

Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Independence Day--Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Commentaries of the editor to the celebration of Philippine Independence Day.
EDITORIALEvery year July brings us the Official Celebration of our National Independence: JULY the 4th. And I want all readers of the Little Apostle to be happy and proud of the fact that our Phillppines now stands in the row of the free nations. The sacrifice made by Dr. Jose Rizal and so many others has not been in vain; and the Philippines occupy a place of honor amongst the nations of the earth, specially amongst the nations of the Far East. Very few realize tha~ this fact is due in a great way to the 3 century old preparation which we received from Mother Spain, thro the Catholic Faith . If the Philippines will prove worthy of the Independence given to them by the generosi~ of the United States, it is, whatever opponents may opine, due to the fact that the Philippines have learned to honor God, and to love their neighbor as themselves. As long as our blessed Isles will understand and practise this, nothing or no one can take away from us this inheritance of freedom. But should the love of God, and the love of our neighbor sadly disappear, freedom and independence, peace and prosperity will a!so disappear, to give place to fear, disorder and slavery, the curse at present of so many countbes where no one dares any more to speak freely what he thinks. To enjoy freedom men ouqht to love God and their neighbor too. Re~igion was, is, and will always be the strongest pillar upon which wiil rest the patrimony of freedom, given to our people, and our rulers for the benefit of all. Eradicate religion in a country, and you make it ready for slavery. Freedom and Religion are two quick-silvers climbing and declining together. Therefore the issue is very clear. It is more religious than financial; more religious than educational; more religious than social. We should never fear that the Republic of the Philippines will founder and disappear after an ephemeral splendour, as long as the great majority of our citizens are aware and conscious of this, and live accordingly. How sweet, the melody of the «KALTCHANG». p .. 0 T 0 c. A E .. T s
Date Issued
XIX(11) July, 1950