The Philippines Herald


Part of The Philippines Herald

The Philippines Herald
Issue Date
The Philippines Herald (November 12, 1970)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
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aniejhilippines Herald NOVEMBER 12, 1970 'JNIYER81TY Ob' 'niE PHILIP PIN falibrary Sydney by night — with the blaze and bustle of Warringah Expressway The Lucky Country" they called Australia in the Sixties. What will the catch-phrase be in the Seventies? The island continent has just completed a decade of economic growth, unprecedented in this century, and trends indicate that Australia's high growth rate of the Sixties could accelerate in the Seventies. The structure of the Australian economy is changing more drastically and more rapidly than the economies of most other countries in the world. The traditional pictur sprawling sheep stations, bounding kangaroos is not as it is unrepresentative. Australia is still one of the great agricultural producing and exporting nations of the world — but today she is much more than this. The country is one of the fastest expanding industrial na­ tions in the Asian region — and one of the newest and richest sources of mineral deposits in the world. The dominating feature of the Australian economy in the Seven­ ties will be minerals, as it was in the late Sixties. All past pro­ jections of export earning from minerals and metals have fallen far below actual sales and the latest estimate, based on existing contracts, is close to $A2,000 mil­ lion annually by the mid-1970’s. In 1968/69 it was $A759 million. This year it will hit the SA1.000 e of Australia as a land of waving wheat crops and so much inaccurate today million mark — $A200 million above the figure predicted two years ago to be reached in 1972. What is more remarkable is that less than a decade ago Australia had an embargo on the export of iron ore because of the scarcity of known reserves. Now, these are officially estimated at 20,000 mil­ lion tons. However, Mr. Russell Madigan, managing director of Hamersley Iron Pty. Ltd., one of Australia’s largest iron ore mi­ ning companies, estimates that the Pilbara area of Western Aus­ tralia alone contains about 100 million million tons of ore — enough to meet world demands for 140,000 years! But it is not only the “moun­ tains of iron” that are adding muscle to the economy. Austra­ lia has the world’s largest reserves of bauxite (the raw material for aluminium;) she is the world’s largest producer of lead, and third in zinc output, outside the Soviet bloc; she ranks first in the production of rutile (used to make the heat-resistant metal for moon rockets) and Zircon; she has large deposits of coal, nickel, phos­ phates, manganese, natural gas and petroleum. The bulk of the minerals now exported are in the raw state — ore as opposed to metal — and there is concern in Australia that she should not become one giant quarry for the rest of the world. A few companies are already processing ore into metal, others are erecting processing plants while others are investigating the possibilities. Each ton of iron ore, or bauxite, or copper, or nickel concentrates processed to one stage further multiplies its earnings many times over. Processed even fur­ ther to refined metal, export ear­ nings would be even greater. The Sixties saw the beginning of the minera) bonanza. The Se­ venties should see the growing trend towards the establishment of fully Integrated precessing plants for this new-found wealth. Although overshadowed by mi­ neral development in the last de­ cade, Australia’s manufacturing industries made rapid progress in the Sixties and today its scope ranges from household appliances to factory machinery, from base metals to precision instruments, from heavy engineering equip­ ment to complex electronic de­ vices. This sector of the economy now directly employs 28 percent of the work-force and its output contri­ butes a similar percentage to the Gross National Product (GJT.P.J. In the past 10 years annual pro­ duction has more than doubled to $A7,000 million. An indication of the maturity of the country’s manufacturing capabilities was the design and building in Australia of the ra­ cing car engines that powered Jack Brabham to victory in. the Formula One World Champion­ ships two years running — In I9B6 and 1967. Last year Peter Revson drove to first place in the Indianapolis “200” and fifth place in the Indianapolis “500” with the help of his Australian design­ ed and built engine. Certain characteristics of the Australian manufacturing indus­ try are epitomized by what has happened in the petrochemical field. This industry is less than 10 years old, yet Australia is al­ ready virtually self-sufficient. This growing self-sufficiency In various fields Is likely to con­ tinue in the Seventies and in one field, petroleum, it is estimated that Australia will be producing 70 percent of its requirements by the end of this decade. A recent observation by a Ger­ man Industrialist after visiting Thursdoy, November 12, 1970 Page 2 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Message I am pleased to take this op­ portunity to let you know about current trading activities bet­ ween the Philippines and Aus­ tralia and what steps are cur­ rently being done to further our mutual efforts to develop reciprocal trade. Next week, a Tasmanian gov­ ernment trade mission will vi­ sit Manila to explore the possi­ bilities for joint venture pro­ jects in the fields of agricul­ ture, dairying and cattle raising — they will be here for three days. hium December 2nd to 5th, the Chemical Industries Trade Mission, about which I have al­ ready announced the details, will be in Manila. Detailed plans for these two missions are now well advanof the Trade Commissioner ced. However, businessmen wishing to meet with members of either of these 2 missions may still do,so if they will con­ tact the Trade Commission without further delay. It is most heartening to give special mention to the Philip­ pine Trade Mission, which is being sponsored and organized by the Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines and which will visit Australia from the 30th of November until the 14th of December. It is to be hoped that this will be the forerun­ ner of many more selling mis­ sions from the Philippines, not only to Australia, but to other countries wi*h whom you trade. In the new year, the Trade Commission will be moving to its new location in the China Bank Building In Makati. The new offices and facilities will enable us further to cope with the increasing demands in the commercial and economic fields. The new location will also make possible the installa­ tion of a permanent display area for the Australian pro­ ducts which are currently avail­ able in the Philippines. I hope that this special sup­ plement of the Philippines He­ rald will help lead to a closer understanding of the efforts Australia is making towards the economic, industrial and agri­ cultural development of the Philippines, and Australia’s continued confidence in the fu­ ture of your great nation. — F. W. GLUTH, Australian Gov­ ernment Trade Commissioner. F. W. GLUTH Australia sums up present pro­ gress: “Australia is on the move; big things are happening both in raw materials and in industriali­ zation.” Although agriculture appears to have been relegated to third place In this push towards creating an urbanized industrial' society, this is illusory. Agriculture has been, and will continue to