

Part of Panorama

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Volume XIII (Issue No.11) November 1961
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onrritsri ■•' of thb rHn.AFHM»’ >«•*'*'U»F-A*Y Nt.: 1952 y Panjo’uunaj W Magazine a/ Good Reading NOVEMBER 1961 75 Centavos Zell your friends about the Panorama, the Philippines’ most versatile, most significant magazine today. (five them a year’s subscription — NOW! they will appreciate it. Subscription Form ................ 1 year for P8.50 ................2 years for P16.00 ................Foreign subscription: one year $6.00 U.S. Name ...................................................................................................... Street ...................................................................................................... City or Town .............................., .. Province ................................... Enclosed is a check/money order for the cmount specified above. Please address all checks or money orders in favor of: COMMUNITY -PUBLISHERS, INC. Inverness St., Sta. Ana, Manila, Philippines CONTENTS Think No More Of That Day (Poem) Alfonso P. Santos ..'.................................................... 2 The UN and International Law Dr. Vicente G. Sinco ............................................... 3 Science & Technology Dr. Amando Clemente' .......................................... 9 How Some Firms Got Their Names Lety Q. Bitanga ........................................................ 21 Rehabilitation of Prisoners Dr. Isidoro Panlasigui............................................... 24 Cooperative- Education Paul Friggens ............................................... 34 The Insolence of Might ............................................................. 42 Tolstoy’s Dilemma M. M. Bhalla.................................................................. 47 Encouragement of the Arts Keith H. Jones ............................................................. 52 Bird Migration Survey................................................................ 64 Orchestra in the Kindergarten Else Schulter ................................................................ 66 ‘Synthetic Natural Rubber’ ...................................................... 70 A City Below the City Erno Bajor Nagy ........................................................ 72 Dissolution of Kidney Stones ’Walter Theimer ........................................................... 74 Fauna in Subsoil Water............................................................. 77 Philanthropy in the U. S. Dana S. Creel .............................................................. 80 Origins of American Man............................................................ 90 Vital Vitamin Monika Muller ................................................ 91 PANORAMA is published monthly by the Community Publishers, Inc., Inverness St., Sta. Ana, Manila, Philippines Editor: Armando J. Malay Art Director: Ramon Espxras, Jr. Business Manager: MRS. C. A. MARAMAO Subscription rates:. In the Philippines, one year P8.50; two years P16.00. Foreign subscription:. one year $6.00 U.S.; two yean $11.00 U.S. Single copy 75 centavos. yu Tty by Alfonso P. Santos Think no more of that day when for always The April buds of youth are plucked from you: Nor waste your tears regretting it, for well You know the age of man we cannot hold To stay forever young as love Each day Some yesterday becomes an ancient day; Each May some yester-flowertime becomes A hapless and forgotten season; and Each year some bygone yester-year becomes Another bead strung in the rosary Of unremembered years. So think no more Of that day, ever, when for always all The April buds of youth are plucked from you, For well you know youth cannot bloom anew. Panorama NOVEMBER 19 6 1 Entered m second elan mail matter at the Manila Poet Office on Dec. 7, 1956 VOL. XIII MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 11 THE UN AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Dr. Vicente G. Sinco It would not be fair and reasonable to consider the United Natiohs and regional organizations as having serv­ ed no useful purpose at all in the development of interna­ tional law. With all the defects of that Organization and all the frustrations it has caused to many people, the United Nations has nevertheless serv­ ed some very useful purpose in restraining in some mea­ sure the blind and irresponsi­ ble use of force in internation­ al relations in several instan­ ces, That it suffers from im­ perfections should well be ad­ mitted. But it is not beyond improvement. It should also be remember­ ed that the United Nations Charter was not designed pur­ posely to create or develop an international legal commu­ nity, a sort of global state, largely governed by rules of law. Such an aim was not contemplated even remotely by the framers of the United Nations Charter who were far from being idealists and re­ formers but were rather vefpran •nnlifir'O-nc . rtki.. experienced in politics and understanding it as the art ot the possible; and as men of the world they were fully aware that a superstate is not yet possible today or in any foreseeable future in spite of the optimistic hopes of some of the finest people in many parts of the world. The Charter of the United Nations is universal in scope. It is intended to serve pri­ marily, but not exclusively, all the states which are mem­ bers of the organization. To repeat, the organization is an association of states rather than a world legal community. The member states retain their sovereign status and, tiierefore, do not considei themselves subject to the mandates of international law fh the same manner and tai the same extent that an indi­ vidual is subject to the man­ dates of the law of the state where he resides. Because of this consideration, the reali­ zation of a world rule of law in the sense in which the, concept of the rule of law inf a constitutional state is con* sidered becomes a problem of extraordinary difficulty. For while the constitution of a de-* mocratic state is at once a po* litical charter and a legal do* cument, its legal aspect is es­ sentially its predominant ele­ ment, and the implementation of its political provisions ge­ nerally has to conform or be subordinated to legal princi­ ples and rules, either express­ ly provided in the constitution or impliedly drawn from its provisions as applied or inter­ preted by the courts or by such other agencies as may be authorized to determine the meaning of the funda­ mental law. It may not there­ fore be quite precise to speak of the state as an organization merely encouraging the dev­ elopment of law for it is to all intents and purposes making or laying down the law. Conceptually, however, the Charter of the United Nations is in many respects analogous to a modern national consti­ tution. In a way it serves as a framework of the organiza­ tion and as a basis or source of rights and obligations of the member states. But unlike a democratic national consti­ tution, it is its political rather than its legal aspect that lar­ gely determines the actual aplication and practical execu­ tion of most of its provisions. In the implementation of the Charter the political in most cases outweigh the legal fac­ tors. Hence, the observance of a rule of law that should be followed by states in their re­ lations with one another and that should effectively be the Panorama controlling force for the de­ fense and protection of their life, liberty, and security still suffers from laxity and loose­ ness in many ways and at va­ rious times and places. It is sometimes done in a superfi­ cial manner when it is not to the best interests of the state that feels sufficiently power­ ful to disregard it. On critical occasions, when a particular rule of law embraced in the Charter is precisely needed, its strict observance is at times a matter of conjecture. Its use in the adjudication of disputes could still bear more objectivity and detachment. This is not to say that in the case of a state, the rule of law is always strictly observed or is applied in all cases. But in a developed state, the rule of law has become the regular and normal standard of life. To use force in the settlement of disputes between indivi­ duals is an exceptional occur­ rence and is legally punish­ able. But again it would be a mis­ take to say that the United Nations and its agencies are a complete failure in the nar­ row field in which they are expected to operate as legal instrumentalities. Professor Hans Kelsen refers to the Charter of the United Nations as a remarkable step to pro­ gress. Theoretically and, to a certain extent, from a practic­ al point of view, it is remark­ able indeed. To quote Kelsen, the Charter “imposes upon the members of the Organization a strict obligation to settle their disputes by peaceful means and to refrain in their international relations not only from the use of any kind of force, including war as re­ prisals, but also from the threat of force.” But settling a dispute by peaceful means is not necessarily settling it by the rule of law. It may be settlement through some form of political compromise which may be disadvanta­ geous to the weaker party who perhaps may have no choice in the ihatter and to that extent is thus deprived of justice. Hence, the need of encouraging the adoption pf the rule of law in the adjust­ ment of international differen­ ces arises. The attribute of sovereignty which every state claims as an inherent and indispensable element of statehood stands as a serious obstacle to a much needed operation of the rule of law in international relations. While certain aspects of in­ ternational law have been ac­ cepted for several centuries in the Western states, in the world community as a whole the rule of law is still in the NnVKUnBO 1 GA 1 initial stages of development. And its implementation in the solution of international pro­ blems is still a matter of choice and convenience. Poli­ tical expediency resting on physical force and considera­ tions of national honor and necessity often based on myth and fiction are still used as potent arguments in interna­ tional controversies. But if peoples really wish, as they do, peace and justice in their political, economic, and social relations, a world-wide adop­ tion and observance of the rule of law is a necessity and is possible of attainment. The Charter of the United Nations represents a decided­ ly encouraging step towards a widening area of recogni­ tion and observance of a world rule of law. It is well provided with agencies and instrumentalities in the form of committees, commissions, and other kinds of organiza­ tions, with authority to recom­ mend legal rules, which in their totality could result in the establishment of a world rule of law. That it has not been able to do this to the satisfaction of strong believers in law and order is not its fault. It is more the fault of its member states for not insistingly advocating in season and out of season a more spee­ dy development of interna­ tional law and a greater use of it in the solution of all con­ flicts between states. There­ fore, the campaign of the legal profession for the observance of law in international rela­ tions should begin right in member countries by bring­ ing the matter to the atten­ tion of governments and peo­ ples, by stressing to them the fact that law is the most ef­ fective instrument for peace and security. But it is not enough that legal rules are approved and adopted. To be of any use at all, they have to be enforced. Compliance with international law whe­ ther in the form of specific rules or decisions of interna­ tional courts, may not always be expected unless there are readily available instruments of enforcement or sanctions. One of these is public opi­ nion, which in spite of Presi­ dent Wilson’s conviction in its efficacy as a sanction for the observance of the Covenant of the League of Nations, proved to be ineffective at that time. But times have changed and it is hoped pub­ lic opinion may prove to be a stronger factor today. To be effective, public opinion should be formed in all or most of the countries which are members of the United Nations. Many claim decided advan­ tages in the availability of the General Assembly for use as a public forum or a sort of sounding board for world opi­ nion. There are some, how­ ever, who do not subscribe fully to this view. On this subject, a competent observer has expressed the following comments on the same pur­ pose for which the Assembly of the League of Nations was intended: “The opportunity to bring their grievances be­ fore an international forum could induce states to magni­ fy their quarrels and to pro­ voke an international discus­ sion of cases which otherwise might not have arisen at all or might have been settled between the parties directly concerned. In a politically div­ ided world such a discussion could lead to the extension of isolated conflicts and to the accentuation of existing gene­ ral differences between ope­ rating blocs of states.” Recent events in the General Assem­ bly seem to confirm this view. Another sanction which the Charter recognizes is, of course, force. Its use is reserv­ ed to the Security Council and, under the “Uniting for Peace” resolution it is shared by the General Assembly un­ der certain conditions. Different causes expressly recognized in the Charter block the possibility of faster progress towards the estab­ lishment and observance of a rule of law in the relations of states. Among them are the use of the veto in the Security Council, the inadequacy of the Council membership, the non-admission of some fullyqualified states, the alleged lack of firm power to make prompt inquiries into situa­ tions of friction or conflict, the frequent failure of the Or­ ganization to refer cases to the International Court on account of the reservations of some members from the com­ pulsory jurisdiction of that Court, the insufficient utiliza­ tion of the International Law Commission, the failure to re­ fer legal questions to the Sixth Committee, the lack of sanctions for lesser disturban­ ces of international peace and security, the failure to orga­ nize a police force, and one or two more causes. It is quite likely that if such roadblocks could be completely or par­ tially removed it may well be reasonably expected that the purposes of the United Na­ tions Charter may be more fully realized. Proposals suggested for cor­ recting the shortcomings of the Charter of the United Na­ tions are conservative enough if they are to be approached from the point of view of men and women who are fully November 1961 7 conscious of the indescribable horrors of an atomic war. Those who have had the ter­ rible experience of the pain­ ful ordeal of the last World War should be in a position to appreciate the value of sac­ rificing precious rights and privileges of independent statehood for the sake of pre­ serving civilization and of saving much of mankind it­ self from the annihilating ef­ fect of the horrible weapons that science has invented and discovered for another global war. But even if we should discount the possible happen­ ing of such misfortune, the adoption of a world rule of law is still a consummation devoutly to be wished and ur­ gently desired if for no other purpose than the maintenance of an orderly world communi­ ty in which peace, security, and justice may be fully en­ joyed by the entire human race. AMNESTY The nurse at the front regarded the wounded soldier with a puzzled frown. “Your face is perfectly familiar to me,” she said, musingly. “But I can’t quite place you some­ how.” “Let bygones be bygones, mum,” the soldier said weakly. “Yes mum, I was a policeman.” * * * The distinguished actor had a large photograph of Wordsworth prominently displayed in his dressing-room. A friend regarded the picture with some surprise, and remarked: “I see you are an admirer of Wordsworth.” “Who’s Wordsworth?” demanded the actor. “Why, that’s his picture,” was the answer, as the friend pointed. “That’s Wordsworth, the poet.” The actor regarded the photograph with a new interest. “Is that old file a poet?” he exclaimed in as­ tonishment. “I got him for a study in wrinkles.” 