had attacked her and vainly mduced her to sin with him. Mary was only 12 years old, but she defended herself so well. while shouting: "No, no! It is sin. and God does not want it. You will go to hell!" And the 19-year-old Alexander Serenelli dragging her into the kitchen plunged 14 times his dagger into her chaste body; then he ran. Mary died of her wounds the following day, July 6; not before forgiving the murderer and promising to pray God, to convert Him. 8 years later Mary appeared to Alexander Serenelli, who was in, prison; and forthwith the murderer till now unrepenting changed completely and started a life of penance, working as a simple gardener \n a Capuchin Monastery in Italy. He was present at the Beatification and Canonisation of his innocent victim . St. Mary Goretti is the MODERN Patron-Saint of our MODERN feminine youth so often in danger of losing the flower of purity. When your life is ·over, you will save only what you have given. You will lose all that you hue selfishly kept, -14
Date Issued
XIX(11) July, 1950