play a very important part in the economy. In fact, the sale of Australia’s farm products overseas financed the country’s rapid industrializa­ tion in the Sixties This sector still provides just under 60 per­ cent of the country’s foreign ex­ change and this reliance on the output of the Australian farmer will continue in the Seventies. Last year rural production contributed 9 percent to the G.N.P. with a gross value of around $A4,000 million, nearly half of which was exported. Even with the vagaries of world prices for primary produce, more often down than up, and varying seasonal conditions including droughts and bushfires, Austra­ lian farmers Increased their vo­ lume of rural output by 45 per cent in the Sixties. Paradoxically, workers have been gradually drift­ ing away from the farms to the cities until today only eight per­ cent of the workforce is on the land, compared with 11 Dercent at the beginning of the Sixties Increased mechanization has been the farmers’ answer to this shrinking labour force. The use of Australian cultivators, seeding and planting machinery has in­ creased rapidly. In 10 years the number of tractors on rural hold­ ings rose from 225,000 to 325,000. More than 90 percent of wheat Is now handled by bulk methods. This drift of the land is ex­ pected to continue In the Seven­ ties which will see the machine together with agricultural science Increasing output as well as open­ ing up new lands for pastoral and agricultural development.' But what will all this mean to the average Australian In the Se­ venties? According to one of Australia’s leading banks, In a projection into the future based on current trends, Australians will become even more motorized than they are now. From the one car for every three persons in the country now, the “two-car” family will be­ come more commonplace in the Seventies. With it will come the “two-house” family — the family residence close to work and school for the weekdays, and the cot­ tage by the sea, in the country or in the mountains for the week­ end and holidays. In the consumer field, It was refrigerators, transistor radios and television sets in the Sixties. In the Seventies there Is likely to be a wider acceptance of food freezers and air conditioners. But the main Impact (in terms of spending) will be the Introduc­ tion of colour television to Aus­ tralia In the Seventies. One Interesting aspect of the bank’s projection for the Seven­ ties is the changing buying ha­ bits of Australians. Spending on durable goods, such as cars, fur­ niture, electrical goods, hardware etc., is expected to rise from an average growth rate of 5.4 per­ cent a year during the Sixties to 9.2 percent In the Seventies. On the other hand spending on non­ durables. such as food and cloth­ ing Is expected to continue Its downward path. Although ac­ tual spending grew slowly in the Sixties It has not been keeping pace with the G.N.P. and only comprised 24 per cent last year. It Is expected to droD to less than 30 percent of the G.N.P. by the end of the Seventies. Overall the Australian economy in the Sixties took time to get mo­ ving because of the 1961 recession and then exoanslon was curtailed in the mld-slxtles by drought. However, In money terms the country’s G.N.P. rose at an ave­ rage yearly rate of eight percent. The Increase could be as high as 9.5 per cent this decade. Prices will probably account for up to 3.5 percent of this increase, resulting In an average annual real rate of growth of around six percent, compared with 4.9 percent In the Sixties. By international standards the -Australian economy appears to be In a state of rude health. True, there are signs of strain now emerging , but when one consi­ ders all factors these stresses are of a transitory nature — mere twinges In the joints of a growing youth who Is rapidly approaching adulthood. An $A11 million olefines plant operated at Botany (Sydney) by ICIANZ Ltd. In the year 1969-70 the Australian chemical industry exported products worth more than $A136 million. A 16-member Chemical Industries Trade Mission from Australia now touring South East Asia, will reach Manila on December 2. Organized by the Australian Department of Trade and Industry, with the support of the Austra­ lian Chemical Industry Council and the National Council of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries, the mission comprises representatives of companies making and exporting a vast range of industrial and other chemicals. Headed by Mr. W. S. Duffield, the mission follows previous ven­ tures In 1965 and 1967. Mr. Duf­ field was also the leader of the 1967 mission. Other stops on the South East Asian tour are Djakarta, Singa­ pore, Taipei, Seoul, Tokyo, and Hongkong. The Australian chemical Indus­ try, which In 1969-70 registered exports worth $A136 million, plans to increase overseas outlets during the 1970s to help accommodate an expected doubling of produc­ tion. At present, a quarter of Austra­ lia’s chemicals exports goes to Asia. The Industry employs more than 55,000 people and produces such diverse products, as alkalis, acids, heavy organic chemicals, petrochemicals, explosives, phar­ maceuticals, cosmetics, polymers, fibres, paints, plastics, and fertil­ izers. It exports organic and Inorganic chemicals to 48 overseas countries Including Britain, Fiji, France, Hongkong, India, Italy, Kenya, (Continued on page 4) Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 3 Australian Chemical Team Visit (Continued from page 3) New Zealand, Philippines, Africa, Spain, Sweden and the U.S.A. Export sales growth enables Australia to operate chemicals plants closer in size to overseas competitors. Domestic sales of chemical products in Australia last year ex­ ceeded $A687 million. More than $A70 million of the $A109 million worth of raw materials used last year by companies who are mem­ bers of the Australian Chemical Industry Council were of Austra­ lian origin. With the use of discoveries in Australia of oil and natural gas, which provide feedstock for the production of petrochemicals, the percentage of Australian raw ma­ terials used will increase to more than 75 per cent. The growing pattern of produc­ tion has resulted in an inter-rela­ tionship being built between ma­ jor Australian chemical producers such as the Altona petrochemical complex near Melbourne in Victo­ ria, and the Shell Chemical-ICIANZ ventures in New South Wales. Ethane from Bass Strait in sou­ thern-eastern Australia will be feedstock for a 100,000 tons a year extension to ethylene capacity at the Altona petrochemical complex. Mr. John Gorton, the Austra­ lian Prime Minister, in September WILLIAM DUFFIELD this year opened a $A33 million oil and gas fractionation plant built by The Broken Propriety Co. Ltd. and Esso Exploration and Produc­ tion Australia Inc. at Long Island Point, Westernport Bay, in the southern State of Victoria. The plant, about 45 miles from Melbourne, separates and stores natural gas liquids transported by a 118-mile (190-kilometer) bu­ ried 10-inch (25.4-centimetre) pipeline from its $A47 million treatment plant at Longford, in Gippsland. Crude oil and natural gas pro­ duced from the offshore fields in the Gippsland basin is transported to the Longford plant by a pipe­ line network of submarine and on­ shore pipelines. Adjacent to the new plant at Long Island Point are storage fa­ cilities for crude oil-transported by a 28-inch (71.1 centimetre) pipeline from Gippsland. The Long Island Point plant is designed to produce initially a to­ tal of 17,000 barrels a day of pro­ pane and butane, as well as 6,000 barrels a day of ethane, with planned expansion to 4,000 barrels a day of raw product feed. Chemical plants, producing new locally made products and saving millions in dollars in foreign ex­ change, enter the manufacturing fields every year. Pointing to the growing strength of the chemical industry in Australia, a large number of plant extensions and new pro­ jects were either started or com­ pleted last year. These expansions have enabled new or expanded production of cumene phenol, formaldehyde and UF syrup, water-extended polyyester, polypropylene, BR latex and epoxy, high density PE, vinyl acetate monomer, isocyanates and polyols, polystyrene, polyolefines, ethylene, vinyl chloride monomer and fibre glass. New plant under construction at the end of 1969 was valued at $A22 million — more than double that under construction a year previously. Projects underway this year Include: * A polypropylene plant at Clyde, Sydney, built by Shell Chemical (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., which is scheduled to come on stream late in 1970. * A new plant, also scheduled for completion late this year, to increase the facilities for production of vinyl acetate monomer and acetaldehyde, built by CSR Chemicals Pty. Ltd. at Rhodes, Sydney, at a cost of $A6 million. * Australian Fibre Glass Pty. Ltd. have completed a threestage expansion of facilities costing $A4 million. * A $A12 million plant will be erected for Bayer Leverkusen Ltd., at Kooranang Island, Newcastle, NSW, to manufac­ ture isocyanates, particularly TDI and MDI, as raw mate­ rials for polyurethane rigid and semi-rigid foams. * A new plant is planned and will be completed during 1971 for the manufacture of propy­ lene glycol by Dow Chemical Australia Ltd., as base mate­ rial for the production of PPG and the Voronal range of polynols for the urethane mar­ ket. Dow also was expanding its production facilities for styrene monomer this year. •.Primal Chemicals Pty. Ltd. has built a new plant adjacent to the existing plant at Point Henry, Geelong, Victoria, to produce base materials for the expansion of the manufactur­ ing range. • Monsanto Australia Ltd. com­ pleted this year new polysty­ rene facilities at West Footscray, Victoria. • The expansion of the Hoechst Chemical Australia Ltd., high density polyolefines plant at Altona, Victoria, from 12,000 to 18,000 tons was completed in the middle of last year and is now in full production. A further expansion is now in an advanced state of planning, and products from these faci­ lities should be on the market by the end of 1971. • To meet the continually ex­ panding market for PVC, a further extension of the ICIANZ Ltd. vinyl chloride mo­ nomer plant has been made at Botany, NSW. The Australian chemical indus­ try spent close to $A4.5 million on research and development in 1969, a 19 per cent increase on the pre­ vious ye*>r. Recviit figures released by the Australian Chemical Industry Council indicated that exports of industrial chemicals and synthetic resins last year by Council mem­ bers exceeded $A16 million. This represented an increase of some 27.2 per cent compared with ex­ ports in 1968. Domestic sales of industrial che­ micals and synthetic resins lncreasd by 12 per cent on the pre­ vious year, gaining a record $A271 million. WHOLESALERS AND AGENTS REQUIRED BY WISE & CO., INC. AUSTRALIA'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF BACOH, HAMS AHO SMALLGOODS For all inquiries, contact:QUEENSLAND BACON PTY. LTD. Murarrie Rood, MURARRIE, Brisbane, Queensland, 4172. AUSTRALIA. Cables:DANDYBACON, BRISBANE. * CELLULOSE ETHERS * DYESTUFFS * FOOD COLOURS * PIGMENTS * PROPELLENTS * SOLVENTS * FLOTATION CHEMICALS • PLASTICS • SILICONES • REFRIGERANTS •* RUBBER CHEMICALS • EXPLOSIVES • PLASTIC FOAMS • FERTILIZERS AND CHEMICALS FOR ALL OTHER INDUSTRIES A WIDE RANGE OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS ALWAYS CARRIED IN STOCK FOR PROMPT DELIVERY CALL 692-4434 (5 LINES) OR SEE US FAIRLANE CORNER BRIXTON STS., PASIG, RIZAL Page 4 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Thursday, November 12, 1970 wtiat’s in Australia tor you? AA Find out today. All you have to do is contact the Aus­ tralian Government Trade Commissioner who will put you in touch with suppliers of Australian products: Australian Embassy L. & S. Building. 1414 Roxas Blvd., MANILA. Tel: 59 2036. THIS AUSTRALIAN WILL HELP YOU TO GET A HIGGER SHARE OF YOUR MARKET He is an Australian Government Trade Commissioner. He can put you in touch with suppliers of Australian commodities now being sold competitively by importers in over 150 countries. Commodities in hundreds of categories from Food to Cars and Trucks, Farm Machinery to Medical products, Engineering Equipment to Household and Hardware products. The range of Australian export products will surprise you... and among them could be the ones to help you get that bigger share of your market. Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 5 Australian Consultants Offer Their Services The advisory and supervisory servi­ ces of Australian professional consult­ ants today are being used all round the world on projects in areas as widely se­ parated as South East Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle East. Urban and regional planners, sur­ veyors and quantity surveyors, engineers, architects and agricultural consultants hove for the past five years contributed substantially to developmental changes in these areas. Significant WG'.ks in­ cludes highways in Thai­ land and Hong Kong, wharves in the New He­ brides, hospitals in Irak and Borneo, and water •supply installations in Indonesia and Vietnam. Aus uaiian agricultural consultants are working in Kenya, Thailand and South America: a feasibi­ lity study has been com­ pleted for the development of a beef industry in Western Samoa. In SouthEast Asia an Australian group is participating In a regional transport stu­ dy; mining consultants are working in a number of countries; and manage­ ment and industrial con­ sultants are advising on the development of indus­ tries in South-East Asia. In overcoming the uni­ que problems of her en­ vironment, Australia has developed skills and tech­ niques which have particu­ lar applications to coun­ tries now developing their own resources and expand­ ing their industries. It is in this area of activity that Australian professio­ nal consultants are making a significant contribution. Two years ago the Aus­ tralian Professional Con­ sultant’s Council (APCC) was formed to advise the Government and the pro­ fessions on the export of these services, and also to help harness Australian consultancy resources for the tasks at hand. Within the structure of the APCC are independent, private enterprise compa­ nies which do not have a vested interest in any one This Australian survey party moves through some rugged terrain in Queens­ land to help set up a microwave link. method of construction or type of contract. This means they are free to of­ fer their clients objective opinions as to the most suitable and economical way of going about a job. Because they are inde­ pendent, they can also ne­ gotiate and administer contracts and invite com­ petitive tenders on behalf of their clients. The council has 150 member firms, with an immediate staff availabi­ lity of 4,000. The number of po)y-professicnal groups embracing all the planning and construction skills is increasing dally. These groups are