8 Panorama SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE PHILIPPINES Dr. Amando Clemente The Philippines today is at the threshold of a new era — the challenging era of an ag­ ro-industrial economy. There is in this era the promise of a beautiful future for us — a future full of opportunities forecasting stable economy, progressive social order, ele­ vated cultural status for our country; and peace, prosperi­ ty and happiness for our peo­ ple. How soon can we expect the fulfillment of that pro­ mise? As an optimist, I believe that the application of scienti­ fic and technological know­ how at our command could shorten the time required in the fulfillment of that beauti­ ful promise for the future of our country and people. There are, of course, great obstacles and intricate problems block­ ing the road between that promise and its fulfillment. The road blocks, however, are not insurmountable, and the fulfillment of that promise could be successfully achieved November 1961 9 within a reasonably ^hort time by (1) diligent appraisal, detailed study, thorough cri­ tical analysis of the difficul­ ties on the way, (2) sound and judicious planning, (3) careful and wise programming, and (4) prudent and skillful im­ plementation of the plans in accordance with the program by qualified, experienced, ho­ nest and upright citizens pos­ sessed with high moral prin­ ciples and have sincerely at heart the best interest not only of our people but of all the peoples on earth. Our ability as a people to meet critical situations squarely in order to find an effective remedy that will overcome the difficulty is in­ deed traditional. And the root of the tradition may be traced to the historical facts that (1) we as a race are des­ cendants of brave, enterpris­ ing and pioneering ancestors and (2) our social back­ ground and cultural heritage have trained and taught us to face adversity with cour­ age, even to the extent of sacrificing life, for a right­ eous and worthy cause. Ex­ amples : Rizal, Bataan and Corregidor. Historical records indi­ cate that even before the ar­ rival of Spanish colonizers, Filipinos were acquainted with scientific and technical knowledge of the period. That they were practicing techno­ logy is evidenced by the more than two thousand years old rice terraces of Ba­ nawe in the Mountain Prov­ ince. The engineering skill employed in the construction of those monumental terraces ranks them among the few wonders of the world. Medicinal botany was among the techniques prac­ tised by our ancestors. They applied tangan-tangan leaves to the forehead to relieve headaches, used the raisin of culasi to cure stab wounds and itches, employed infusion of the ground root of cumalibkib to clean and cure ul­ cers, and the aqueous solution from the boiled root of pan - dakaki was given to improve the stomach and relieve pain caused by cold or indigestion When the Spaniards ar­ rived in the Archipelago, they found that the Filipinosknew metallurgy, were mak­ ing cannons and manufactur­ ing gunpowder. Science and Technology during the Spanish regime Science and technology made very slow progress dur­ ing the Spanish regime in the Philippines. This sluggish ad­ vance may be attributed to three main factors: (1) the development of experimental 10 Panorama science was then just at its initial stage. (2) The spirit of the times. It was a spiritual era during which more pre­ ference and attention was gi­ ven to speculative science. And (3) communication and transportation between the western countries and the Philippines was extremely difficult especially before the Philippines was opened to world trade. It may be mentioned in this connection that for a long time after the implantation of the Spanish regime in the Philippines by Legaspi in 1565, the efforts of the colon­ izers were directed almost exclusively in converting the Filipino to Catholicism for the purpose of elevating to a higher level the standard of his social, moral and spiritual life. The improvement of his material well-being was thereby neglected. And it took more than two hundred years after the implantation of its sovereignty before Spain was able to attend to the economic and social dev­ elopment of our people. Charles III, considered to be the best and one among the few far-seeing, patriotic and enlightened rulers of Spain, issued on August 27, 1780 “a royal decree ordering the Governor of the Philip­ pines to convene all the learn­ ed and competent persons in the colony in order to form an association of Selected per­ sons capable of producing useful ideas”. Almost simul­ taneously, before receiving the royal decree, Governor Jose Basco y Vargas organized La Real Sociedad Economica de los Amigos del Pais on Feb­ ruary 7, 1781. Its purpose was to promote and protect scien­ ces, arts, industry and com­ merce. “It contained the fol­ lowing sections:- natural his­ tory, agriculture and rural economy, factories and manu­ factures, internal and foreign commerce, industries and po­ pular education.” The society also promoted the cultivation of indigo, cotton, cinnamon and pepper and the silk in­ dustry. In 1824 the society offered rewards for the most success­ ful farmers and imported martins from China to combat locusts which destroyed crops. The society lived for more than a century, until 1890. Earlier, in 1789, the Span­ ish government sent out un­ der the command of Captain' Alejandro Malaspina an ex­ pedition, the object of which was to collect botanical and zoological specimens, make other scientific observations and draw plans and maps of November 1961 11 coasts of Spanish America, Marianas and the Philippines. The expedition left Cadiz, Spain, on July 30, 1789. In their scientific circumnaviga­ tion of the world, the covettes Atrevida and Descubierta called at Marianas and the Philippines in the beginning of 1792. In several places they made astronomical, meteorogical, magnetic, hydrographic and gravity observations to the position of points and improve the hydrographic charts. The result of the Malaspina exploration was a general chart of the Philip­ pine Islands published by the Direction Hidrographia en Madrid, 1808, which is the first nautical chart of the Ar­ chipelago based on modern survey methods and equip­ ments. The foregoing historical facts show the attempts made towards organized research in science and technology during the. Spanish regime. A fair and impartial eva­ luation of accomplishments in science and technology during the three hundred and fifty years of Spanish gov­ ernment in the Philippines will have to take into account, not only the causes of slug­ gishness in our scientific pro­ gress previously jnentioned, but also the adverse prevail­ ing conditions of those times for creative activities and higher intellectual endeavors. During the period, the gov­ ernment used its resources in conquering bandits, pursuing pirates, opposing invasion by other colonizers, the Dutch, the English and the Portu­ guese, settling disputes bet­ ween the church and the state over control and management of domestic affairs. Another deterent to the ad­ vancement of culture was the more or less successful at­ tempt on the part of the colo­ nizers to exclude external in­ fluences from the country. Le Gentil who was commission­ ed by the French government in 1781 to study the transit of the planet Venus in the Phil­ ippines depreciated the anta­ gonistic attitude of the autho­ rities toward foreign scienti­ fic workers. An Englishman wrote anonymously In Cal­ cutta in 1828 that foreigners were refused admittance to the Philippines and if they succeeded in securing admis­ sion for scientific or commer­ cial objectives, they were eit­ her persecuted or treated con­ temptuously to make their stay very unpleasant. Last but not least of the many obstacles to our cultu­ ral progress was “the wealth through exploitation of the natives.” 12 Panorama In those days educational institutions, among which may be mentioned Sto. Tomas University, the several col­ leges established by the Je­ suits and San Juan de Letran College which gave courses in mathematics, physics, che­ mistry and biology, helped stimulate scientific studies. During the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries there were scientific expeditions by European as well as Amer­ ican explorers. The results of their work and the accounts of their travels are records of the existing conditions in the country at the time. These ex­ plorers served as the only con­ necting link between the PhilipDines and the civilized world outside of Spain and Mexico. They were most helpful in breaking through our long pe­ riod of isolation and effective in promoting our cultural and material development. The policy of carefully ex­ cluding external influences has retarded in no sm^ll mea­ sure our cultural and material development. In this connec­ tion the Flora de Filipinos by Father Manuel Blanco may be cited. The errors in this work committed by erection of ma­ ny new species from old-es­ tablished forms and assign­ ment to the Philippines of non-Philippine species rather than facilitating retarded the publication of a complete flora of the islands. Those errors could have been minimized, if not completely avoided, if the authors of the first and the revised volumes had con­ tacts, with contemporary Eu­ ropean botanists and herba­ ria. On the other hand, the three volumes of Father Cas­ tro de Elera’s work Catalogo Sistematico de Toda la Fauna de Filipinos Conocidas hasta el Presente (1895-1896) al­ though not free from inac­ curacies, is more authoritative due to the help which the au­ thor received from the Bri­ tish Museum and from Am­ erican, French, German, Ita­ lian, Spanish and other zoo­ logists. According to Tavera (1905), “it is impossible not to recog­ nize the humanitarian im­ pulses, truly Christian and equitable, which guided kings and Spanish legislators in what they did for the Philip­ pine Islands. It is also certain that the Spanish colonial leg­ islation, influenced as it was by the opinion of persons so conservative and suspicious of all that was not Spanish and Catholic acts in nature, shut the Philippines from all contact with other civiliza­ tion. .. But this result was not due to a system of politics to suit a colony, but was more in the nature of a reproduc­ November 1961 13 tion in the Philippine Islands of the political system under which Spain was governed and known to other nations in Europe.” This policy of exclusion and self-sufficiency caused unne­ cessary delay in the country’s opportunity to take advantage of the benefits available from scientific discoveries and in­ ventions not originating from Spain. It took thirty-eight years after its invention by Samuel F. B. Morse before te­ legraph lines were established in the Philippines in 1873. Con­ nection by cable between Spain and the Philippines was made in 1880, fourteen years after permanent establish­ ment of telegraphic communi­ cation between America and Europe by Cyrus W. Field. The telephone became known in the Philippines in 1890, fif­ teen years after its invention and practical use was demonstrated by Alexan­ der Graham Bell in Boston by talking through the wire to his assistant in Cambridge. Sixty year elapsed after the invention of the steam loco­ motive by the Englishman George Stephenson in 1825 be­ fore the Manila-Dagupan line was inaugurated by the then English-owned Manila Rail­ road Company. It took the company five years of hard work to obtain permission from the Spanish authorities to start work on the project and eight additional years to put the right-of-way in order. Thomas A. Edison invented the incandescent lamp in 1879. Electric lighting was not en­ joyed by Manilans until 1895. The first call in Manila of the English steamships “Magalla­ nes”, “Elcano” and “Reina de Castilla” took place in 1848, twenty-five years since the time steamship started cruis­ ing the oceans of the world.. The climax of the anti-foreign feeling occurred in Manila in 1820, when for the first time cholera epidemic broke out. An insidious rumor that the foreigners poisoned the wells spread among the natives, in­ furiated them so much that they mobbed the English and French residents, killing twenty-five of them. It will, of course, be unfair if in this discussion we fail to state that the defects and shortcomings of the Spanish rule in the Philippines could be offset by redeeming fea­ tures which had profound and beneficial influence on the life of the Filipinos. Agricul­ ture in may parts of the Phil­ ippines was favorably affect­ ed by the introduction of liumerous cultivated plants, such as cacao, coffee, com, indigo, sesamum, tobacco as well as a considerable number of trees. 14 Panorama According to Merrill (1926). about two hundred of the more than one thousand plant species surrounding the Mani­ la area are of American ori­ gin. They were introduced in­ to the Philippines from the time of its occupation in 1521 to 1815, the year when the gal­ leon service between Manila and Acapulco was stopped. Governor-General. Jose Basco y Vargas (1778-1787) granted rewards to those who were conspicuous for their success in agriculture. He obtained seeds from other countries and ordered the planting of more than 4,000 mulberry trees in Camarines Sur for feeding silkworms. He real­ ized at the time that if agri­ culture is to succeed, it need­ ed the aid of science. The in­ troduction of horses, oxen and sheep is attributed to the Spaniards on the ground that they are were not found in the country before their ar­ rival. Under the direction of skill­ ed engineers and architects among the friars, public buildings, churches, highways and irrigation systems were built. What may be considered as the most outstanding scienti­ fic contribution of the Spanish regime to the country was the foundation of the Manila Ob­ servatory. In 1865, Father Fe­ derico Algue founded it as an observatory for the Ateneo de Manila. In recognition of the importance and the value of the service it rendered to the country, the observatory was given official recognition by the government by royal de­ cree promulgated on April 28, 1884. It was the first of its kind in the Far East to an­ nounce the approach of a ty­ phoon and to predict its pro­ bable course and duration. At this point, mention should be made of the fact that among the earlier Span­ ish executives some had pro­ gressive ideas. For instance, Antonio de Morga (1598) in his report to the king recom­ mended the following .mea­ sures to be adopted: that “Chinese ships be prohibited from loading with Philipine lumber for they fell the trees for this, and in a short time there will be lack of wood here; that Chinese and Japan­ ese traders be not allowed to traffic in deer skins and thus, the supply of game will be ex­ hausted; and that salambao fine mesh nets ought not to be employed, and the size of the mesh should be regulated so that the supply of fish will not be exhausted, for already experience has demonstrated that they are not so abundant as formerly”. November 1961 15 The contributions of the friars in tutoring the Filipi­ nos and helping them adopt the moral and social standards of Western civilization is in­ calculable. Indeed, the reli­ gious orders contributed in great measure to whatever success the Spanish rule achieved in the Philippines. There were three important events which were of great consequence to the accelera­ tion of our economic and cul­ tural progress based on stand­ ards set by European nations. (1) The opening of the port of Manila to foreign com-, merce in 1830. It brought the Philippines in closer contact with the outside world as a result of the entry of foreign merchants who established themselves in the counrty, despite the continued enforce­ ment of restrictions. The opening of the ports of Iloilo, Zamboanga and Sual in 1855, and that of Cebu in 1863 in­ creased the prosperity of the people and enhanced their chance to broaden their cul­ tural horizon. (2) In 1869, the Suez Canal was opened and in 1880 cable connection of the Philippines with Europe was completed. The two events brought the Philippines and Europe closer together. (3) In 1863, the school reform was decreed. It established prima­ ry education in the Archipela­ go, liberalizing and raising the standard of learning to such an extent that it enabled many Filipinos to pursue ad­ vanced studies in Europe. It marked the beginning of Fili­ ppino participation in scienti­ fic work, headed by a chemist, Don Anacleto del Rosario; bo­ tanist, Dr. Leon Ma. Guerre­ ro; leprologist, Dr. Eliodoro Mercado and beri-beri specia­ lists, Drs. Manuel Guerrero and Jose Montes. These Filipino scientists to­ gether with Rizal, del Pilar, Lopez Jaena and many others were the pioneers who brought back home from the European centers of learning and culture progressive ideas, ideas which found in the Phi­ lippines not only a fertile and virgin soil, but also a favor­ able climate for a healthy, vigorous and luxurious growth to a productive matu­ rity. Indeed, the three hundred and fifty years of Spanish tutelage gave the Philippines the necessary preparation, knowledge and experience to take advantage of every op­ portunity which may lead to success in the laborious task of building a free, enlighten­ ed and prosperous nation. Not a nation that will need fo­ reign help for its existence, but a nation that shall give aid to help less fortunate na­ 16 Panorama tions make a decent living. Thanks to that tutelage when Dewey’s victory in Manila Bay ushered us to the bene­ volent era, which character­ ized the sovereignty of the United States over the Philip­ pines, little difficulty, if any, was encountered in the implementation of the programs calculated to improve the ge­ neral conditions of the coun­ try. One of the important mea­ sures which the American government initiated in the Philippines was to draw all available scientific resources to the end that (1) infant mortality from beriberi and small pox might be minimized and (2) epidemics and other serious diseases of man and domestic animals could be studied and checked. Agri­ culture made great progress due to advantageous trade re­ lations established between Islands and America and the adoption of improved culti­ vation methods, resulting from scientifc experiments which increased the yield and reduced the expenses of farm operation. Modern sugar mills were erected and operated un­ der the supervision and con­ trol of trained sugar techno­ logists. Forestry, mineral and other natural resources were exploited on the basis of ac­ cepted modern methods. It should be emphasized that most of the important developments in technology were the results of the acti­ vities of researchers in the various laboratories and bu­ reaus of the government, in the medical and veterinary departments of the United States army, in the field staff of the Rockefeller Founda­ tion, and later in the labora­ tories of the different colleges of the University of the Phi­ lippines in Quezon City, Ma­ nila and College, Laguna, as well as in the laboratories of some private universities and industrial firms. It may be stated in this con­ nection that as elsewhere the country’s achievements in scientific research for the last sixty years are much greater than those accomplished dur­ ing the three hundred and fif­ ty years of Spanish regime. Not only has the tempo of all our scientific activities been accelerated but we have also extended our foreign scienti­ fic relations by (1) partici­ pating in scientific congress­ es, (2) acquiring membership in international scientific or­ ganizations, (3) exchanging professors and other contract­ ed scientists and (4) sending advanced students abroad through foreign scholarships. Actual scientific research work during the American so­ November 1961 17 vereignty in the Philippines started when the Bureau of Government Laboratories (la­ ter the Bureau of Science, ac­ tually Research Institute of Science and Technology) was established in 1901 by Act 157 of the Philippine Commission. The establishment of this bu­ reau which was under the di­ rectorship of Dr. Paul C. Freer marked the beginning of scientific research activities in in the Islands. Another act of the Philippine Commission which contributed to the pro­ motion of science in the Phil­ ippines was Act 854 passed on August 26, 1903. It provided for the education of Filipino students in the United States — one of the most important efforts exerted by the Phil­ ippine government in promo­ ting science and technology. One of the most outstand­ ing acts of the Philippine Gov­ ernment calculated to encour­ age and promote scientific ac­ tivities in the country was the creation of the National Re­ search Council of the Philip­ pines. The purposes of this council are: (1) In general, to stimulate research in the mathematical, physical, and biological scien­ ces, and in the application of these sciences to engineering, agriculture, medicine, and other useful arts, with the ob­ ject of increasing knowledge, starting studies of problems of the national defense, and of contributing in other ways to the public welfare. (2) To survey the larger possibilities of science, to for­ mulate comprehensive pro­ jects of research, and to dev­ elop effective means of utiliz­ ing the scientific and technical resources of the country for dealing with these projects. (3) To promote cooperation in research, at home and ab­ road, in order to secure con­ centration of effort, minimize duplication and stimulate pro­ gress; but in all cooperative undertakings to give encour­ agement to individual initia­ tive as fundamentally impor­ tant to the advancement of science. (4) To gather and collate scientific and technical infor­ mation at home and abroad, in cooperation with govern­ ment and other agencies and to render such information available to duly accredited persons. The most outstanding scien­ tists and technical men in the country are members of this organization. No less in importance in the government efforts to give every incentive to scientific researchers was the establish­ ment of the National Science Foundation. 