Pagan Mayaoyao's days of obligation


Part of The Little Apostle of the Mountain Province

Pagan Mayaoyao's days of obligation
Natuno, Emilio
Social life and customs -- Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
A story on the traditional beliefs of Mayoyao's in worshiping dieties.
PAGAN MAYAOYAO'S DAYS OF OBLIGATION by Emilio Natuno The many gods and spirits in which my beloved people of Mayaoyao believe not only demand that cosily c.nd often ruinous sacrifices are offered to them throughout the year, or that they observe hundreds of taboos. such as those of the "ichac" birds of which I spoke last month, taboos which curtail their liberty and hinder them very much in their daily life, but they impose also some other observances which are at time no less bothersome. I mean the Mayaoyao's days of obligation called "Ngilin" and Tungaw". These are appointed by the leading performants of their sacrificial rites; they are even recognized by the local civil authorities, and enforced to a certain extent inasmuch as they may molest those who would ventu:r;e to transgress their prohibitions. A "Ngilin" day is usually proc!aimed after an earthquake, a heavy thunderstorm or rain. No one then may go to work in the rice fields or in the sweet potato fields. Everybody he.s to stay at home, lest he wou1d draw upon himself and his family, nay, upon the whole people the wrath of the gods, who certainly, as they believe, would not fail to show their displeasure and anger by causing starvation in one or another way, or else by means of drought, diseases resulting in heavy mortality. The "Tungaw" is the day that marks the beginning of the Mayaoyao year. It is appointed after the harvest. On the day that precedes it the rice chief. the "manungaw" as he is called, offers a great sacrifice while they store his newly harvested rice bundles in his granary, during which he performs some very speciai rites in behalf of the whole Mayaoyao communitv. He invokes the Earthauaker and Thunderer, the' 'Bunbuni'' or Rice gods, the gods of pigs, chickens, fishes, birds, the gods of animal fertility and conjures them to multiply the rice. the chickens, the pigs the children of the people. "Quite an important sacrifice", so they pretend, "for it wins for us protection and welfare". However, this protection and welfare will be blocked, or interrupted, or turned into evil. if thev do not keep fai~hfully and minutiously all the injunctions imposed by the "tungaw". No one is allowed to prepare his meals on that day, pound his rice, fetch water; he must therefore do his cooking on the eve, as well as his pounding and he may not be too particular about having a good glass of fresh water, for he has to take it from the jar which he had to fill at the spring the day before. Neither may he go out and t~ke a walk and loiter around the houses of those who are not his immediate neighbors. Yet he must go down (please turn to page 34) -18METEOR Gets BEST Pictures All"metal body, coated lens ADJUST ABLE FOCUS BUILT-IN EXPOSURE METER 2-~ " x 2-~ " picture, size-620 black and white, color, too. Pre-import control Price P31.50 EVER READY CASE Pl0.00 I When ordering by mail I add 80 centavos Cu Unjieng Bldg,. Escolta cor, T, Pinpin Branches . CEBU-Avenue Theatre Bldg. BACO!.OD-7 Rizal Street CAGAYAN, M;sami• Or.-Canov Rid~. tc the river and take a ritual bath with the others, to wash away a!! possible evi1s that possibly adh8re to his body in a mysterious way. And you, dear readers, if perchance you should wish to pay us a visit and come to our homes in order to ~dmire the beauty of our rice terraces, you are advised to make sure, befor'"har..d, that the day of your choice ba not a tungaw day, lest you would find your way barred and would be obliged to turn round and go hack ~o the p!ace where you started in the You too fall under the obligations of our tungaw day, a.nd should you make an attempt to trespass the sacred boundaries of our villages you certainly wou!d be blamed for having imported together with your o-.-mse!f a number of evils for the year to come. From this, dear reciders, you will rea!ize how hard it is for ail those who have been baptized to live in accordance with the reauirements of their faith, and how much the missionaries need your support so that they may be able to go on with their most laudable work in favor of my poor and ignorant people . --XLIM'S HARDWARE & GLASSWORK Tel. 5233-44th Street Branch: Market Plaza BAGUIO, PHILIPPINES CAN DE LAS "LA MILAGROSA" Candelas marca :·sEESW~X" APROPIADAS a "'ALTAR" liturg1cas PARA TODA OCASION para la Santa Misa Fabrica de Candelas Genuinamente Filipina Calle Clavel No. 522-Esquina Madrid Binondo, Manila -34
Date Issued
XIX(11) July, 1950