able to advise on any survey and cons­ truction project, within or outside Australia. THE ENGINEER Australia’s c c n s ultlng engineers offer services in all of the engineering dis­ ciplines — civil, mechani­ cal, electrical, structural, chemical, mining and transportation. Within these broad categories many consult­ ants are operating in such specialized fields as soil mechanics, foundation engineering, air condition­ ing, hydro-electric, water supply, sewerage, and bulk material handling. In ad­ dition, there is an increas ­ ing demand for engineer­ ing services in planning and related economic mat­ ters. Of air the developments which have taken place in Australia in recent years mining and the discovery Compliments of— LILESTONE & CO., INC. Philippine Distributors of — * FULTON complete sugar cane mills & accessories * KEELER steam boilers & packaged generators * HULL transfer and compression molding presses * MARTIN-BLACK steel wire ropes - "speedwell" * McNAMEE-WOLLARD passenger aerobridges & baggage-cargo handling equipment x RODGERS hydraulic presses crawler tractor rebuilding equipment * ROGERS low bed heavy duty trailers * RICHMOND hand-operated pallet trucks * SIMPLICITY gyrating & vibrating screens * STENNER sawmill & woodworking machines * TRAYLOR jaw crushers, gyratory crushers, ball mills, rotary kilns * VICTRENE foil printing machines * SCHRAMM portable & stationary air compressors,' blast hole.ft water well "Rotadrills" (crawler & truck mounted), "Pneu mat factors" & Construction tools R-102, MOSERCO BLDG. 107-13TH ST., PORT AREA P.O. BOX 3368, MANILA CABLE ADDRESS: LILESTONE — MANILA TEL. 47-29-53 Page 6 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Thursday, November 12, 1970 of oil have captured the public imagination to the greatest extent. All of the major firms in these fields have commissioned con­ sulting en'r;n,'ors— The vast Snowy Moun­ tains hydro-electric scheme turned the flow of rivers to get greater use from them for both farm pro­ duction F.nd powder gene­ ration. Australian engine­ ers who worked on this and other large devel­ opment projects are now advising cn similar over­ seas undertakings financed by the United Nations De­ velopment P r o g r amme, The World Bank or the Asian Development Bank. of statutory planning schemes, to the planning of new towns. Their work Is not con­ fined to the physical as­ pects of these projects, but begins with initial feasi­ bility studies and continues through to encompass the problems of finance and administration. THE QUANTITY SURVEYOR Quantity surveying in Australia is a well-estab­ lished profession and quantity surveyors are in­ tegral members of the building design and cons­ truction team. Training of quantity sur­ veyors is available in uni­ versities and technical col­ leges. Quantity surveyors are building economists who, by virtue of their specia­ list training and exper­ ience, have developed a full knowledge of cons­ truction economics which enable their services to be used in all form of build­ ings, civil engineering works, land use generally, and town planning. They provide advice on probable project costs. Cost planning and analysis is then developed, enabling a budget to be established and schemes designed and erected within an approv­ ed expenditure. Advice is given on tend­ ering procedures and con­ tractual arrangements, and bills of quantities are prepared in forms most suited to particular cir­ cumstances. THE SURVEYOR Australian surveyors are independent professionals who provide services of the highest precision. Geodetic surveys are used for scientific purposes and civil engineering pro­ jects, using electronic m e a s u r in® r""!.p nent. Engineering and t„,_ vaphic surveys air usee' ;<>r civil engineering, mhilng, forestry, and town r!'”’nirg mostly using v^rlical aeiial photogmr>i-.v. A large area of develop­ ment where the surveyor is an integral member ()f a group of professional con - suitants is in ground sur­ veying related to civil engineering. Multi-storey buildings in particular ex­ ercise his skill through­ out the course of the con­ tract because of the high precision required in checking verticality and (Continued on page 12) ARCHITECTS Each year Australia spends more than SA 1000 million on building. Archi­ tecture has developed to the stage where the largest and most complicated buildings are being design­ ed and constructed. The country’s 4000 archi­ tects design for the tropi­ cal conditions of the north, the hot dry inland regions, and the snow country of the southern alps, as well as for the more temperate areas. Because it is a big coun­ try with development pro­ jects often in remote areas, architects are accustomed to carrying out work at considerable distances from their offices. Australian architects have already un­ dertaken work in other countries, including the Middle East, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Fiji, Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand, and New Guinea. The Australian archi­ tect offers his clients his skill in analyzing tneir re­ quirements and thus in establishing an exact brief, and then his talent in de­ signing the complete build­ ing which will fully satis­ fy those requirements. He offers his experience of building materials and me­ thods, his skill in prepar­ ing the contract docu­ ments, and his integrity in administering the building contract. THE TOWN PLANNER The growth oi the cityand regional planning pro­ fession has been very ra­ pid in Australia during the past 20 years. Effective town planning legislation now exists throughout the country and plans have been prepared for all me­ tropolitan cities and for many smaller cities and towns. The country’s rapid eco­ nomic development has provided many opportuni­ ties for Australian plan­ ners to develop their skills in a variety of fields, and a growing group of con­ sultant firms is working in the profession. The projects they un­ dertake range from com­ prehensive schemes of re­ development in the cen­ tral areas of large cities, through the design of re­ sidential and industrial estates and the preparation Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 7 The Australian automotive spare parts and components industry has grown quickly in recent years and development has been such that exports arc made to more than 80 countries. Highly efficient tooling is es­ sential and the machine (left photo) in­ creases the production in the turning of clutch pressure plates by performing the turning in one operation instead of two. Polishing out scratches on car windshields is made easy with special pads and pow­ ders designed by an Australian glass work­ er (right). Australia's development as one of the most highly motorized coun­ tries of the world probably springs from three main causes: — * The hage area of its Contin­ ent which makes virtually im­ possible a closely knit public transport system; * Strong competition between locally-based and internatio­ nal companies; * The spectacular success of Australia’s own car, the Hol­ den, first produced in 1948 and now represented by a third of all the cars on Aus­ tralian roads. The country’s automotive indus­ try started in the 1920’s and today has developed into a highly ad­ vanced multi-million dollar busi­ ness. The car has become part of the Australian way of life and there is currently one vehicle for every three persons. Allied with the demand for ve­ hicles has been spectacular growth of the automotive components and spare parts