18 Panorama Scientific and industrial re­ search hold the key to the successful implementation of our industrial development program. Hence, we are hap­ py to note that there is now a growing interest in science and technology on the part of the government as well as the public, especially the entre­ preneurs. Our industrialists are beginning to consult and avail of the services of scien­ tists and technologists for aid in the solutioh of their techni­ cal problems. Nevertheless, there are still indications that the full value of the contribution of techno­ logy and science to the nation­ al economy is not yet fully ap­ preciated. One of the latest acts of the government, con­ firming once more its recog­ nition of the paramount im­ portance of scientific and in­ dustrial researches, was the approval by Congress of the Science Act of 1958, creating the National Science Develop­ ment Board. This board has the ability to finance and broad powers to promote scientific and industrial re­ searches. It can thus be a very formidable factor in furnish­ ing thorough, wise program­ ming and adequate support of essential industrial research­ es, the necessary relief to the sad plight which many of our industries are actually exper­ iencing. As such it is bound to be the instrumentality of our government that would clear the way to the fulfill­ ment of that promise of a beautiful future mentioned at the beginning of this discus­ sion. A large sector of our population possesses only a smattering knowledge of the important role which science and technology play and will have to play in our economic development. There is, therefore, an acute need for a program of syste­ matic dissemination of scienti­ fic and technical knowledge to our citizens, particularly to the barrio folks, in order that they may learn to appreciate the full value and the benefits which science and technology provide, for their wellbeing. In fact, science should be taught gradually and progressively in our schools from the ele­ mentary grades through col­ lege to make certain that the future citizens of the Philip­ pines may posses sufficient knowledge of at least the fun­ damental concepts of science. Equipped with such learn­ ing, they will be in a better position to understand that the scientific methods of thinking which produced ad­ vances in chemical technolo­ gy are also applicable to so­ cial, economic or financial problems of any industry. November 1961 19 STAR EMITS RADIO SIGNALS The first known individual star that sends out radio signals has been found and precisely located by astronomers at the California Insti­ tute of Technology's Radio Observatory in Owens Valley, California. Previous radio signals that have been detected have come more from areas of the sky rather than from individual stars. The radio star, called by astronomers 3C-48, sends out radio signals.that are 10,000,000 times stronger than those emitted by the sun, it is be­ lieved. The star is of 16th magnitude, and can therefore be seen only with a large telescope. It is located in the constellation Triangulum, which is close in the sky to the great spiral nebula in the constellation Andromeda. In closing this brief discus­ sion of science and technolo­ gy in the Philippines I would like to say that any economic or industrial project may be carried out to a successful completion, provided that scientific spirit and technical methods are employed in its financing and operation. Let us all hope for the time when through science and technology the realization of our dreams, in answer to our prayers, will soon usher the advent of a prosperous econo­ mic era in the annals of our history. Then, verdant fields, humming factories, busy shops, cozy homes, neat wholesome rural atmosphere and happy barrio people will predominate in the Philippine landscape. This is but the dream of a scientist. Yet, who can tell? Given the opportunity, science and technology could perform wonders. 20 Panorama HOW SOME FIRMS GOT THEIR NAMES Lety Q. Bitanga Do you know where such unique and popular firm names as YCO, X’or, Alemar’s, Ramcar, Rose Vale, Tres Chic, Moremci, Rustan. Otis, Berg, and so forth, ori­ ginated? This question brought me to embark on an unusual kind of adventure. With my UP press card as my pass­ port, I visited many business spots in Manila and Quezon City and discovered the sec­ rets behind their extraordina­ ry names. Most of the time, I was mistaken for a prospective customer. But soon, the sales­ ladies would bring me to the manager’s office where I got my interviews. And now to go on with my discovery. I observed that most firm names, like the names of some people, are ta­ ken at random, while others are taken deliberately. “Otis does not mean any­ thing,” Antonio Que Paredes of Otis Department Store surprised me with his an­ swer. “We just thought of it and adopted it. Perhaps be­ cause it is short and easy to pronounce.” Regalado Montemayor of X’or Studio said that he also picked the name X’or at ran­ dom. The letter X was aimed at suggesting the word ex­ cellent or the best. YCO stands for Ynchausti (the name of a Spanish busi­ nessman) and company. The paint and oil factory now be­ longs to Manuel Elizalde but because of its long estab­ lished prestige the name YCO was retained. Other firm names which origina­ ted from the founder’s name are the following: Ramcar, the name of a local car firm (Ramon Caro); Menzi & Co., the name of a paper manu­ facturing company (Hans Menzi); and Berg’s depart­ ment store (E. Berg). A rather sweet and poetic firm name is Rose Vale’s Creations. Rose Vale, accord­ ing to Lilli Valle, comes from an interesting coincidence. “My mother’s full name is Rosario Juico-Valle,” she November 1961 21 said, “and our foreign friends call her Rose Vale for short.” The name Slim’s was taken from the name of the owner, S. Lim or Mrs. Salvacion Lim-Higgins. It is interesting to note that Mrs. Higgins is gifted with a pretty, slim fi­ gure. Mrs. Gunding Noguera of Tres Chic Fashion Shop, when asked why her shop is called thus, said, “Tres chic means very smart and we want our creations to be very smart and fashionable.” What could be more unique and fascinating than a firm name which has been coined from two or more family names or Christian names or just the initials of these? D & E, a well-known res­ taurant, stands for the sur­ names of the couple who owns the business (Diaz-En­ riquez). Other examples of firms which were named af­ ter the husband and wife are Floram’s Studio (Flores-Ra­ mos), Syvel’s, Inc. (SyyapVelez), and Rustan Depart­ ment Store (Rustia-Tantoco). A combination of the first and last syllables of the cou­ ple’s names is exemplified by Josenia Shoe Store (Jose and ApoIonia Lao). Remancel and Fourelles are two gift shops in Mabini which were named after the family members. Remancel belongs to the Acosta family (Remedios and Angel, and their only child, Celia). Fou­ relles stands for the members of the Licuanan family (Col. and Mrs. Francisco Licuanan and their two children, Fran­ cisco, Jr. and Patricia). The initials of the proprie­ tor’s five children were com­ bined to form the name of a famous shoe store, Rempson. R stands for Ronnie, e for Emelita and Edgar, m for Marcial, and p for Pepito. The sixth child of Mr. and Mrs. Severino Samson was named Rempson. Similarly, the name of a restaurant near UST, Wilfranor, was taken from , the names of Wilfredo Samson’s three children, Wilfredo, Jr. Francisco and Norma. The P & P in Azcarraga has a double meaning. The initials P stand for the fami­ ly name of the four FilipinoChinese brothers (Po) who established the book store. It also means popular and popu­ lar or very popular. Gliv’s on Mabini is a ladies’ depart­ ment store owned by three Nava sisters, Gloria, Ligaya, and Violeta. “People sometimes think that our family name is Alemar because of our book store called Alemar’s,” Maria Co22 Panorama NYLON 7 Nylon 7, shelved since its accidental produc­ tion in the laboratory many years ago, can at last be made by a commercially feasible process from a synthetic derivative of aminoheptanoic acid, according to Dr. C. F. Horn of Union Car­ bide Chemicals Company of South Charleston, West Virginia. When this derivative is boiled in water, it forms a white waxy-to-brittle substance that can be stored or spun immediately into strong fibers, thus eliminating several steps involved in the commercial production of its chemical cousins, the familiar nylon 6 and nylon 66. Its high softening temperature, 430 degrees Fahrenheit, makes it especially suitable for tire cords where heat built up from friction is a prob­ lem. Nylon 1 does not deteriorate easily in pressence of ultra violet light and produces tough, clear sheets and molded resistance. * * razon Sibal told me during the interview. “The fact is that my father named it after my mother’s name, Alegria, and the first name of all the girls in the family, Maria.” Mrs. Pacita de Jesus of Moremci gave an interesting ac­ count of the origin of her shop’s name. Moremci is a dealer and exporter of Philippine-made lamps, shades, and furniture. “It took us no less than two weeks thinking of a uni­ que and exotic name,” she confessed. “At last, we thought of joining my daughobjects of good impact * * ter’s nickname, Mori, and the second syllable of my name, Ci. (Mori-n-ci) But, we soon found out in the encyclope­ dia that there is a city in Si­ cily called Morinci. To be original, we changed the let­ ter i to e and the letter n to m, forming the word Morem­ ci.” After my adventure in bu­ sinessland, my new pair of shoes were all worn out, my whole body was aching, and my purse was empty, but I felt a kind of happiness akin to that of Magellan when he discovered the Philippines. November 1961 23 REHABILITATION Dr. Isidoro Panlasigui There are now many in­ dividuals and civic organiza­ tions like the Philippine Men­ tal Health Association that are interested in the rehabili­ tation of the prisoners. This growing interest in the pri­ soners is due largely to the modern penology that be­ lieves that crime is not an anti-social act but a symptom of social illness on the part of society and of the indiv­ idual. Therefore the criminal should not be punished but should be cured. The rehabi­ litation of prisoners is there­ fore necessarily the function both of the prison and the community, cooperating to­ gether. If “once a criminal, always a criminal” were true, it is not because of the criminal himself but because of society’s negative attitude towards him. In the following paragraphs the story of the prisoner from his arrest through his investigation and trial to his release is briefly narrated within the structure of the changing concept of penolo­ gy. A program of rehabilita­ tion in the form of sugges­ tions is herewith presented for consideration. I. The Investigation and The Trial Everyone who has some­ thing to do with the suspect — the police, the. witness, the lawyer, the judge, etc.— knows that a suspect who is not a criminal may be con­ victed, or a suspect who is a criminal may be acquitted, because of the method of in­ vestigation, the technicality of the law, the motive and cleverness of the prosecuting and defending lawyers, the witness, and the judge. During the investigation, the police or any other inves­ tigating agency is interested more to get a confession, or at least, a statement that may be used for conviction than 24 Panorama OF PRISONERS to get the truth which may or may not convict the sus­ pect. Everyone is familiar with the third degree tech­ nique of investigation. The defending lawyer, be­ cause of his profession, is duty bound to defend the suspect, whether he is guilty or not of the crime of) which he is accused. He does his best to get an acquittal for his client. The prosecuting lawyer, likewise, is duty bound to do his best to get the conviction of the suspect Very often a suspect may be acquitted or convicted simply because of the tech* nicality of the law. The op­ posing lawyers base their ar­ guments, and the intent of the law are often, if not al­ ways, ignored. The more de­ fective the law is, the more errors are committed in the name of the law. Everything that has something to do with investigation and legal litigation gravitates toward the technicality of the law. With respect to the witness, no one knows how many in­ nocent suspects were convict­ ed, and criminal suspects were acquitted because of his testimony! The conviction of an innocent suspect would create in him deep resent­ ment and bitterness against those who were responsible for his conviction, in particu­ lar, and against society in general. Perhaps, he would be asking to himself the ques­ tion “Where is justice?” all the rest of his life, if the wrong done to him in the name of the law would not be righted. In prison he would be a potential power for discontent and rebellion, rather than a peaceful peni­ tent. Outside prison, he would be not a reformed man, but a vindictive scoun­ drel. The acquitted criminal, knowing too well that the law, the lawyer, and the judge are all for him in the name of the law, would be encouraged again and again to commit crime or crimes, and he would be enjoying a fiesta grande in his crimes. Such a method of investi­ gation and court procedure do not produce salutary efNovember 1961 25 feet upon the suspect wheth­ er he is a criminal or not. II. The Big House and the Punishment Once a suspect is convicted he is sent to prison to live there for a period of time prescribed by law, or to be put to death as the case may be. The purpose of imprison­ ment has undergone s.everal changes from time to time, from punitive, retributive, preventive, reformatory to rehabilitation. Punishment has always been considered as a retribution to heal the wounded feelings of the vic­ tims, his relatives' and friends and as a protection of society. In ancient times such retributive purpose has been definitely defined by the law as . . . life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burn­ ing, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. (Ex. 21: 23-25). It was also believed, even to the present time, that pu­ nishment makes the prisoner penitent, and to suffer for the sake of the community, and his punishment deters himself and others from the commission of crimes. This belief dominated the theory of penology for thousands of years up to the early part of the 19th century when peno­ logists began to question the soundness and the validity of the nature of punishment and its supposed deterrent effect upon the criminals. In spite of this doubt, imprison­ ment as punishment and its deterrent effect are still be­ lieved by the people. Changes in the theory and practices of penology began to be introduced many years ago. Punishment or peniten­ tiary concept began to give way to reformatory or edu­ cational concept. Accordingly reformatory institutions were founded. It is of interest to note at this juncture, ’ that this new movement was more or less arrested by the theory of Lombroso, an Ita­ lian penologist, that there are people who are born cri­ minal and who could be iden­ tified by distinctive physical characteristics. However, stu­ dies in heredity and in psy­ chology have shown that there is no such thing as a typical criminal. So the im­ provements in the treatment of prisoners in the Big House were continued to be intro­ duced. These improvements were calculated to better the life conditions of the prison­ 26 Panorama ers — physical, educational, social, religious, and moral. To implement such improve­ ments the following were in­ augurated — better prison buildings (but of course with the usual stone walls and armed guards), hospitals, li­ braries, workshops for voca­ tional training, labor for some monetary reward, athle­ tic games, movies, lectures, etc. The services of social workers, psychologists, psy­ chiatrists, and religious mi­ nisters and sociologists, are used for the benefit of the prisoners. All these are now part and parcel of the prison­ er’s life in a large number of penal institutions. In some of the U.S. prisons there is what is called the Jeffersonian democratic self-government among the prisoners. This modern theory in pe­ nology leads to a new atti­ tude toward crime and the prisoner: Crime is not an act against society but it is a so­ cial illness. Therefore the cri­ minal is not an anti-social person who needs to be pun­ ished, but one who is social­ ly ill who needs to be cured. Hence, the ancient method of punishing the prisoner is re­ placed by the modern meth­ od of reforming and rehabili­ tating him. III. The Rehabilitation In spite of the theories and practices of the past—puni­ tive and retributive to deter the commission of crimes, and the modern methods of treatment given the prison­ ers, as described above, there seems to be no reformation on the part of the prisoners, nor the lessening in the com­ mission of crimes. The facts are seen in the continued un­ rest and discontent among prisoners, the sporadic riots within the Big House, the perennial attempts of escape, and the large percentage of recidivists. How can we explain these phenomena? Is it true that a criminal is born a criminal regardless of his environ­ ment? Is it true that “once a criminal, always a crimi­ nal”? If these were true, then what is the use of punish­ ment, reformation and rehar bilitation of prisoners? If we admitted that these were true, is it not also true that the only thing we could do is to protect society from the criminals by keeping them in prison as long as they Jive? Before we answer these questions let us consider the following observations. As a starting point we raise the question—Is the recidivist a recidivist because the refor­ November 1961 27 mation process in the Big House is a failure or because society does not want to take back the prisoner into its fold? In view of all the reformations in prison manage­ ment calculated for the be­ nefit of the prisoner, it is ex­ pected that the prisoner is reformed, perhaps not com­ pletely to satisfy everybody, and ready to start a life of a peaceful citizen of a com­ munity, society still main­ tains its old negativd atti­ tude and refuses to have any­ thing to do with him, much less welcome him back to the community. In other words, the prisoner may be reformed and completely pre­ pared to live a free man, but in the estimation of society he is still a dangerous per­ son. After the prisoner’s ‘‘grad­ uation” from the Big House, what are his chances to earn a living in order that he may live peacefully and happily as a free citizen of his own community? Out of the Big House he feels a new life. Happily and peacefully he begins, he thinks, to live a free life. But of a sudden he sees in front of him a wall stronger than the stone walls of the Big House where he had just “graduated”, a wall that permanently separates him from society, even from his own family, relatives, and friends. That wall is the belief that “Once a criminal, always a criminal.” Be­ cause of this social stigma, the “graduate” finds himself less free and more lonely than when he was inside the Big House. This fact shows clearly that society believes neither the ancient penologist who believed that imprisonment was a punishment and retri­ bution, nor the modern pe­ nologist who believes that imprisonment is a reforma­ tion and rehabilitation. Con­ sequently, society continues to punish him by social and moral ostracism, a punish­ ment more painful and more degrading than the most bru­ tal punishment he suffered in the Big House. Inside the Big House, when he was a criminal, he had been 'well taken care of for all his phy­ sical needs—bed, food, cloth­ ing, medicine, etc. He was given opportunity to improve himself physically, intellec­ tually, religiously and moral­ ly. But outside the .Big House, already a free, educat­ ed and reformed man, he finds himself still a criminal minus the care and opporttunities he had enjoyed in the Big House. Finding him­ 28 Panorama self in such a predicament, what would be more natural for him to do than to go back to the Big House? The only certificate that would entitle him for re-enrollment is the commission of another crime. Hence a recidivist. This fact strongly suggests that the rehabilitation of pri­ soners is necessarily a coope­ rative enterprise between the prison and the community in­ cluding all who are responsi­ ble in sending them to pri­ son. According to the dict i o n a r y, to rehabilitate means— 1. “To restore to a good condition, regenerate, or make over in an im­ proved form.” 2. “To re-establish in good repute or accepted res­ pectability, as a person or the character, name, etc. after disrepute.” 3. “To restore formally to a former capacity or stand­ ing, or rank, rights, or privileges lost or forfeit­ ed.” By means of the modern facilities for the treatment of prisoners the Big House can “restore” the prisoner “to good condition; regenerate, or make over in an improved form,” but it cannot “re-es­ tablish” him “in good repute or accepted respectability, as a person or the character, name, etc. after disrepute” nor can it “restore” him “formally to a former capa­ city or standing, or to rank, rights, or privileges lost or forefeited” because these are the duty and responsibility of the community or society. It is in society where the “graduate” is to be “re-es­ tablished in good repute or accepted respectibility”. IV. Suggested Reforms for Rehabilitation The observations above lead us to make the follow­ ing suggestions for an effec­ tive program of the rehabili­ tation of prisoners. They are presented for consideration— 1. The police and other in­ vestigating agencies should try to gather evidence not only for the conviction, but also for the acquittal of the suspect. They should be in­ terested not only in his con­ viction but also in his acquit­ tal. This would minimize the number of innocent suspects who are convicted and the number of criminal suspects who are acquitted. 2. The prosecuting and the defending lawyers should base their arguments, and the judge his decision, not only on the technicality of the law, the evidence adduc­ ed from objects such as hair. November 1961 29 piece of cloth, dust, cigaret stub, empty tooth-paste tube, etc. and the testimonies of witnesses, but also upon the intent and the spirit of the law and upon the psychologi­ cal and moral factors that have some connection with the case. This may minimize the tendency of a judge to make his decision purely on the technicality of the law regardless of his own moral conviction. A punishment which is im­ posed by the judge purely on the technicality of the law fits the crime and satisfies the law but it does not fit nor satisfy the convicted whether he is innocent or not. A crime as defined by law may be committed by several in­ dividuals having different personalities, different mo­ tives, and in different preci­ pitating circumstances. This psychological fact (not a le­ gal fact) shows clearly the wisdom and the necessity of the next suggestion. 3. Services of an expert psychologist, psychiatrist, so­ ciologist, and social worker should be used during the period of investigation and trial in order that the objects introduced as evidence, the testimonies of the witness, the character of the suspect, etc. could be properly inter­ preted not only on the tech­ nicality of the law but also on their psychological, socio­ logical and moral signifi­ cance. Take for example the nature of the testimony. It has been proven in psycho­ logical laboratories that two witnesses of a given event do not give similar reports. Two reports of the same witness, one given immediately after the event and the other sev­ eral days later, differ from each other. This is due to individual differences in po­ wer of observation, memory, attention, the acuity of the sense organs, etc. Modern penology empha­ sizes the following lines of investigation wherein ’ the services of the psychologist, the psychiatrist, sociologist, and social worker are need­ ed. a. His exact identity b. The salient facts con­ cerning his family c. His environment d. His criminal record e. His mental and physiolo­ gical conditions f. His attitude toward so­ ciety g. Any circumstances which call for leniency or severity in his case When the above facts are ascertained the offenders may be classified and the classifi30 Panorama cation should be carefully studied— a. His physical and mental status b. His physical and mental age c. His character and con­ duct d. The nature and cause of his delinquency e. The training he requires to fit him for his return to society 4. It is perhaps safe to say that if criminal laws are stat­ ed clearly to show their in­ tent and spirit, and to elimi­ nate dubious meanings, so that they cannot be abused in their technicality, the chances are great that the conviction of an innocent suspect and the acquittal of the criminal suspect are minimized. 5. Some of the reforms that were introduced in prison have already been presented. However, the traditional me­ thod of concentrating a large number of prisoners in one prison called the national pri­ son should be discontinued, because it is unpsychological. A Big House can never be big enough to contain comfort­ ably a big crowd of prison­ ers. The bigger the crowd, the greater is the congestion; congestion begets irritation; irritation begets discontent and discontent leads to riots and rebellions. Therefore, the big crowd of prisoners which is concentrated in the Big House should be distributed into smaller groups to be placed in municipal or prov­ incial prisons. This plan may have the following advan­ tages— a. It lessens the irritating congestion. b. The financial burden of penal institutions is distribu­ ted among the municipalities and the provinces. c. It may lead to a revision of the existing general rela­ tionships bewteen the prov­ incial governments, on the one hand, and the national government on the other, which may eventually lead to a greater governmental autonomy of the provinces. d. It may develop better prison administration and more effective method of re­ formation due to lessened congestion and to the human tendency to competition which may be generated by the distributive leadership and responsibility. 6. The duties of the Board of Pardon and Parole pres­ cribed by law should be amended so as to include not only the power to recom­ mend pardon and to parole, but also the duty of place­ ment of all released prison­ November 1961 31 ers in some employments. If the board cannot do this, the government should create a body for the purpose. 7. There should be a dyna­ mic and strong campaign to change the attitude of socie­ ty toward the prisoners and their rehabilitation. The atti­ tude of society toward the prisoners, an attitude which blocks the rehabilitation of the prisoners is difficult, if not impossible, to change, be­ cause of the deeply rooted belief that “once a criminal, always a criminal.” Figu­ ratively speaking, we may say that the stone walls of the Big House are much easier to destroy than the social wall that society has built around itself in order that “graduates” from the Big House may not enter therein. 8. In this campaign the Christian churches and schools, public and private, should take an active part because these two institutions are especially committed to religious and moral develop­ ment. The churches should remember how Jesus looked at the criminal in the person of the woman who was caught in the act of adultery (John 8:3-11) and of the Pro­ digal Son (Luke 15:11-32). The churches should remem­ ber the prisoners and their rehabilitation as often as pos­ sible in their sermons and Sunday schools. The schools could do the same thing. They should incorporate in their social studies something about the rehabilitation of the prisoners in order that the school population may know the facts about the pri­ soners and their rehabilita­ tion which is a means of sal­ vaging wreckage among hu­ man beings. 9. Everybody who speaks of work for the rehabilita­ tion of prisoners always cen­ ters his attention on, and in­ terest in the prisoners, and the Big House, as if these two are the only ones in the blueprint of the rehabilita­ tion of prisoners. Mention has already been made that the rehabilitation of prison­ ers is the function of both the prison and the communi­ ty or society. Any program of rehabilitation is doomed to fail if society is not in the picture and is not willing to cooperate. Society must be made to see its duty and res­ ponsibility and it should be made to realize that the re­ formation of the prisoners depends largely, not on the reformation of the Big House but upon its own reforma­ tion. 32 Panorama To achieve the objectives as presented in the form of suggestions for the rehabili­ tation of prisoners our cam­ paign should be carried out intensively and extensively in all the areas and agencies in our social life, or in our community life. The differ­ ent organizations—family, re­ ligious, educational, profes­ sional, scientific, civic, econo­ mic, political, industrial, in­ cluding the law enforcement agencies, should be solicited to join in the campaign. The program of rehabilitation should be presented to the public by means of the daily papers, the radios, the TVs, lectures, open forums, confer­ ences and seminars. These different organizations should not remain listeners but do­ ers until the objectives would have been achieved. BETROTHAL The cook, Nora, had announced her engage­ ment to a frequenter at the kitchen, named Mike. But a year passed and nothing was heard of tne nuptials. So, one day, the mistress inquired: '‘When are you to be married, Nora?” “Indade, an’ it’s niver at all, Til be thirikin’, mum,” the cook answered sadly. “Really? Why, what is the trouble?” The reply was explicit : “’Tis this, mum. I won’t marry Mike when he’s drunk, an’ he won’t marry me when he’s sober.” ♦ ♦ ♦ The delinquent laggard swain had been tell­ ing of his ability as a presiding officer. The girl questioned him: “What is the parliamentary phrase when you wish to call for a vote?” The answer was given with proud certainty : “Are you ready for the question?” “Yes, dearest,” the girl confessed shyly. “Go ahead.” November 1961 33 COOPERATIVE Paul Friggens Lately, I’ve been meeting an impressive kind of college student: with ex­ ceptional maturiy, earnings in bank, and with two or three years’ on-the-job exper­ ience that practically guaran­ tee him a headstart on his career after graduation. Sharp, confident, 21-yearold Glenn Cooper of Dayton, Ohio, is typical. Glenn want­ ed to attend college, but lack­ ed the means. Then he learn­ ed of the unique work-study program—“cooperative edu­ cation,” they call it—at sev­ eral colleges of the Universi­ ty of Cincinnati. There, stu­ dents alternate two to four months of campus study with a like period of employment in busines, industry, govern­ ment or the professions, and earn as they learn. Glenn en­ rolled, and when I visited him, he had averaged $1900 annual earnings during three years of college. But of vastly greater bene­ fit, he had already gotten his feet on the ground in the bu­ siness world. As a college re­ quirement, the youth had progressed through a variety of jobs: mail boy with a Day­ ton manufacturer (“Where I had a chance to meet every­ body up to the company pre­ sident”); factory-hand sweat­ ing out an eight-hour shift on a clanging gang-drill (“They taught me to respect manual labor and to keep my mouth shut!”); and purcha­ sing clerk and market re­ searcher (“Where I learned some of the facts of life about operating a modern business”). No doubt with these fundamentals, the able young man is ensured a solid future. I found enthusiastic Corin­ ne Capano at Northeastern University, Boston, another inspiring “co-op” student and Corinne confided: “Al34 Panorama EDUCATION ready, I feel as if I’m moving up the teaching ladder.” As a sophomore, she took a $40-aweek office job in the. Brain­ tree, Mass., elementary schools. The “intern” pro­ gressed to teacher aide, do­ ing both remedial reading and arithmetic; regular subs­ titute; and as prescribed by law, elementary practice tea­ cher. By graduation time, she will have acquired 80 weeks of well-rounded school exper­ ience, to say nothing of her $1000 yearly earnings. Says Braintree superintendent of schools, Ralph W. Proctor: “I believe that interns like Co­ rinne have acquired a more functional background of training and experience than any other young teachers we have ever hired.” These trai­ nees help meet the teacher shortage, too, and Northeast­ ern can’t fill the demand. At Antioch College, in Yel­ low Springs, Ohio, I visited Jerry Fagerlund just back from a scientist’s “dream” cruise to the Caribbean and the North Atlantic. While he earned $225 a month and his keep operating an echo sounder, Jerry reaped the be­ nefits of study with a dis­ tinguished “field faculty.” Earlier, he had worked as a chemical research technician; fire control aide in Crater Lake National Park, and had gained invaluable experience mapping with the U.S. Geo­ logical Survey. “I figure I have a two-year head start in my career,” the geology major told me. During the present college crisis, cooperative education offers another important ad­ vantage : it may well help to alleviate the pressing expan­ sion needs at some of our institutioris — without skyroc­ keting costs. Antioch, for ex­ ample, now on a full 12month calendar with half of its 1450 young men and wo­ men on campus and half off, has been able to absorb a re­ cent 20 percent boost in en­ rollment without increasing facilities or faculty propor­ tionately. And Drexel Insti­ tute of Technology, Philadel­ phia, anticipating an 85 per­ cent jump by 1970 (from 8500 November 1961 35 to 14,000 students) expe-cts to accommodate this surge with only 42 percent more floor space. Each seat will get al­ most double use. Indeed at Drexel, with cooperative edu­ cation by day, and with even­ ing and graduate programs, every seat serves three stu­ dents. How widespread is coope­ rative education? Across the country today some 66 col­ leges and universities now enroll some or all of their students in these programs, both optional and compulso­ ry. Last year, for example, 3700 Northeastern University students held jobs in 900 Am­ erican and Canadian compa­ nies. Northeastern is the larg­ est cooperative plan univer­ sity in the United States and has even pioneered co-op training at the graduate le­ vel. Currently, some 2500 Drexel Institute students are employed in 600 companies in 16 states. Antioch College offers on-the-job training in 30 states .and 14 countries; and the Massachusetts Insti­ tute of Technology has a co­ operative program in five of its 22 courses. The largest department, Electrical En­ gineering, recently removed grade limitations and made the program available to all students. Says Dr. Peter Elias, head of the department, “These days we are crowding our academic program with so much theory that we need more practical experience out of the classroom. It’s a neces­ sary component of engineer­ ing education, and we think makes good sense.” Probably for the same reasons, Eng­ land, Germany and( Russia are expanding their co-op college s—the “sandwhich plan,” the British call it. About 15 percent of all en­ gineering students graduated each June in the United States are “co-ops.” But sig­ nificantly, cooperative educa­ tion is catching on in other fields and with women’s col­ leges, too. For girls who’ve never held a job before, it develops maturity and a sense of security. A nineweek non-resident term of­ fered by Bennington College, Vermont, provides a wide range of experience for its women students, from office work to apprenticeships with publishers, designers and scientists. While they learn, co-op students pile up impressive earnings: six million dollars a year at Northeastern Uni­ versity; four million dollars at Drexel; three million dol­ lars at Georgia Institute of 36 Panorama Technology, which estimates that it would require a 75million-dollar endowment to underwrite equivalent schol­ arships. A national survey shows that the typical coope­ rative student may earn any­ where from $15000 to $7300 during his college work pe­ riods, with liberal arts stu­ dents earning the least and engineers the most. Some are entirely self supporting. Any way you figure it, the work­ study plan is turning out a premium college product for America. Although cooperative edu­ cation offers new hope in our college crisis, interestingly it’s not new. The idea was first sparked by a practicalminded University of Cincin­ nati professor in 1906. At the age of 15, Herman Schneider worked as a “breaker boy” in his native Pennsylvania coal mines. During preparatory school and at Lehigh Univer­ sity, he continued work in an architect’s office where he found his practical experience gave new meaning to theo­ ry. Later, when he became Dean at Cincinnati, he “wed theory to practice” and launched his work-study ex­ periments with 27 engineer­ ing students. “It is a good thing for a man to sweat his way toward the truth,” the educator used to remark. Dean Schneider’s theory was to vastly improve the teach­ ing of technical subjects and upgrade the quality of col­ lege graduates. Just why hasn’t coopera­ tive education been more widely adopted? “It’s because of educational inertia and inherent conser­ vatism,” flatly declares W. Boyd Alexander, Antioch’s Dean of Faculty. “There are few institutions more in the grip of tradition than our. colleges. Many academic peo­ ple still think of the college, especially the liberal arts college, in the gentleman’s tradition. They find the idea of a work program anti-intel­ lectual and even repugnant.” On the contrary, Antioch has discovered this “sweating your way to truth” leads to positive academic achieve­ ment. The Ohio college has high academic standing na­ tionally, and Dean Alexander explains: “We are convinced that the co-op experience, motivating students and ex­ posing them to the outside world, exerts a dynamic in­ fluence on the whole acade­ mic program.” Many educators, however, have difficulty reconciling the cooperative principle, which usually requires a November 1961 37 stepped-up five-year program with constant challenge and change. “Loose-leaf (in and out) college,” it’s sometimes called. (There’s considerable strain on college activities, too — athletics, fraternities, partying and the like.) “Let’s face it,” a depart­ ment head confided, “it’s an awful wrench for the conven­ tional faculty. You teach a course to one group, then the next three months you must repeat it.” But the edu­ cators’ chief objection to the cooperative plan is that it is infinitely complex to adminis­ ter. “The whole college must be geared to the task,” says J. Dudley Dawson, dean of students at Antioch. With the first completely cooperative liberal arts program any­ where, Antioch has had 40 years’ experience. One day I sat with its 10-meter fa­ culty coordinating committee to see just how the job is done. The big problem, of course, is placing the individual stu­ dent in a job best suited for his all-round experience and development, and coordinat­ ing the separate resident and off-campus student bodies. At Antioch, that means plac­ ing some 700 students (in­ cluding freshmen) in new coast-to-coast job locations and even in teaching, travel and factory work abroad; and shifting another 700 back the same quarter to classes. In this last winter quarter, students were being placed in an amazing variety of jobs —as medical technicians, traffic engineers, municipal assistants, accountants, che­ mists, physicists, teachers, government employees, fac­ tory workers, retail clerks, secretaries, newspaper repor­ ters, mathematicians, social workers, advertising artists, fashion designers, and even researchers and assistant mu­ seum curators. One year a student joined a South Polar expedition. Another year, a language major went to Puerto Rico with the family of entertainer Victor Borge, as a tutor for two of the children. If there’s an administrative headache, it’s seeing to the welfare of Antioch’s 1450 “looseleaf” students. Off cam­ pus, of course, there are no housemothers, no dormitories, and the trainees are strictly on their own. “Naturally, with a perpetual merry-goround, we have our prob­ lems,” Deaq Dawson con­ cedes, “and we must operate by remote control. It requires 38 Panorama a particular combination of courage and adventure on the part of students, parents and faculty. Some students aren’t equal to the responsibilities involved, but very few wash out because of failure in the work program.” Customarily, the co-op col­ lege keeps in close touch with its on-job trainees and a faculty adviser endeavors to visit each student at least once a season. Occasionally, a student is put on probation by his employer, or he finds he has chosen the wrong field. Whenever this happens, the counselor takes a hand, and usually it’s a turning point for the boy or girl. “I. thought I wanted to be an accountant,” a Drexel sen­ ior told me, “but my first job convinced me that I didn’t have the right temperament for confining desk work. Now I think I’ve found myself in sales.” A Northeastern pre­ medic confessed that his pa­ rents had persuaded him to be a doctor. “But one stretch as a laboratory technician in a hospital cured me!” And a Cincinnati senior girl rela­ ted: “I found my department store job too commercial. I’ve decided to teach school.” At least half of Antioch’s stu­ dents modify their majors after they’ve had experience in related jobs. As they say, the co-op plan like nothing else tests the individual’s genuine interests before it’s too late. As for administration of this complex program, it costs Antioch an extra $120,000 a year. But vice president and business manager Morton Rauh maintains it pays off: “We make up for it in more efficient utilization of our fa­ culty and facilities, and come out ahead.” And at the Uni­ versity of Cincinnati, Presi­ dent Walter C. Langsam told me: “We’ve demonstrated that the cooperative program has three special advantages to the institution itself: First, we are able to accommodate about 30 percent more stu­ dents with the same faculty and facilities; second, we are keeping our faculty and cur­ riculum in closer touch with business and industrial needs and trends; and lastly, we think the University is more closely integrated with the community and, therefore, receives greater financial support.” Thus, the co-op colleges make a strong case for their system, and recently they won a sweeping endorsement from a committee of educa­ tors and business leaders who engaged in a nation­ November 1961 39 wide study of cooperative education. This was financed by the Ford Fund for Ad­ vancement of Education and conducted by the Edison Foundation. Among multiple benefits, the study committee found that cooperative education in­ creases student motivation; and enables deserving thous­ ands, who might otherwise drop out, to go on through college. It confirmed that en­ rollments could be boosted from 15 to 60 percent with relatively little increase in costs for buildings and staff. The study concluded: “In the light of the tre­ mendous needs in the de­ cades ahead for a much lar­ ger number of well-educated people in science, technology, business and the profes­ sions ... the program should be extended far beyond the relatively small number of colleges now using coopera­ tive education. ... It makes sense both for men and wo­ men . . . The values are very significant and the problems are soluble.” Already, the co-op student is in special demand by busi­ ness and industry, and with our fast-breaking develop­ ments today in many fields, notably science and engineer­ ing, he has a decided advan­ tage over the non-worker. Even during the recent re­ cession, colleges had little trouble placing these stu­ dents; as one school reported, “The companies are standing ip line for these self-start­ ers.” Many companies are pro­ viding high school scholar­ ships to encourage the co-op endeavor. Still others are tak­ ing on co-op students with a promise of advanced employ­ ment upon graduation. John L. Burns, president of the Ra­ dio Corporation of America, and once a $16-a-week co-op student himself at Northeast­ ern University, sums up the employers’ view of coopera­ tive education. “I brought from the facto­ ry to the classroom many questions which could never have occurred to me had I not faced workaday situa­ tions. Cooperative employ­ ment provides one of the best possible ways to learn the aims and methods of Amer­ ican business.” With these hearty endorse­ ments, how and where can we best expand this worth­ while program? Authorities give two answers: First, it works best in a new college, or when it be­ comes the basic curriculum. Educators warn that coope­ 40 Panorama rative training is more dif­ ficult to graft onto a conven­ tional college program. Probably the best place to expand, however, will be in small private schools or new community colleges with less rigid curricula. Antioch is such a case. Forty years ago, Antioch—with some 30 stu­ dents and a budget of about $15,000—was dying when President Arthur Morgan took the reins and boldy created a cooperative liberal arts college. Critics chorused it couldn’t be done, but the Ohio school has been thriv­ ing ever since .“We must take our students out of the ivory tower and relate them to life,” the retired president told me recently. “We need more of the spirit of Antioch in Americah education.” And members of the na­ tionwide study committee emphatically agree. Says George E. Probst, executive director of the Edison Found­ ation, “After 55 years’ trial this exceptional kind of edu­ cation is no longer an expe­ riment. As a minimum goal during the next decade, the nation ought to double these opportunities.” If our inertia and conserva­ tism can be overcome, here is one substantial means to extend and improve higher education in America. BRUTALITY Two ladies in a car disputed concerning the window, and at last called the conductor as re­ feree. “If this window is opened,” one declared, “I shall catch cold, and will probably die” “If the window is shut,” the other announced, “I shall certainly suffocate.” The two glared at each other. The conductor was at a loss, but he welcomed the words of a man with a red nose who sat near. These were: “First, open the window, conductor. That will kill one. Next, shut it. That will kill the other. Then we can have peace.” November 1961 41 Zhe insolence of Miff fit Rabindranath Tagore has long been recognized as the greatest of modern Indian poets. It was for his lyrie poetry that in 1913 he won the Nobel Prize. But he wrote much more than poe­ try, and at last we have a book which brings together many of his most important writings in the field of social thought. Many of them are translated into English for the first time. Tagore was born in 1861 in a Bengal which as yet show­ ed little sign of emancipating itself from British rule. It was the heyday of Victorian permanence—“the glamorous aspects of British culture” were everywhere predomin­ ant. By the time he died, however, all the glamour had gone. One great war in Eu­ rope had given way to a sec­ ond, each outbidding the other in barbarity. The miserable interval was full of poverty, economic crisis and fascism. True enough the British themselves came out of it all with honour safe, but for the rest of the world it meant the collapse of European civiliza­ tion and the British with it. There was no camouflage left for the old excuse that Eu­ rope should come to the res­ cue of those not fit to rule themselves; and to do them justice there Were many Eu­ ropeans among those who first declared it. This historical process is reflected in Tagore’s life work. He stood for a new re­ lationship between Western education and Eastern philo­ sophy based on the simplicity of life. In 1901 he established his own school near Calcutta where he was to put these principles into practice. Throughout his career he had nothing but scorn for those who blamed the British occu­ pation for India’s ills. He maintained that it was the In­ dian’s own fault that they 42 Panorama had copied the British in out­ ward life, instead of basing themselves squarely on their own traditions and taking the best and most dynamic from Western civilization. It was a highly optimistic ideal and it was only towards the very end of hi§ life that Tagore gave way to gloom, especial­ ly regarding the British. “I look back on the stretch of past years”, he said in 1941 only a few months before he died, “and see the crumbling ritfns of a proud civilization #fng heaped as garbage out of history. And yet I shall not commit the grievous sin of losing faith in Man, accept­ ing his present defeat as fi­ nal. I shall look forward to a turning in history after the cataclysm is over and the sky is again unburdened and pas­ sionless”. In the Tagore prose antho­ logy “Towards Universal Man” (Asia Publishing House, London and Bombay) which appeared earlier this year to mark the centenary of his birth, these thought processes become clear. From 1892 to 1941 one feels the man getting older as one reads, gaining breadth of mind, regretfully disagreeing with Gandhi, here, revering him there, losing an illusion in one essay and fighting for a new cause in the next. Above all one is struck with his moderation and astonish­ ing tolerance. It was of course the same with Gandhi, and although the two men differed very widely on es­ sential matters all their lives there was no bitterness in their relationship. In 1925 when their disagreements over Gandhi’s cult of the spinning-wheel seemed dan­ gerously heated and were the despair of many Indians, Ta­ gore wrote these words to Gandhi: “Even if you have to hit me hard in the cause of what you think is Truth, our personal relationship based on mutual respect will bear that strain”. The dif­ ferences were most clearly seen in Tagore’s appreciation of British culture and in Gandhi’s reverence for vil­ lage life and conviction that in this India would find her salvation. Tagore’s family came to Calcutta in the early years of the British East India Com­ pany in the seventeenth cen­ tury. One of his ancestors was the first Iridian to set up bu­ siness in partnership with the British. The family was an­ glicised in many ways long before Tagore was born. So the Anglo-Indian world was what he knew best in the November 1961 43 formative years of his life. He knew equally well its ad­ vantages and the degrada­ tions that Indians sometimes had to suffer from it. He became convinced that for the latter the Indians had only themselves to blame. No self-respecting nation copies another, he thought, especial­ ly not one with the immense spiritual wealth and tradi­ tion of India. “At every turn”, he wrote in 1908, “in her laws and customs, in her religious and social institutions, In­ dia today deceives and in­ sults herself. That is why the meeting between East and West on our soil fails to attain fulfillment. The contact yields nothing but pain. Even if we succeed in pushing out the British by one means or another, this pain will still be there; it cannot go unless an in­ ner harmony is achieved. Then alone will East and West unite in India; coun­ try with country, race with race, knowledge with knowledge, endeavour with endeavour”. Tagore and Gandhi held different opinions about the role of the village in Indian life, and here Tagore was on surer- ground. To many of his contemporaries Gandhi’s insistent opposition to the In­ dustrial revolution and the machine age marked a blind spot in his philosophy. How could India deny the objec­ tivity of science while living in a world impregnated with it? The course of independent India has not taken this di­ rection. Modern Indian devel­ opment and social change is based on heavy industry. In this way Tagore’s dream of of the union of Hindu spirit­ uality and Western science is being achieved today. He was always categorical about this in spite of his respect for Gandhi: “All the powers of man seek development and expansion. From the earliest times man has sought to make tools. No sooner had he discovered a new secret of Nature than he tried to cap­ ture it with the help of some machine and make it his own. It is in this way that his civilization has advanced”. Certainly Tagore preferred the village to the town and he agreed that cities were potentially places of ill-omen. Like many other things they must not be taken to excess or they become like a tumoui in which the congested blood is the enemy of the whole bo­ dy on which it feeds as it swells. But village can be exaggerated too, and this is 44 Panorama the main vice of modern In­ dia. The villages are stagnat­ ing in a deathly sort of de­ featism — “Caught between tyranny and charity the vil­ lage people have been emp­ tied of self-respect”. Like Gandhi, Tagore believed im­ plicitly that the future of In­ dia lay largely outside the town but for him it would be essentially work of coopera­ tion between the two, for the village people were too poor and lifeless to do it them­ selves. His writings are full of anecdotes which illustrate lifelessness and parochial thinking. He tells of the peo­ ple of Kushtia who would not look after their own roads because they would rather put up with the incon­ venience than see others en­ joy the fruits of their labour. Tagore, we must remem­ ber, was a poet and a philo­ sopher (in the classical sense), and not a politician. That is why his utterances commanded respect. As with Gandhi, no one ever seriously suspected ulterior motives. Search for Truth was philo­ sopher’s work but it did not prevent—in fact it necessita­ ted—what is now called ‘com­ mitment’. No philosopher, no artist could ignore his own world’s problems. In 1915 Ta­ gore was made a knight by the British, but four years later he saw himself obliged to throw the title back into their faces as a protest against a massacre of Indian demonstrators. Most of all Tagore was down to earth in the field of education. He always loved children and students. His view of the effect of na­ ture and the simple God­ given things of life upon the growing child was similar to that of the English poet, Wil­ liam Wordsworth, who in his ‘Ode on the Intimations of Immortality’ strikes the same note: “The Youth who daily farther from the east Must travel, still is Nature’s Priest And by the vision splendid Is on his way attend­ ed; At length the Man per­ ceives it die away And fade into the light of common day”. Tagore believed that the “vi­ sion splendid” need not fade and die away, and that if cap­ tured in the early years of life it could be preserved for­ ever. He insisted that Indian children should be taught in their own language and not in English. Little wonder that they were unworthy inNovember 1961 45 BREAKFAST The Southern Colonel at Saratoga Springs, in the days before prohibition, directed the colored waiter at his table in the hotel: “You-all kin bring me a Kentucky breakfast.” “An’ what is that , sir?” the waiter inquired doubtfully. The Colonel explained: “Bring me a big steak, a bulldog and a quart of Bourbon whiskey.” “But why do you order a bulldog?” asked the puzzled waiter. “To eat the steak, suh!” snapped the Colonel. * * * heritors ot their own tradi­ tion if they had to express it in a foreign language. Ta­ gore’s idea in education was to fuse the two cultures of East and West. But an Indian could only get the maximum benefit from both if he was firmly based in his own cul­ ture. There should be an end to cultural drift. Because he knew and loved his country’s history and traditions he was never afraid to criticise his own people when they did not live up to their past. Most of his lessons have now been learnt in India, and therein lies the immense va­ lue of his achievement. “Towards Universal Man” is an inexpressibly worth­ while book. There is no harm in the constant repeti­ tion of simple truths, and Ta­ gore’s brilliant poetic ima­ gery must make his ideas un­ forgettable to every reader. Sometimes his phrases ring a message down the years to push away blindness and pre­ judice. Just twenty years ago he said: “The hour is near when it will be revealed that the insolence of might is* fraught with great peril”. We fancy he would say the same today. 