Our Family Circle


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Our Family Circle
Families--Catholic Church--Sermon
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Our FAMILY CIRCLE Not only Faith, but Hope too is as necessary to us all as it is beautiful. Hope makes us trust God, who promised us His help, here on earth, and His Heaven hereafter. Hope gives a wonderful spirit and feeling to life. Even should we not receive what we pray for, if we trust God, never will we feel discouraged and downhearted; for we understand that God must have his reasons and his plans for us; so that we just accept sufferings as well as we receive consolations. The foremost fountain from where springs forth our Hope is God's wisdom & goodness and power, and love for us. Let us be soaked by these thoughts in adversity as well as in prosperity, even in the midst of our spiritual troubles, and weaknesses. and never will discouragement be able to overpower us. Jesus is always most pleased whenever He sees that whatever has happened we just continue to stick to Him and to trust in Him. The soul that trusts God, will never seek or only follow creatures for a solution to his troubles. He seeks God first. Neither will we ever be afraid of God, if we accept that reverential fear of God, which is better called love. The Little Flower said once: "God's justice, which makes so many souls afraid, is for me the object of my happiness and trust. I expect as much from God's justice, as I expect from his mercy. Being just, God is also most kind and merciful; for He said Himself so often, and at so many pages of the Holy Writ that HE KNOWS BEST HOW POOR AND INFIRM WE ARE. He knows better than we the stuff we are made of. Frankly I don't understand all those who feel afraid of such a good friend. Maybe we have all to progress much in that spirit of trust in God, even in spite of our many and repeated faults and sins. NOVENA OF THE LAST RESORT (July 1-9) General Intention: TO OBTAIN PEACE & ORDER in the Philippines. Special Peace and order is not primarily a matter of Police action rather a matter of spiritual improvement of the masses. Where Christ reigns supreme there is little need of police prisons tribunals: the 10 Commandments well observed are the best laws for any country of the world. This should be our great Intention during July, the foremost intention of our Novena. Intentions: 1) That SOCIAL JUSTICE may more and more obtain the attention of Employers and of Employees. 2) The private intention of our Readers. -6I think I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree. PHOTO A. L.AMMINEUR MISSION INTENTION FOR JULY. (blessed by the H. Father) A tree that looks at God all day and lift her leafy arms to pray. Joyu Kilmer FOR THE CHRISTIANS IN MOSLEM LANDS. We all know, by experience, how often we find it rather hard to persevere faithfully in our Catholic Faith and Morals, specially if we are somewhat negligent in our daily prayers and devotions. For the temptations of the modern world are all around us, inviting, us, entreating us, often menacing us. Yet we have it comparatively much easier to persevere, in spite of all hardships, than the Christians living in the Lands of the Moslems (or Moros) where Moslems are the majority and their rule undisputed. Often does it happen that christians there must be somewhat of the race of the Martyrs, and therefore do they all need our best prayers, even our generous sacrifices, to obtain from God perseverance in the H. Faith of their baptism. So let us daily give them a share in our prayers and sacrifices. -7
Date Issued
XIX(11) July, 1950