industry. Each year it produces about half a million dif­ ferent products worth in the order of more than $500 million. The Australian parts industry has become a long way since 1922-23 when there were only 172,745 vehicles on register and most parts were imported. By the mid-1960’s the motor ve­ hicle industry had lifted its pur­ chases of material and compon­ ents to over $A370 million annual­ lyIn volume terms this included 248,000 tons of steel, 11 million forgings, 9,285,000 sq. ft. of safe­ ty glass, 2,858,000 gallons of paint products, 72 million sq. ft. of up­ holstery material, 84 million pieces of rubber components and 1,993,994 tyres. The industry comprises at least 4000 supplies with almost 200 ma­ jor manufacturers and at the end of 1967 employed more than 20,000 people. Estimates show that Australians spend over $A2,200 million annual­ ly on buying, operating and main­ taining their vehicles. Not only do they constitute a highly sophis­ ticated market but the extremely adverse conditions of some Aus­ tralian roads combined with cli­ matic conditions and service un­ der which vehicles operate, impose quality requirements higher even than those for United States and Europe. A product to win accept­ ance in Australia, has to be tough, reliable and top quality. Exports have played an increas­ ingly important part in the suc­ cess of the industry. Australianmade components are exported to more than 90 countries in Europe, North America, Africa, South East Asia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. In growing volume, exports of components and spare parts in­ clude such items as transmissions, engines, electrical systems, fly wheel gears and brake and clutch parts. There is also a whole range of accesories exported. They include garage equipment such as hoists, lubrication equipment, jacks, air and water hose reels, tyre gauges, external sun visors, heaters and demisters, windscreen washers and safety belts. The Australian automotive com­ ponents and spare parts industry occupies a unique position in the world. It actually makes parts for cars that are never seen on Aus­ tralian roads. It is all part of its flourishing More than two million pistons are manufactured in automotive spare parts and components facto­ ries in Australia. An operator is supervising one of the finishing stages in piston productioh. export business with the industry supplying parts for cars which are popular in overseas countries. In many cases the industry has had to develop specialized machine tools and techniques to meet the overseas demand. One of the industry’s leaders, a Melbourne based company \a) has grown from humble beginnings in the early 1920’s as a one-man en­ gine re-conditioning business to an automotive giant employing nearly 12,000 people. The firm exports to 107 coun­ tries and has branches in at least seven—Canada, Hongkong, Eng­ land, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the United States of America. Its products, which range from pistons, main bearings, brake parts (Continued on naae 12) Australia Can Easily Supply Parts Of Any Car Poge 8 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Thursday, November 12, 1970 fhmess Stories This MF20 saves time, cats costs and does a betterJob of planting cane setts. Rscsd about some of tbe performances that prove the superiority ernd reliability of the 1 Cane Harvester Here are 7 reasons why. Does the complete planting operation — setts O are cut. dipped in fungicide solution, positioned in furrow, and covered. (The MF201 self-propelled cane harves­ ter is ap “estate-sized” machine that has clearly demonstrated its remark­ ably high output in a wide variety of crop conditions. For instance, in San Pedro, Mexico this year, an MF201 averaged over 200 tons per day in fields never previously cut by a ma­ chine. In Jamaica, another MF201 iveraged 120 tons per day in a field of Short rows, numerous cross drains and a litter of stones, wire and posts on the Surface. In 10'/2 weeks, in Madagascar, another MF 201 cut 20,000 tons at an average of up to 450 tons per day for an estimated cost of 80 cents (U.S.) per metric ton. In every export area in which the MF 201 has worked, its acceptance has been such, that repeat orders for the machine have followed. And in Aus­ tralian canefields, comparative per­ formance figures show that at its in­ troduction in 1969, the MF201 averaged 50 per cent, more output than all other Australian machines. In a competitive trial with three other machines, har­ vesting heavy 2-year cane, the MF201 cut 51 per cent, of the total crop — more than the others combined! Further proof of its success is shown by grower preference in the big cane (60 to 90 tons per acre), irrigated crop areas of Queensland. There the MF201 outsells all others three to one. Con­ tractors show their preference for it too, by a similar majority and there is a good reason for this when you con­ sider that on contract work, the ma­ chine has consistently cut 200 tons in 4 hours, day after day, with complete reliability. MASSEY-FERGUSON The MF201 has put up convincing proof of its output and ability to handle crops in any_condition. It will harvest upright, sprawled, down or tangled stands and takes all the cane leaving the barest minimum on the ground. With regard to cleaning ability, the MF201 has proven itself best by test! Exclusive 6-stage cleaning cycle handles all crop conditions to return the maximum of clean, chopped cane. Operators will like the handling quali­ ties of the MF201 too. Its hydrostatic transmission with infinitely variable speeds is a revelation in speed control and in addition, it provides positive braking. There’s a lot more about the MF201 to interest you, so why not take the first step towards finding out the full story by contacting your local Massey-Fer­ guson distributor'or writing direct to: Massey-Ferguson (Export) Limited, Banner Lane, Coventry, U.K. & Setts are "force-fed" into the planting furrow — an exclusive feature. Setts planted overlap, butt-to-butt, or spaced. Soil engaging parts feature extremely rugged construction to handle the roughest conditions. © 0 Labour saving is between 50 per cent, and 70 per cent. © 0 One or two-man operated models available with capacities of 4 to 5* and 8 to 10* acres per day. (1.62 to 2.02* and 3.24 to 4.05* Hectares.) ©The MF20 offers you the ideal method of plan­ ting a cane crop with mechanical harvesting in For complete details, contact your local Massey- Fergu­ son distributor or write direct to: Massey-Ferguson (Ex­ port) Limited, Banner Lane, Coventry, U.K. ^MASSEY-FERGUSON DISTRIBUTOR FOR MASSEY-FERGUSON IN THE PHILIPPINES POLARIS MARKETING CORPORATION P.O. BOX 3779, MANILA Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 9 AUSTRALIAN CANE-FARMING MECHANIZATION Australian production of sugarcane reached a record 18,413,000 tons in 1968/69, an increase of 1.6 million tons over the previous best in 1967, and dou­ ble the output of 1961. Handling of this ever-increasing an­ nual crop wouid not have been possible without the remarkable progress in me­ chanical harvesting and loading made throughout the 1960's. Australian canefarmers and agricultural engineers between them have devel­ oped such a variety of im­ plements and machines that today the entire cycle from planting to loading the cut cane is virtually fully-mechanized. This high degree of me­ chanization on tiie farm helps account for the ex­ ceptionally high Austra­ lian average yield of one ton of raw sugar