46 Panorama TOLSTOY'S DILEMMA M. M. Bhalla To a majority of critics and readers the pre-eminent as­ pect of Tolstoy’s art as a no­ velist has been its sensuous vitality, its pagan poetry that hovers around scenes like the meditations of Levin in the harvest field in Anna Kare­ nina or Prince Andrew’s lis­ tening to the two girls talk­ ing at their window in the summer moonlight in War and Peace; or its detailed, concrete, sharply d e f i ned image of military, social, and rural life. It is true they have felt the capaciousness and humane­ ness of the novels but they do not think that these qua­ lities are relevant because of the moral and religious com­ pulsions arising out of the tensions of the Russian ethos —an ethos that necessitates, above everything else, the emotional primacy of ideas for the integrity of form as well as the relevance of real­ ising, defining, and correct­ ing what life was. Overlook­ ing the compulsive moral and religious myth behind the no­ vels, or at least brushing it aside as an irrelevant distrac­ tion from the aesthetic signi­ ficance, most readers have ag­ reed with Turgenev’s pro­ nouncement about an antipa­ thy between Tolstoy’s perso­ nality and his art. With this assumption there seems an inexplicable conflict between what Tolstoy was and what he believed himself to be: Tolstoy the great no­ velist who could give us scenes like Anna Karenina’s bedroom where, convinced that Anna was dying, the hus­ band the lover experienced the emotion of forgiveness and reconciliation, and Tol­ stoy the philosopher of per­ sonal and social regeneration writing The Gospel in Brief, What I Believe, On Life, The Christian Teaching, and the ■Journals, notably during the period from 1895 to 1899. Isolating the novels from the evolving pattern of his writings, we have first the creative, excessive nervous energy of a genius with the supreme gift for articulating the poetry of- the facts of life, and then the Sage, perverse, November 1961 47 dogmatic, exaggerated but wielding a vast influence and content, in the words of Law­ rence, with “repudiating the educated world and exalting the peasant.” This convention­ al image of Tolstoy has been emphasized even by Thomas Mann whose gifts and ap­ proach came nearest to Tol­ stoy’s, when he discovered in his novels the feel of a “migh­ ty sensuality,” the “Hellenic love of wind and light.” Exploratory Myths But is this conventional image of Tolstoy’s art accu­ rate? Does it not reduce Tol­ stoy’s comprehensive quest to limited, exclusive perspec­ tives? We know that in Tolstoy’s work there is a massiveness, a vastness of dimension, a magnitude, an immensity of range whose two authorities are literature and religion, images of our life and images of ultimate values, man’s hu­ man condition and the infi­ nity of stars. On one hand is the heroic grandeur, a mighty creative impulse, even a bear­ ish strength, and on the other is the tormented soul that seeks a God or explores the possibilities of the meaning of life. In such a comprehen­ sive quest, can the novels be merely studied as isolated works of art? Or should they be regarded as exploratory myths in an evolving moral and religious pattern? What I am suggesting is that beliefs in a Tolstoyan no­ vel are important because the great theme is the discrepan­ cy between what man is, act­ ually, concretely, in his tis­ sues, nerves, feelings and be­ liefs, and what man ought to be. And this would inevitab­ ly involve a metaphysical conception and a moral inten­ tion, an idea of being and a doctrine of correction. We cannot, therefore, apply to Tolstoy, or for that matter to most 19th century Russian novelists, the criteria that we apply to, say, Dickens or Flaubert or Hardy. A wide gulf of sharp and concrete dif­ ferences separates the Rus­ sian fiction from the Euro­ pean. In fact, as George Stei­ ner points out, there are more cogent parallels between the classical American novel and the Russian. The matrix of form in the American and the Russian no­ vel is not manners or society but abstract ideas, large and glowing with vitality, capa­ ble of articulating the subtle tensions of the experience in­ to a symbolic design. They are substitutes for traditional patterns, and character is in relation to the ideas that give Panorama them their relevance and va­ lue. Actually, this was inherent in the two situations. Both these situations, the Russian and the American, were dep­ rived of “an adequate social density”, of rich traditional patterns of social behaviour and inherited manners, of a sure and strong middle class which sanctions judgment and insight in terms of dur­ able values, and of political structure to give specific weight and dignity to the ma­ terial. Naturally a new ex­ perience demanded a revolu­ tionary approach to the novel, an approach in which the ar­ tist’s own emotional and spi­ ritual needs became the motif of art as well as the means of comprehending and analy­ sing it. Luckily, for the American novelist, Europe was the al­ ternative to the thinness of his society. Moreover, Europe could give definitions to his tensions, his sense of moral isolation, and his creative ori­ ginality. But in the case of the Russian novelist, Europe was a complex image which, ironically enough, could nei­ ther be completely accepted nor rejected. Obviously, then, Europe ecu Id not have given definition to the Russian no­ velist’s search for identity. Quest and Exploration An industrialised, urbane, sophisticated society cannot give shape and stability to the tensions of an agrarian civil­ ization. In such a complex situation the commitment had to be to a moral and religious aware­ ness, to a revolutionary vi­ sion, rather than to cultural adjustment or refinement as with Hawthorne or James. It demanded something more than a mere portrayal of exis­ ting society. It had to be a quest after the salvation of humanity, the exploration of life at its roots, at the source of consciousness, in relation to the natural life of the uni­ verse, and God. The form of the novel had to be extended, not in the sense of an increase in the technical devices at the novelist’s command, but in the sense of making it a spe­ cies of poetry, a poetry not of concentrated lyrical inten­ sity, but of moral and reli­ gious sensibility, the kind we have in The Iliad, The Divine Comedy, The Prelude. Is that why Tolstoy said of War and Peace, “without false modes­ ty, it is like the Iliad”? The sensation of immensi­ ty and seriousness, the appre­ hension of temporal spacious ness and heroism, the percep-, tion of serenity and narrative November 1961 49 directness, the awareness of compulsive values and sen­ suous images—these are not loose dimensions of his work but aspects of a vital design which can in no way be judged in terms of the tradi­ tion of the European novel. Double Impulse The moral and religious myth, whose principal motifs are apparent from 1847, when Tolstoy wrote down rules of behaviour, lends a poetic ex­ pansiveness to the novels and makes them reverberate in all their dynamic complexity long after they are read. The interplay ol human behaviour at the council of Drissa, the bitter inner conflicts of indi­ viduals like Pierre or Lev or Natasha, the clash of complex passions and intricate motives running almost throughout Anna Karenina, or the rava­ ges of time and the dissolu­ tion of youth in War and Peace, are not merely mar­ vels of executive form but images that receive their tex­ ture and colour from a mo­ ral vision. This need not im­ ply that a Tolstoyan novel is an illustrated thesis or mar­ ginally illuminated propagan­ da. I am only emphasizing the fact that it is a work of art with two impulses: the im­ pulse for an enlarged, evalua­ tive, moral vision, and the im­ pulse ior life receiving its vi­ tality from the former. In such a work of art, the artist, undoubtedly, creates the beau­ tiful, yet does not pursue beauty. He is enraptured by the riotous splendour of the world of Things but he is not captured by them. Art be­ comes an instrument for something subtle and intangi­ ble, yet profound and vital, to be produced within the mind, the kind of thing that Masha, the heroine of the short story “Family Happiness” perceives a few days before her wed­ ding, when she takes the sac­ rament; or Levin experiences one day, when sitting with his family in his apiary, he enters into conversation with a fine old peasant, Theodore; or we in India experience when we go, say, to Khajuraho or Konarak I wonder if this last com­ parison sounds far-fetched; I believe, however, that Tols­ toy’s novels reveal the same approach that we have in our art and literature. The as­ sumptions differ, the exploi­ tation of technical devices va­ ries, but the central motifs are the same and the practi­ cal ends are identical. The plays of Kalidas or the figures at Khajuraho or Konarak bristle with a tension between the spiritual percep­ 50 Panorama tions and the outer sensuous exuberance. The more violent is sensuous exuberance, the more vital would be these in­ ward spiritual perceptions. And this had to be so, if we realize that the Indian mode of perception and the Indian relationship with the manifest world, are directly the oppo­ site of the Western. We re­ gard everything that is not the Absolute as an illusion. True, this illusion is created by the Absolute but it is not participated in by the Abso­ lute. We look for the hidden essence of Things, yet in the process of discovery deliver ourselves to Things. The world is Maya, but we will­ ingly surrender ourselves to it as if this Maya were itself involved in a sacred ritual. The deeper we go, the great­ er the complexity of the ten­ sions, the profounder the spi­ ritual vision, the more luxu­ riant the liberation of the sen­ ses. In the Indian art, vision and art are coextensive. It is the same with the novels of Tolstoy. But, whereas with us, art is a never-ending pro­ cess of self-expansion and self-evolution along ceaseless births and deaths, in Tolstoy it produced a dilemma which could not be solved except by a deliberate sacrifice, and even a consequent denounce­ ment, of his art. The.King­ dom of God must be found here and now. Is it not writ­ ten in the Gospel according to John that the work of God “consists in believing in the life He has given you”? Let us render this as sane and as perfect as is possible. Prince Andrew, Pierre, and Levin must listen to Theo­ dore’s remarks: “Oh well, you see, people differ. One man lives only for his needs: take Mityuka, who only stuffs his belly, but Platon is an up­ right old man. He lives for his soul and remembers God.” In this dilemma of either/or,' a dilemma which fortunately does not exist for Indian ar­ tists, Tolstoy had to make a choice. And he chose living for the Soul and for God. * * « November 1961 51 ENCOURAGEMENT STATE AND PRIVA Keith H. Jones -I should like to start with two definitions. By the ‘State’ I mean in this context the group of individuals, some­ times called ‘public servants’, who are responsible to a par­ ticular national community for taking the necessary ad­ ministrative and executive ac­ tion, using ‘public funds’, so as to make it possible for all to satisfy their basic needs. Under democratic systems they are of course dismissible by the voters, through the vo­ ters’ representatives, if they are proved to have diverted much public monies to pri­ vate ends, which will in fact prevent or needlessly post­ pone the satisfaction of those basic needs: e.g. of the peo­ ple’s need to be adequately fed, housed, protected as far as possible from disease and from other natural or human enemies, and educated. When we get as far as education, we are moving out of the sphere of what one basically needs in order to live at all, into the wider sphere of what does one need to make the most of life. This applies still more to the satisfaction of one’s artistic and aesthetic needs. If there­ fore State expenditure is re­ gulated by priorities which put the need for citizens to live to all, ahead of the need for them to make the most of life, then the State will pro­ bably relegate ‘the Arts’ to a second or third place in the queue for a share of public funds. When speaking of ‘the Arts’ I should like to distinguish two different, though often complementary, aspects. First­ ly there is, I. creative self-expression by an individual perso­ nality, externalising its deepest feelings and needs in original and/or interpretative creation which may or may not be witnessed by other in­ dividuals. 52 Panorama OF THE ARTS BY TE INSTITUTIONS Secondly there are II. essentially cooperative endeavours which usual­ ly derive their inspira­ tion fpom I, but normal­ ly involve the accept­ ance by groups of indidividuals of certain ba­ sic conventions, forms, idioms, etc., which serve as a pattern for these cooperative endeavours. A very simple example might be the joining of several people in a sys­ tematic dance not wit­ nessed by anyone else; a more complex one, the interpretation by one individual or group of individuals of a creative piece of work by anoth­ er individual for the benefit of a third group of individuals often call­ ed the audience. By means of II, the creative self-expression of individuals can be transmitted in such a form as provide some means of self-expression even for in­ dividuals who are incapable of creative originality them­ selves. Also by means of II, creative self-expression can be discipline, and, if need be, do­ vetailed into certain ulterior functional aims, i.e. so as to produce artifacts which will serve some ‘useful’ purpose beyond expressing the feel­ ings of the creator e.g. build­ ing to shelter other people. Rich individuals (like Caius Cilnius Maecenas of Rome), rich governments, and rich private institutions can, of course, all do a great deal to help encourage the arts. Nei­ ther of them can normally create I — i.e. creative self­ expression by other indivi­ duals— (unless they indulge in some very well-planned eugenics); but they can all help to provide the condi­ tions under which I — and hence II — can blossom. In some countries — particularly those where individuals and private institutions are taxed heavily and progressively (i. e. so that the more they take out of the public pool in in­ come and profits the more they have to put back in)— November 1961 53 it is likely that the State it­ self will be one of the rela­ tively few sources of money which could be relied upon to' provide, over the genera­ tions, continuous, constant and widespread encouragement of the arts in the sense just mentioned. Among the ways in which it may be asked to join in giving encouragement are the following:— (a) providing (for every­ one not otherwise pro­ vided for) facilities for the education of their appreciative and crea­ tive faculties; (b) preventing the stifling, through lack of opennings, of the creative capacities of such gift­ ed artistic individuals as may be found dur­ ing this educational process; (c) providing facilities for finished and promising art-forms to be witnes­ sed widely by the citi­ zens as a whole (if they so wish): (d) preventing the com­ plete neglect of aesthe­ tic criteria in undertak­ ings whose products (like buildings or road hoardings) are in any case going to be wit­ nessed widely. The more the State, or pri­ vate institutions, commit themselves to encouraging the arts by providing funds in these or other ways, the more they acquire the power to influence the form taken by the artifacts. In most countries the States will ac­ tually use this power in cer­ tain stages who advocated that the State should use this power even more exten­ sively so as to convert it into effective control of artistic activity as a whole. Plato re­ commended that the forms and even the subject-matter of music, poetry . and pain­ ting should be regulated — poetry written in the past should be carefully revised, the only new poems permit­ ted should be hymns in ho­ nour of defunct but disting­ uished citizens of the official­ ly approved type (Laws 799802) — and that poets who wanted to write about any­ thing they pleased and in any style they chose should be “anointed with myrrh, gar­ landed with wool, and sent away to another city” (Re­ public 398). There was an in­ teresting echo of its precept recently in a communique put out by the Soviet Gov­ ernment news agency, Tass, on November 2, about Mr. Boris Pasternak — a commu­ nique which included the fol­ lowing broad hint: “In the event of Pasternak’s expres­ 54 Panorama sing a wish to leave the So­ viet Union work forever, the State and people whom he slandered in his anti-Soviet work Doctor Zhivago, and the State bodies, concerned, will not raise any obstacles.” The Governments of the So­ viet Union, and of certain East European and Far East­ ern countries have in fact put into practice in recent years a system of control of the arts which — though pe­ riodically relaxed — has at time gone beyond even that of the ancient Egyptians who Plato took as his model in this respect. (Law 656 d). I well remember, when serv­ ing 9 years ago in a capital behind the Iron Curtain, going to my first general art exhi­ bition. The paintings were in the style known as ‘Socialist Realism’; and there seemed to be only two themes— the glorification of high econo­ mic production and of the lives of V. Lenin and J.V. Stalin. If a painting of an open meadow ocassionally