to every seven tons of cane (over­ seas average is one ton of sugar for every ten tons of cane) Australian has 8485 cane-farms, 34 mills, six bulk-handling sugar ports and six refineries — the achievement of 105 years’ work Season Total Crop Harvested m. tons 1961 9.02 1963 11.50 1965 13.55 1967 15 72 1968 ______ 17.41 The average cane-farm Is about 85 acres. Each cane-farmer has available to him the following range of equipment, which he either owns or hires de­ pending on the size of his crop:— * Standard fanning im­ plements, including trac­ tors, ripper, disc harrow, full set of toolbar equip­ ment, tiller, trash rake, drain plough, break­ pusher, root rake, grub­ ber, fertilizer applicator, cultivator; Specialized cane-frnning equipment: disc ratooner, stubble shaver, plan­ ter, harvester, loader. Disc Ratooner: This implement has individually-a d j u s t able gangs of discs permitting an infinite variety of set­ tings to allow a wide range of operations in the ratooning of cane crops. Stubble Shaver • Stubble-shaving, revs. gnized for many years as the best method of putting cane land into order after harvesting, is done by means of special imple­ ments — available either as power takeoff units or ground wheel drive units- - designed to cut off stubble and force ratoon shoots to develop with deeper eyes, ensuring heavier crops Cane Planter: Cane planters have been designed to carry out the complete planting of cane in one operation. They can be either dtp-type or spray-tvpe, single-row or double-row An Australian invention, the cane plan­ ter digs its own furrow, cuts the planting st'lk into two or three-eye setts, sprays each sett witfi fungicide then plants it, fertilizes it and covers it up. It is a two-man opeMpch. Harvested m. tons 0.48 1.55 5 30 9.20 12 47 of total crop 58.6 71.6 ration, with one driving the tractor and his partner attending to the planter. A single-row planter can do 3>/2 to 4 acres per day. Harvester: The Australian-designed and made mechanical har­ vester is the secret of the ever-increasing effi­ ciency of Australian cane­ growing Its wholehearted acceptance by cane-grow­ ers throughout the cane­ belt (a 1300-mile stretch of the north-eastern seaboard from northern NSW io North Queensland) is re­ vealed by the figures:— Over 12,473,000 tons of cane were mechanically harvested in Queensland^ '(which produces more than 95% of Australia’s total crop) in 1968, repre­ senting 71.6% of the crop. There were 3.27 million more tons mechanically harvested in 1968 than in 1967, an increase of 13%. In 1969 it is estimated that more than 80% of the crop will be mechanically har­ vested. The rate of prohar- mill. gross in mechanical vesting can be gauged from the table: The number of mecha­ nical harvesters in use rose from 109 in 1961 to 1622 in 1968 and will reach 1819 in 1969, on present in­ dications. There are two types of mechanical harvester: (a) Chopper type: This machine gathers the crop, either standing or lodged, removes the tops, cuts the cape off at ground level, conveys the cane up to and through a set of chopping knives, where it is chopped into billets of uniform lengtn (12 to 14 Inches) and de­ livers these billets, cleaned of dirt and trash, into a transport bln or truck for immediate dispatch to the Mechanical planting of sugar cane (top photo)— the machine cuts the cane stalks into short lengths and buries them in furrows. The machine also buries insecticide to protect the cuttings and fertili. zer to help cane grow. Lower phot o shows mechanical handling in Bundaberg cane field, Queensland. The harvester is mount­ ed on a tractor and is dri­ ven by the tractor PTO (power take-off)_jhaft. In normal conditions a rub­ ber-tyred tractor of at least 50 PTO horsepower at 540 rpm is required. The standard chopper harvester of . the make most commonly used in Australia (com manding 53% of the market in 1968) consists of a heavy duty main frame which carries the harvesting sys tern attached to a massive heavy duty tractor sub­ frame. The harvester is raised and lowered by twin hy­ draulic rams directly con­ nected to the tractor hy­ draulic system, ana is car±icd on a heavy duty rear axle extension The hy­ draulically-activated, inde­ pendently-controlled top­ per unit, which is adjust­ able for tilt, 1s mounted on the harvester main frame and is fully controlled from the operator’s seat. The cane is gathered into the specially-design­ ed mouth by two hydrau­ lically-driven auger-type crop-lifters. These rotat­ ing crop-lilters raise and gather lodged cane -into the mouth. For straight­ standing cane the crop­ lifters can be turned off. Special floating shoes withadjustable points are fit­ ted at the lower ends of the crop-lifters. These shoes ensure that all cane stalks being harvested go (Continued on page 13) P°9e 10 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Thursday, November 12, 1970 McCormick INTERNATIONAL 724 (Diesel) Farm Tractor Tougher...bigger...more alive with power! The new 724 tractor, plows with ease through flooded paddy fields or on upland farms. Fully synchronized 8 forward and 4 reverse speeds, match power train to varying field conditions. Farm with the new 724 and get more work done faster, easier. *IH Diesel Engine, direct injection type for easy starting, fuel economy and smooth operation. *72 maximum gross hp. output *2 Power-Take-Off drive shafts of 540 and 1000 rpm’s * Choice of rear tire sizes (12 x 38 or 14 x 34) * Complete line of implements McCormick INTERNATIONAL 634 (Diesel) Farm Tractor.,. the tested and favorite 70 HP class performer. Request for a demonstration from your nearest IH Branch or Dealer. Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 11 Kings Cross Village Centre — The village centre at Kings Cross Sydney, has won the Civic Design Award of the Roval Australian Institute of Architects for two-lcvel design. The architects Devine, Enby & Stowe of Nth. Sydney, set out to capture the unique character of Kings Cross. Australian Consultants Offer Their Services (Continued from page 7) In using the modern Ins­ truments developed for this purpose. THE AGRICULTURAL CONSULTANT Offering a wide range of skills acquired in an en­ vironment which both physically and financially has demanded efficienty to survive, agricultural con­ sultants generally have a university degree in agri­ cultural science, and have also specialized in the wide range of associated skills which are necessary to build a strong rural eco­ nomy. Consultancy services in finance and management, soil conservation and land use, crop husbandry, ani­ mal husbandry, pasture development and manage­ ment, and the use of irri­ gation resources are avail­ able. Allied to this experties is the provision of agro-economic studies. Institutional bodies of world repute provide re­ sources for the planning, execution and operation of such large scale projects as river basin development. An Australian Organiza­ tion has been selected by the Food and Agriculture Organization to undertake such a major project in Ethiopia and has already begun the task. Australian agricultural consultants have been ac­ tive overseas, particularly as advisers to United Na­ tions Development Pro­ gramme projects in Afri­ ca, Asia and South Ame­ rica. Additional information and literature on Austra­ lia’s consultancy services are available from Austra­ lian Trade Commissioners, High Commission or Em­ bassies in most countries. facilitie :Hepc.p,-. Austr^Ha s'largest. supptfei. oi anginal c u