hove into sight amid the throngs of enthusiastic ope­ ratives and painstakingly de­ lineated tractors, it was inev­ itably explained away in some such title as “Very Temporary Resting-Place for Stakhanovites momentarily exhausted by Record Out­ put”; if a young woman were depicted as arousing admira­ tion, it was always made clear that what had bowled over the young men were her vast arm and leg mus­ cles, tense with the effort of wringing milk from a patrio­ tically productive cow. Now of course there is nothing wrong with using art-forms to encourage hard work: far from it. But what seemed strange to my foreign eyes was the restriction of the en­ tire output of artists to his minimal choice of themes, partly because the leaders of the State considered produc­ tion and patriotism to be of paramount importance, and partly, one could not help feeling, because they did not feel that it was safe, from their own angle, to allow the unrestricted exploration of themes which might directly or indirectly criticise, and threaten the continuance, of, their own policies and their own leadership. The reason why I felt it strange was that I came from £ country which for some hundreds of years had enjoy­ ed sufficient internal security firstly for the leaders to feel that it was safe for the State, for its part, to leave artists a relatively unrestricted choice of themes for their self-expression; secondly for the citizens as a whole, to November 1961 35 have come to accept fairly good-humouredly that there must be some checks, embo­ died in law or convention; thirdly for the citizens to have evolved and retained the vigilance and the powers to see that these checks did not go further than was ne­ cessary to prevent the liber­ ty of all from suffering from the excessive licence of a few. If repression did begin to go too far, the leaders could be kicked out. Now what is the position as re­ gards encouragement of the arts in a relatively free so­ ciety of this kind? First of all let us deal with the mini­ mal degrees of control and discouragement which may be thought necessary. The State may perhaps feel ob­ liged to try and prevent, not the creation, but the wide dissemination — particularly among young people—of art­ forms which, wittingly or unwittingly, glorify violence for violence’s sake (as dis­ tinct from violence used in self-defence of a worthy cause). This is only one example of a theme which may be considered dangerous to the well being of the citi­ zens as a whole. But to pre­ vent the number of such of­ ficially ‘dangerous’ themes from growing unnecessarily large, the State may accept certain safeguards. Firstly it may accept the thesis that the better all its young citi­ zens are educated, not only in the techniques of coping with things but in the tech­ niques of living with other people, the more likely it is that such citizens can be ex­ posed without danger to al­ most any theme, and will form their own sensible judg­ ments thereon, making offi­ cial censorship increasingly unnecessary. Secondly it may accept the thesis that its own censorship boards (and its ad­ visory boards on e.g. the design of public buildings) should not be composed en­ tirely of public servants spe­ cializing merely in efficient administration, but should contain a high proportion of private citizens, including some concerned primarily with the vigorous arrival of the Arts themselves. Even under these circums­ tances, there will of course remain checks which are im­ posed, not legally, but by mere social or artistic con­ vention; and there are not wanting pebple who criticise the ‘tyranny of conventions’, maintainea by the establish­ ment who often compose ad­ visory committees, as being as potentially restrictive to artistic themes and techni­ ques as state-control itself. 56 Panorama But the safe-guard against this in a free society is that its educational system should encourage original, creative thinking by the youth, as to maximise the chance of throwing up a number of specially gifted individuals who will have the skill and the courage to break through those layers of convention which have ceased to fulfill a living need, thus showing other people the way to new conventions which may in their turn be questioned by those who come after. This need to encourage the especially gifted raises a number of problems. There have been people in history who have taken the stand­ point that if one finds a bud­ ding Shakespeare or Goethe one should encourage him at all costs even if it means that ten other less gifted children will have to starve. As against this extremist view, most free societies recognize that priority must be given, if possible, to keeping all ele­ ven individuals alive: who knows, for example, whethei one of the others might not be a ‘late developer’ with even greater gifts? Nevertheless, having kept them all alive, there is undoubtedly a case for giving special facilities to the specially gifted. In the arts as in every other activ­ ity it is true that without an elite there will be little pro­ gress; and to ensure a conti­ nuous elite special training and facilities are essential Here the State — as well as rich individuals and private institutions — can help with scholarships to institutions of higher training, and with grant to help those institu­ tions keep functioning. But again a word of caution. To give a promising young artist too much financial security too early is to increase the danger that he will become a ‘spoilt genius’, living on the capital of his early skill, neg­ lecting further training, and never developing beyond the mediocre. Likewise, to set up ‘ivory tower’ institutions where artists can live free from any of the cares of eve­ ryday life is to increase the danger that all one’s art-form will become empty abstrac­ tions, providing a refuge from, but no assistance in coping with, the problems, vices and virtues of the or­ dinary world — instead of having a nice balance be­ tween the two types. Said Solon in ancient Greece — “beautiful things are difficult”; and there is much to be said for extend­ ing this to mean not only that hard work and training November 1961 57 are necessary for artistry, but also that unless an artist has suffered some genuine hard­ ship, suffering and privation he is unlikely to be able to produce a really great work of art. However, I have spoken enough in generalities: and it may be appropriate to end by describing briefly and concretely what the author­ ities in my own State — Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom — do, at the present stage of our develop­ ment, to encourage the arts. I hasten to add that I do this not in an effort to try and ‘sell’ our way of doing things to you. Every country nas its own needs and problems de­ pending on its national char­ acteristics and the stage of development through which it is currently going. All that we may say is that the more different systems we know about, the more likely we are to be able to choose, from each other's, features which may seem worth transplant­ ing into our own soil. In the current financial year (1958-59) the British Government is spending near­ ly £7 million (39 million pe­ sos) of central government funds specifically on the arts — excluding sums spent by local government authorities from Central Government grants. To put this in pers­ pective, one must remember that our total Central Gov­ ernment expenditure for the year will be $5075 million— i.e. expenditure on the arts is only a little over 1% of the total. If you are tempted to quote back at me Napoleon’s dictum that we are “a na­ tion of shopkeepers” more de­ voted to commerce than aes­ thetics, please remember that we are an island nation with a small land-area and big overseas responsibilities which must not only export or die, but also fulfill its com­ mitments for the common de­ fence: so that we have re­ regulated our spending by careful priorities. Even so the $7 million mentioned is not the total of State encourage­ ment of the arts. We have to add a proportion of the total spent — to go back to our ori­ ginal 4 categories — on (a) providing general educa­ tional facilities, in schools, in­ cluding stimuli to aesthetic appreciation. The next two categories:— (b) helping to prevent gifted artists’ capacities from being stifled; and (c) helping to provide facili­ ties for people as a whole to be able to see finished art­ forms— we may take in re­ verse order. Over £3 million 58 Panorama (17 million pesos) of our gov­ ernmental expenditure this year will be devoted to pre­ serving and adding to the na­ tional art collections, ranging from the British Museum (founded in 1753) through, the National Gallery (found* ed in 1824), the Victoria and Albert Museym (founded in 1852), the.Tate Gallery and the Wallace Collection (both founded in 1897) and several others, to the National Lib­ rary of Scotland (founded in 1925). Many of these owe their inception to private ge­ nerosity, but most have be­ come increasingly dependent on State support. With three exceptions, the national mu­ seums and galleries in Eng­ land, Scotland and Wales are not directly administered by Ministers of the Crown, but by Boards of Trustees whose unpaid members are men and women of distinction, usually chosen by the Prime Minister or the Secretary of State for Scotland. Those which are maintained by the State are staffed by civil ser­ vants, who are however res­ ponsible to the administering Trustees. H. M. Treasury con­ trols matters of finance and establishment, but does not, repeat not, interfere in artistic policy. Several of the Boards of Trustees do in fact dispose of separate non-governmental funds which they alone admi­ nister. These national col­ lections have statutory po­ wers to lend works of art to provincial collections. A Standing Committee on Mu­ seums and Galleries advises on administration, loans and other matters. Finally, works of arts are purchased by the Ministry of Works for British Embassies abroad and Gov­ ernment buildings at home; by the British Council for overseas exhibitions, and by the Arts Council for travel­ ling exhibitions in the Unit­ ed Kingdom. This last-named body — the Arts Council —is the one we must consider next. With a public grant of over £1 mil­ lion (6 million pesos) this -year, it is the main source of State aid in the fields of ope­ ra, ballet, music, drama and poetry. It consists of not more than 26 persons ap­ pointed by the Government as having a particular know­ ledge of, or concern for, one or more of the fine arts. The Council’s general objectives were defined in a Royal Charter of 1946 as the deveL opment of “a greater know­ ledge, understanding and practice of the fine arts ex­ clusively, and in particulai to increase the accessibility of the fine arts to the public November 1961 59 throughout Our Realm, to improve the standard of ex­ ecution of the fine arts, and to advice and cooperate with Our Government Depart­ ments, local authorities and other bodies on any matters concerned directly or indi­ rectly with those objects.” This Council allocated large sums between 1950 and 1952 to the Festival of Britain. Its geheral aim is not so much to provide the arts directly as to assist existing artistic ef­ fort— e.g. by financing per­ formances and tours by ope­ ra, ballet and theatrical com­ panies (e.g. the Covent Gar­ den, Sadlers Wells and Old Vic companies), and sympho­ ny orchestras, (e.g. the Lon­ don Philharmonic and Halle orchestras) and by assisting local festivals of the era. We do not therefore have a National Opera-house, a National Ballet-company and National Orchestra etc., but we do have established opera and ballet companies and or­ chestras who receive a sub­ stantial subsidy from the State. H.M. Treasury are however empowered, under the National Theatre Act of 1949, to support the scheme for a national theatre by con­ tributing £1 million (nearly 6 million pesos) to the cost of building and equipping a theatre in London which would operate under public auspices. There are some who say that when it comes to plays and the written word, as distinct from mu­ sic and dancing, one has to treated with especial care in order to avoid an excessive degree of State interference. But those who • do not feel that this risk would be very great in practice are able to cite the very pertinent exam­ ples of the radio and teler vision services of the British Broadcasting Corpor a t i o n (which — thank goodness — include a high proportion of adult drama, poetry and mu­ sic so that we can legitimate­ ly include them the heading of the Arts.) This Corpora­ tion is in fact a public cor­ poration, ultimately under State control, but retaining complete independence in re­ gard to the daily administra­ tion and presentation of pro­ grammes. And while its tele­ vision programmes have to compete with those of the newly created Independent Television Authority, it does still have a monopoly of or­ dinary sound-broadcasting, with the Postmaster-General retaining the ultimate power to prohibit the broadcasting of any paticular matter. If this seems out of tune with our general policy, it may not 60 Panorama be inapt to bear in mind the enormous extra responsibili­ ty which rests with media which, instead of having to attract people out of their homes, can and do penetrate right into the house of the ordinary man (15 million houses in Great Britain have licenses for receiving sets) and can influence not only the adults but also— per­ haps even more so — the children, who usually spend a long time at home. By and large, the history of the B.B. C. shows, given a vigilant public, a free press, and a Parliament which reflects public opinion, the risk of a State broadcasting monopoly is one which can be taken — certainly without risking the integrity of the Arts — and it is a risk which may well be less than the risks of exposing the minds of children in their homes ex­ clusively to the influence of private commercial compa­ nies who are only too often ultimately concerned more with their own products and profits and with envolving programmes which will ap­ peal to the lowest-commondenominator mind, than with the genuine welfare or uplift of the listeners. The same would apply a fortiori to the possible risks involved in having a Nation­ al Theatre. A number of other private bodies (other than those al­ ready mentioned) receive di­ rect votes of public money : e.g. the British Academy (which exercises the same function in relation to hu­ mane studies as the Royal Society in relation to the sciences, and which assists British archaeological schools abroad, the Central Libraries for England, Wales and Scot­ land (which act as clearing­ houses for interchange of non-fiction books) and the British Film Institute, set up in 1933 to develop “the film as a means of entertainment and instruction”. Grants are also paid to four Royal Col­ leges of Music, to the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and to the Royal Geographi­ cal Societies. In the .case of all these bodies, artistic po­ licy is a matter for the gov­ erning boay concerned, and the State does not intervene in it. The Government has a slightly more direct interest however in the Royal Col­ lege of Art, whose object is to provide advanced teaching and to conduct research in the Fine Arts and in the principles of art and design in relation to industrial and commercial processes. In such ways as these the State November 1961 61 helps gifted atists to secure training and an outlet for their talents. There are also governmen­ tal responsibilities for the his­ toric buildings, ancient mo­ numents, and so-called ‘na­ tional land’. Certain uninha­ bited houses, or churches no longer in use, can be put under the protection of the Minister of Works, after which three months’ notice has to be given to him of any neighbouring work which may affect the monument. His Ministry maintains such monuments as the Tower of London and Dover Castle — for long, Crown property — and various private historic houses purchased or bequeated. Experienced architects and archaeologists are em­ ployed to preserve and treat them. Land and houses may also be accepted by the Gov­ ernment in lieu of estate duty, and transferred to‘non-profitmaking bodies such as the National Trust or the Youth Hostels Association whose aim is to provide or preserve amenities to be enjoyed by the public. The Minister of Works can also acquire the contents of historic houses, and even make grants to owners thereof to help them keep the houses in good con­ dition in trust for the nation. Finally, the Royal Fine Art Commissions concern them­ selves with the aesthetic as­ pect of new building devel­ opment and the Council of Industrial Design, set up in 1944, seeks to promote im­ proved design among the products of British industry: both important features of category (d) — the preven­ tion of public ugliness, as it were. We also have a number of special provisions whereby voluntary organizations con­ cerned with the arts may be exempted from income tax, whereby works of art, build­ ings and land of historic in­ terest can be exempted from estate duty if given or left to public bodies, universities, national collections, to the National Trust, as appro­ priate. Finally, since 1952, we have had a Reviewing Com­ mittee on the Export of Works of Art, which can re­ commend the withholding of export licences for important works of art, provided that some British museum or gal­ lery will offer for them, within a fixed period, a “fair price” as determined by the Committee. So much for State encou­ ragement of the Arts in Bri­ tain, which, as you will see, parallels in some ways the practice in the Philippines. As regards private institu62 Panorama tions, I have mentioned a number which receive more or less substantial financial aid from the State, while retaining freedom of artistic policy. There are many other entirely independent institutinos devoted to encouraging the arts — e.g. the Contem­ porary Art Society, the var­ ious Royal Societies and Ins­ titutes of painters or archi­ tects, the 1st regional col­ leges of art, the Slade School of Fine Arts in London, the National Book League, the Poetry Society, the British Drama League, the various choral societies, and so on ad infinitum,. Apart from these, many large British commercial companies do a great. deal to encourage the arts by offering bursaries and prizes, by arranging exhibi­ tions etc., It may seem invid­ ious to single one name out of many: but a name which may be especially familiar to you in the Philippines is that of the, Shell group of compa­ nies. The member companies of this group in the United Kingdom have sponsored a special competition for young, unrecognized painters under the heading “An Artist’s View of an Industry” (in which the artist may choose any industry as his subject): ♦ they have also contributed a great deal to the develop­ ment of artistic advertising, and to the techniques of art­ istic photography and of the documentary film (by financ­ ing their own film unit, one of whose products — “The Rival World” won a prize in the First Manila Film Fes­ tival in 1956). Much of this, I understand, is paralleled by the Philippine company, with prizes, for Filipino students-, and arranging scholarships in art-teaching for Filipino art­ teachers. It is perhaps apt for a foreign speaker to end with these examples of contact and mutual aid between the artists of different countries (an objective which is en­ couraged, within the limits imposed by finance, by the British Council, the semiof­ ficial body which seeks to develop closer cultural rela­ tions between the United Kingdom and other coun­ tries). The 5th Century B. C. Greek philosopher Demokritos opined that “the home of a great soul is the whole world” and we may well ap­ ply this to the great artists, writers, sculptors, musicians and so forth for all our coun­ tries, whose language is in­ ternational — or rather su­ pra national. ♦ ♦ November 1961 63 BIRD MIGRATION SURVEY Preliminary surveys on migratory birds will be started soon by Japan employing the “bird banding method”. A total of about 4,000 birds will be tagged with bands bearing the ins­ cription “Japan No....”