ye.hide'rhanufacturers>?ais6 ;£ u CXhet} wot Id It you are-interested in the world's-widest range Of. quanty. auto coffipr -garage ecfuiprnenl At conipfetifive-priees.':-Bacl<ed.’by reliable-service comprehepstv&catafogues and;Viril6aftqr'-ssales serviqe; instsSfbrf# Supply Parts (Continued from page 8) to clutches, propeller shafts and gaskets, are fitted as original equipment to virtually every po­ pular car made In Australia. The company also makes garage equipment and machinery for re­ conditioning engines. Its garage machinery ranges from wheel ba­ lancing equipment to battery charges and precision tools. As well as being one of the larg­ est suppliers of replacement parts the firm makes a range of accesso­ ries Including rear vision mirrors, reflectors, safety belts, luggage racks and car fans. The world’s largest tyre manuequlpment and machinery far re­ conditioning engines. Its garage facturer (b) also traces its origins in Australia back a long time — 43 years. It has now grown to a vast complex making not only tyres but fan belts, brake linings, batteries and shock absorbers. It has two factories near Sydney and close to Melbourne, employing a total of 2,700 people. The firm exports tyres to the United States, home of the parent company. A nation-wide strike in U.S. tyre factories several years ago, forced the firm to ask its subsidiaries to ship surplus prod­ uction to the U.S. The quality of the Australian-made tyres found ready acceptance and the firm has been shipping to America, at the rate of 2,000 tyres a day, ever since. A manufacturer which Invaded the Australian motor scene only 10 years ago, has had an equally successful run. The company (c), which makes windscreen wiper arms, blades and motor air horns and mirrors started from scratch in 1959. Its products are now fitted as original equipment to nearly every Aus­ tralian made car and the firm has a commanding position In New Zealand. It is also looking to the South Pacific and South East Asia to expand its markets. Australian spare parts and ac­ cessories are fast gaining a world­ wide reputation for quality, relia­ bility and technical sophistication. The industry is confident and the keynote is on expansion both at home and overseas. Page 12 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Thursday, November 12, 1970 Australian Cane-Farming Mechanization (Continued from page 10) into the machine. The harvesting system consists of a revolving base cutting disc, floating primary feed roller, roller conveyor system, chopping­ system (two knives rotat­ ing at right angles to the motion of the cane) and a slewing elevator with a six-foot grid section in the lower end which as­ sist with removal of dirt. An extractor mounted above this grid section draws air through it at a rate of 13,000 cu. ft. per minute through the tum­ bling cane, to clean it. At the dropping point at the top of the elevator a heavy duty trash extractor unit, moving 320,000 cu. ft. of air per minute, removes any other loose leaf, trash, dirt etc. This chopper harvester can handle 25,000 tons in a 25-week season. It will fill a four-ton bin in two minutes. An auxiliary pow­ er unit fitted to the ma­ chine will increase capa­ city considerably. Overall length is 18 ft 6, height 15.0, width when fitted to tractor, maximum 11.0 (depends on tractor), weight 3 tons 15 cwt. (b) Wholestalk type: Tractor-mounted like the chopper harvester, this machine simultaneously tops and cuts the cane at ground level, then lays it to one side flat on the ground to be picked up later by hand or, as is most likely these days, by me­ chanical loader A special *dcwn cane pick-up” is available for handling sprawled or tan­ gled crops. A speciallydesigned base cutter en­ sures clean ground cut­ ting even in extremes of ridge or hollow. Mechanical Loading: Mechanical loading has developed to virtually the maximum possible since. 1961, when just over half the crop was mechanically loaded. In 1968 98.6% of the crop was mechanically loaded. Front-end loaders han­ dled 56% of the crop in 1963 but have lost favor gradually and handled on­ ly 23.5% of the crop in 1968. Jib-type loaders have meanwhile steadily inc r e a sed in popularity, handling 24.4% of the crop in 1968. (Chopper harvest­ ers “loaded" the remaind­ er of the crop}. The jib-type loader, operated by one man, is a tractor-mounted elbow-ac­ tion hydraulically-oper­ ated rotatable boom grab. Slewing is effected by foot pedals, leaving the oper­ ator’s hands free for boom and grab manipulation. The rotatable grab head permits the turning of the bucket or grab to dig or pick up in the most fa­ vourable position. Opera­ tion calls for considerable manual dexterity and co­ ordination of hand, foot and eye; operators ac­ quire pride in their skill with these machines and at the annual Innlsfall Sugar Festival a special contest is staged for them, in which contestants have to load and unload seve­ ral tons of wholestick cane, being judged on both speed and efficiency. This versatile machine can be equipped with spec 1 a 1 attachments for trench and channel dig­ ging, drain-cleaning, bulk­ handling and other prac­ tical farm applications when not being used for CIG/Comweld supply compact plants for either welding and heating, ora combined plant for welding, cutting and heating—and even powder facing. Comes complete with a comprehensive range of accessories that may be added to If necessary. They convert easily for HAND1GAS (LP Gas) operation end feature the unique Valve-ln-a-Valve flow control system. CIG/Comweld also supply an excellent range of cutting machines, nozzles, regulators, fluxes and consumables. Included In the range of cutting machines Is the Clipper—a lightweight, portable, low cost machine offering great versatility— the rugged Four X Cross Carriage Profile Cutting Machine for bigger Jobs—and portable pipe cutting machines. Hand operated, they cut pipe ranging from 4" to 24" diameter. building a better tomorrow today THE COMMONWEALTH INDUSTRIAL GASES LIMITED. CIG cane-loadlng. A large-capacity, dieselpowered, s e 1 f-propelled four-wheel drive, fourwheel steer loader is also available. In operation, the felled cane is bundled by a two­ pronged attachment on the end of the tractor. With the forward motion of the tractor, the prongs slide under the cane. As the cane piles up under the pressure, the grab is brought down to lift up the bundle. De­ sign of the grab is such that when ii is positioned over the loose bundle and the operator activates the lever closing the grab, th® fingers of the grab barely skim the ground, gradual­ ly working the cane into a neat bundle inside the grab. This avoids picking up dirt and extraneous matter, which could hap­ pen if the fingers dug into the soil. The standard loader has an overall length of 25 feet 2, width 6.3, height 13 feet, wheelbase 7 feet, weight 4 tons 15 cwt. It has a maximum reach of 19 feet, maximum lift of 17 feet, and recommended load of 1000 lbs and max. digging depth of 6 feet. The large-capacity mo­ del is 20 feet long, 15 feet 3 high, wheelbase 8 feet, width 7 feet 3, weight 7 tons 6 cwt; recommended load of 10 cwt. at max. reach of 26 feet, or 25 cwt at 12 foot radius. Ifs max digging depth is 18 feet. All these machines are most efficient in their present stage of develop­ ment, but are constantly being modified and im­ proved as farmers and ma­ nufacturers continue to strive for extra efficiency in all conditions, from bone-dry to boggy, from flat to hilly. EXCG5133/70 Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 13 Tariff Preferences Best Way To Economic Development Talk Chemicals With The Australians In Manila — Dec. 3-5 i The Australian Chemical i Industries Trade Mission. Representing every aspect i of a fast-growing industry, ? with a wide range of products. These men are experts in their field. You’ll find it well worth while talking chemicals with them. Make an appointment "J to see them now. W. S. Duffield (above) Laporte Australia Ltd. Mission Leader AT. M. Clout ICIANZ Limited. Industrial chemicals. C. J. Finch Lockwood Magrath Pty. Ltd. Flavours, essences,fragrance bases, essential oils, aromatic chemicals. R. H. George Laporte Australia Ltd. Titanium dioxide, universal colorants, hydrogen peroxide, peroxide derivatives, primary amines. I. S. Johnston Tonwell Ply. Ltd. and Charles H. R. Johnston Pty. Ltd. Phenolics, alkyds, polyester dough, moulding compounds, melamine-phenolic for domestic and Industrial applications. P. B. Lawson C.S.R. Chemicals Ltd. Industrial chemicals for plastics, paints and adhesive Industries. M. Goodman Cambridge Laboratories Ply. Ltd. Pharmaceuticals and patent medicines. H. C. Greenough Bostik Australia Pty. Ltd. Industrial adhesives and sealers, shoe trade chemicals, textile chemicals. P. Hemming Fawns & McAllan Pty. Ltd. Ethical pharmaceuticals, patent medicines, contract manufacturing. G. Ozols Beith Chemical Materials Ltd. Specialty chemicals, polyester resins and retail products. G. D. Pollock Industrial Products Group, United Packages Limited. Soluble potassium and sodium silicates (rock and solutions), sodium metasilicate pentahydrate (fines & granules). T. Reynolds Bevaloid Australia Pty. Limited. Specialty chemicals for paint, paper, textile and leather trades. C. L. L. Thomas Albright & Wilson (Aust.) Ltd. Chemical raw materials for detergent, food, plastics and other industries. J. G. Watt Mission Manager Australian Department of Trade & Industry. Arrange for your appointment now Contact Commercial Counsellor Australian Embassy - L & S Building 1414 Roxas Boulevard Manila. Phone: 59-2036 Australian Department of Trade and Industry Australia is committed to the principle that ex* ponded trade is the best way to economic develop­ ment. In 1966, Australia took a significant internatio­ nal initiative with its system of tariff preferences for developing countries. The primary objective of the sys­ tem Is to assist developing countries to compete In the Australian market against imports of manufactured and semi-manufactured goods from the more highly industrialized countries. Under the system, Imports of spe­ cific items from developing countries are admitted at preferential rates of duty within the limits of annual quo­ tas. These quotas initially totalled $A13.3 million. However, with successive ex­ tensions of the system, the total va­ lue of available quotas reached $A47.0 million on July 1st, 1970. In addition, certain traditional, hand-made products of cottage indus­ tries are admitted duty-free without quota limitation. In general, the spe­ cified handicraft products do not di­ rectly compete against either Austra­ lian production or imports from the Industrialized countries. Imports.of handicraft items have risen from $A0.G million in 1966/67 to $A2.5 mil­ lion in 1969/70. Requests for the extension of pre­ ferences to additional products may be made by any interested party. These requests are mainly received from the Governments or prospective exporters in developing countries or from importers in Australia Some four months beiore the be­ ginning of each quota period, invita­ tions to apply for quota allocations are circulated in Customs and Excise Notices issued by the Australian De­ partment of Customs and Excise. The Notices have a wide distribution among Australian importers, customs agents and all Trade Commissioner Posts overseas. At the beginning of each quota period, the Australian De­ partment of Customs and Excise makes allocations to Importers who have applied for quotas. To minimize Brief Description Chairs and lounges oj wicker, cane and bamboo. Twine and cordage Electric fans Refrigerators of less than 7 cu ft. internal capacity Primary cells and batteries. Primary cells and batteries. Confectionary Domestic sewing machine heads Misc. sporting goods Toys Equipment for parlor, table and funfare games Hinges Unworked glass, cast rolled, drawn or blown Glassware (g.g. ashtrays, goblets, vases, etc.) Tubes, pipes Lamps, lighting fittings, etc., of base metal. Other furniture. Handicraft products * Preliminary Statistics. wastage of quotas, and as a safe­ guard against speculation, quota holders are required to submit evi­ dence of intention to Import, and of availability. If this evidence Is not provided, the allocation Is cancelled and re-allocated. Applications for quota normally should be lodged prior to the commencement of the quota period. However. It has been found to date that, for many quota groups, applications have been for less than the total quota available. Conse­ quently, late applications for these groups have been accepted and often met In full. An important aspect — from the point of view of the potential export­ er to Australia — is that quotas un­ der the system are allocated only to Importers in Australia. Thus overseas exporters wishing to benefit from the preferences system must first make contact with importers in Australia (or, alternatively, establish an import agency or their own importing orga­ nization in Australia to handle their products). In this respect the Asso­ ciated Chambers of Commerce of Aus­ tralia and Chambers of Commerce in all State capital cities are prepared to pass on to interested members any enquiries, provided clear and specific reference is made to the Australian system of tariff preferences for de­ veloping countries Several countries in the South East Aslan area are already making use of the preferences system, including Hong Kong. Taiwan, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and experts to Australia under the system are expected to increase stea­ dily as manufacturers learn more about the opportunities available. Some of the larger Imports into Australia under the system during 1969-70 from the South East Asian region were as follows:— Country of Origin Value of Imports * Philippines $A66,800 Philippines 6,300 Hongkong 85,000 Singapore 58,500 Hongkong 34,300 Malaysia 15,800 Hongkong 31,800 Taiwan 17,900 Taiwan' 29,000 Singapore 26,700 Hongkong 38,500 Hongkong 17,300 Taiwan 82,800 Taiwan 29,400 Taiwan 48,200 Hongkong 12,000 Philippines 91,400 Philippines 616,200 Page 14 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Thursday, November 12, 1970 Australian butter Thursday, November 12, 1970 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENT Page 15 Our Best Wishes to the AUSTRALIAN TRADE FAIR For a smooth Bore ... specify General Tubing’s " Hydra-Swaged” FullFinished Stainless Steel Sugar Tube. Constant Wall Thickness - Weld zone is cold worked resulting in a refined grain structure giving increased corrosion re­ sistance. • Faster Fluid Flow • Easier Cleaning • Less Scale Build-Up “AJAX” Centrifugal Pumps - Single and Multi-Stage. For industrial and agricultural use. Capacities up to 2500 USGPM-Heads uo to 350 ft. r CEMENTS • PLASTICS • CASTABLE REFRACTORIES MORGAHITI For inquiries, please contact THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., FAR EAST. MB. 222 Buendia Ave., Makati, Rizal Tel: 89-30-61 Branches: Bacolod • Cebu • Iloilo