. The species of birds to be releas­ ed include swallows, Japan­ ese blue fly-catchers, Japan­ ese solitary snipes, plovers and scores of others. This is the first time in 20 years that Japan will under­ take such a survey and a great deal is being expected of the project. The birds with markings are expected to migrate to the south to spend ^the winter months and fly to countries in the northern hemisphere to breed. Persons who catch birds with markings on their legs are requested to remove the bands and send them to the nearest Japanese embassy, legation, consulate-general or consulate, together with per­ tinent information concern­ ing the date and place where the birds were found as well as the names and addresses of the persons who discover­ ed the birds. A token of ap­ preciation will be presented to those submitting such in­ formation. During the 12th Interna­ tional Bird Preservation Con­ ference held in Tokyo last year and attended by dele­ gates representing 58 coun­ tries in the world, a resolu­ tion was adopted calling for the establishment of a center in Tokyo to carry out sur­ veys and researches on mig­ ratory birds. The resolution also proposed the conclusion of an agreement among the various nations to expedite such surveys in the Pan-Paci­ fic areas and to take meas­ ures for the preservation of migratory birds in the fu­ ture. Japan Ideally Situated Among the countries of Asia, Japan is placed in an ideal geographical position for migratory birds. Birds which breed in Siberia and Kamchatka spend the winter months in Japan while those spending the winter in South­ east Asian countries migrate to Japan from spring through summer in order to breed. Japan thus is one of the most suitable countries in Asia to study the habits of migra­ tory birds, which were prev­ iously estimated at about 100 million but have diminished by one-tenth today. 64 Panorama U.S. UNIVERSITY AIDS OTHER COUNTRIES IN PEACEFUL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY Engineers and scientists affiliated with the University of Michigan for the fifth year will travel overseas to help other nations develop their own programs for peaceful uses of atomic energy. During the past four years, under the University's Phoenix Project, a privately sup­ ported program to explore the peaceful uses and implications of atomic energy, consultants both from the university and .elsewhere have gone ab­ road to help 16 countries set up nuclear reactors and atomic energy research programs. The coun­ tries aided thus far are Colombia, Ecuador, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Korea, Le­ banon, Pakistan, the Philippines, Taiwan, Thai­ land, Tunisia, Turkey and Yugoslavia. * * ¥• ¥ It was in 1924 that Japan .first initiated surveys on mi­ gratory birds by the banding method. The project was un­ dertaken by the then Fores­ try Agency’s Banding Center. Its findings revealed that a young female swallow which had lost its mate always re­ turns with a young male com­ panion. This is said to be the origin of “Wakai Tsubame” which became a popular ex­ pression of a young male lover of an old woman. Before the Pacific War. when Japan used to release numerous birds with mark­ ings on their feet, many let­ ters were received from the Soviet Union, China, the Philippines, Indonesia and other countries reporting the recovery of the birds. In recent years, many countries bordering the Paci­ fic Ocean such as the Soviet Union, New Zealand, Austra­ lia, and the United States, have apparently released birds attached with bandings, because such birds have been recovered occasionally in Ja­ pan. November 1961 65 OdwtiM in th Kind^Mtoi Else Schulter J a ) hen we entered the kinU/ dergarten, a small house situated in a large garden, we at first thought that the tunes we heard came from a wireless set, for they partly sounded like chimes, partly like rythms of some jazz-band. Not until we found ourselves amidst a crowd of small children, who were enthusiastically playing on peculiar and unusual ins­ truments, did we realize that the music we had heard was obviously being made by be­ ginners. The smallest among the children were playing with these instruments rath­ er than playing on them, deeply engaged in worming tunes out of them and with­ out paying any attention to the teacher. They seemed to enjoy their music as much as the other enjoyed theirs. We were visiting the Duis­ burg kindergarten which dur­ ing the past few weeks has risen into public notice as a musical kindergarten. Prac­ tising music in the kinder­ gartens generally means no­ thing else but singing with the little ones, with a nurse, accompanying them on the piano at the most. And it is not until the children attend a day-nursery that they learn how to play an instrument themselves. There are of course always a few among them who can read or will easily learn how to read mu­ sic, and with whom therefore one can make a good start. But what about the four tosix-year olds? “The start can­ not be made early enough”, says. many a music-teacher, and so did the manufacturers of music-instruments, espe­ cially the piano-builders, whose union chairmen decid­ ed to make an interesting ex­ periment: they presented to one of the many Duisburg kindergartens instr u m e n t s worth several thousand marks, among them a piano particularly suitable for children. However, since 66 Panorama they were fully aware of the fact that for the greater part of the children of that age even a low piano would still be “too high”, they, above all also provided Orffian ins­ truments which are suitable not only in size but are ap­ propriate to the abilities and sentience of"the children. The Orffian instruments What are Orffian instru­ ments? In Germany this question can actually be ask­ ed only by someone belong­ ing to the older generation. In the schools for more than twenty years they have been so popular and so much in use that the younger people very often simply use the word “to orff” when speak­ ing of the playing on these instruments. They are instru­ ments which were introduced by Carl Orff and form the basis of his five-volume “School-Work”, a work which is believed by many experts to be the most significant pe­ dagogic work of our century. The successful composer of so well-known works as “Carmina burana”, “Carmina Catuli”, and “The Wise” is fully convinced that musical education in the schools is one of the most important tasks of the teacher of to­ day, and according to this conviction Orff is mainly con­ cerned with the pedagogic side of this task, i.e. with the development and promotion of the musical talents buried in most of the children for their own benefit and poise of mind, and not in the first place for the sake of the ar­ tists who are anxious about their future audience. Orff therefore thinks it not only promising but also absolutely necessary that children not only learn to hear music but also to play it themselves, that they are instructed about the basic ideas of melodic and rythmic principles. Orff did not write his work, which begins with initial instruc­ tion for the six-year-old, “by the by”, but intended it as his main work, created in col­ laboration with musical peda­ gogues who in the meantime have acquired reputation. In so doing he went back to the sources of occidental music, not only to the romanticists, who some 150 years ago compiled an anthology of folk-songs for the first time, but further back to the pen­ tatonic, the sacred and orien­ tal musics; for every child, according to' Orff, goes through the musical devel­ opment *of mankind all over again. And he supports his statement by means of child­ ren’s songs and by the into­ November 1961 67 nation of their calls and talking, which even rank be­ fore the songs. According to his method of musical teach­ ing he starts off with asking the children to call their names, ascertaining the pitch and length of the tonality, and then almost impercepti­ bly, the instruction begins. This first step is then follow­ ed by clapping hands and hand dances, illustrating the feeling for and the exper­ ience of rythm, and after that the instruction is con­ tinued with various instru­ ments: rattles and castanets, triangles and timbrels, cym­ bals and bells, drums and kettle-drums of some twenty different kinds. As far as me­ lodic instruments are con­ cerned, the chimes and well­ sounding metallophones and xylophones are used at the beginning, to be followed by different kinds of flutes and fiddles and a number of oth­ er wind-instruments and stringed instruments. They can be arranged as one likes, they are most suitable for improvisations and therefore an ideal help for the forma­ tion of a school-orchestra. The children are enthusiastic All those who have once had the opportunity of listen­ ing and watching when child­ ren “orff” — on the German televison one can see this quite often — will undoub­ tedly be carried along by the enthusiasm of the children. Above all, however, he will be envious of the children because of what they are learning in such a playful way. Naturally, the quality as well as the quantity of what the children have learn­ ed to a large extent depends upon the qualifications and aptitudes of the individual teacher, and even when us­ ing Orffian instruments and following his method of tea­ ching, the results achieved are by far not always up to the mark that could have been achieved. In Duisburg, in the course of the years to come, one will perhaps be able to find out if and to what extent it is useful for the children to be­ gin with these things already in the kindergarten. Up to now at least one thing ap­ pears to be certain, namely, that the children are enjoy­ ing this method very much and quite obviously would like practice music every day. But the musical kinder­ garten is only one of so many others, and neither the children nor the teachers have specially been selected. But what is more, also here the shortage of personnel brings along with it that 68 Panorama BRIBERY A thriving baseball club is one of the features of a boy's organization connected with a promi­ nent church. The team was recently challenged by a rival club. The pastor gave a special con­ tribution of, five dollars to the captain, with the direction that the money should be used to buy bats, balls, gloves, or anything else that might help to win the game. On the day of the game, the pastor was somewhat surprised to observe nothing new in the club’s paraphernalia. He called the captain to him. “I don't see any new bats, or balls, or gloves,” he said. “We haven't anything like that,'' the captain admitted. “But I gave you five dollars to buy them,” the pastor exclaimed. “Well, you see,” came the explanation, “you told us to spend it for bats, or balls, or gloves, or anything that we thought might help to win the game, so we gave it to the umpire.” there is no time for taking care of the children inten­ sively and individually. From home, most of the children have never come across any of these instruments, for their parents belong to a ge­ neration which was brought during the war and post-war years and has an extremely realistic outlook on life, but now gradually becomes in­ terested in the advantages of the “musical kindergarten”, though perhaps only through reports in the press, radio and television. Among the young nurses there is already a great interest for this kind of kindergarten, not only in Germany but also in Austria and Switzerland. November 1961 69 ‘SYNTHETIC NATURAL RUBBER’ Buna has become a house­ hold word all over the world: it means synthe­ tic rubber of a particular type. This German inven­ tion of the thirties is about to get a serious competitor in “synthetic natural rubber”. This product with the contra­ dictory name is synthetized on the same basic principle, with Ziegler’s catalysts add­ ed. Professor Ziegler is the head of the Institute of Coal Research at Mulheim in the Ruhr area and the originator of a group of chemical cata­ lysts which have rapidly achieved world-wide indus­ trial importance. The Pre-History of Synthetic Rubber Synthetic rubber was first manufactured on an indus­ trial scale in Germany dur­ ing World War I when natu­ ral rubber was scarce. Only 2500 tons were made, a ridic­ ulous quantity by presentday standard, but then the number of motor-cars was similarly ridiculous in those days, and few types were needed. Chemists had long known that natural rubber is built from a basic unit call­ ed isoprene, also known as methyl butadiene. (Pron. di­ ene). The fundamental subs­ tance, butadiene, is readily made, but the problem was to link the molecules of the substance so that a rubber­ like material would result. Such chemical compounds built from identical mole­ cules are known as polymers, while the single basic mole­ cule is called a monomer. The process is called polyme­ rization and requires a cata­ lyst, meaning a substance mediating the reaction but coming out unchanged in the end. Catalysts are added in small amounts only. Isoprene, the unit of natural rubber, was until recently regarded as unsuitable for polymeriza­ tion, and chemists concentra­ ted on butadiene. This is now about to change. 70 Panorama The first polymer of buta­ diene, known as methyl rub­ ber, was no real revolution. True, automobile tyres could be made from it, but they rarely survived 200 miles. A tire of today must live many times this performance. Rub­ ber planters had no need to fear this synthetic product. They got the jitters, how­ ever, when “Buna” emerged. The word is short for butadiene-natrium, and natrium is German for the metal so­ dium, which is used as a catalyst in the synthesis. It converts the gas, butadiene, into a rubber-like mass as by magic. Buna was pretty good indeed, and in some respects better than natural rubber. It was beaten by its own offspring, Buna S, a co­ polymer of butadiene and styrene. The latter substance is known to everybody, though few non-chemists will know the name: it is a com­ ponent of town-gas to which it gives the characteristic smell. Buna S bears the sec­ ond syllable of its name im­ properly, for sodium is no longer used in its making; chemists have learned to ap­ ply different catalysts. Yet the old name, already fammous, was retained for its goodwill. Buna S yields more dura­ ble tires than natural rub­ ber does; co-polymers of bu­ tadiene with various chem­ ical molecules used in plastic manufacture were also made, one of them being neoprene. One drawback of Buna S and other synthetic rubbers is the warm method of making them. The synthesis requires 45 deg. centigrade. This hot rubber is poorly workable, and must be subjected to fur­ ther thermic treatment be­ fore the processing industries can use it. But recently chemists have succeeded in making “cold rubber”, with iron as catalyst. The reaction proceeds three times faster at a low temperature, the product is much better for processing and shows im­ proved properties. Of Amer­ ica’s 760,000 tons of synthetic rubber annually, about onethird is now cold rubber. In Germany the Buna-Werke of Huis in the Ruhr area make 45,000 tons of cold rubber a year. The Call for Synthetic Natural Rubber The Chemische Werke Huis Ltd. now prepares for cons­ tructing a factory for synthe­ tic natural rubber. The var­ ious types of synthetic rub­ bers are no longer substitutes for natural rubber, but made November 1961 71 to measure for their specific uses. Yet the call for “real” artificial rubber with the structure and properties of the natural product has ne­ ver ceased. It comes primari­ ly from the ranks of users of natural rubber who are made uncomfortable by the fre­ quent fluctuations of the price of natural rubber. Other Rubbers Will Stay Industrial production of the new synthetic natural rubber is likely to start in Germany at the same time as in the United States. Dr. Dietrich Braun, a lecturer of Darmstadt’s Technology Uni­ versity and a scientist of the German Institute of Plastics, states that the new product comes very close to the na­ tural materials as regards tensility and elasticity. Tyres made of the new synthetic­ rubber have, under the same * conditions, 85 to 95 per cent of the life-time of natural rubber. True, this is not quite 100 per cent, and in­ deed the chemical structure of the new product differs somewhat from that of natu­ ral rubber; there is some more of the 3, 4-structure. Still, chemists have never "be­ fore got so close to natural rubber as they have in this case. Ziegler’s catalysts have gone all the way from coal to plastics and rubber. From a business point of view, synthetic natural rub­ ber still has a snag. Isoprene, its basic unit, is comparative­ ly expensive to make. Che­ mists are busy looking for a cheaper process of making it. Dr. Braun believes that the other types of rubber, both natural and synthetic, will not die out in the near future. ♦ * CHICKEN-STEALING The Southern planter heard a commotion in his poultry house late at night. With shot gun in hand, he made his way to the door, flung it open and curty ordered: “Come out of there, you ornery thief!” There was silence for few seconds, except for the startled clucking of the fowls. Then a heavy bass voice boomed out of the darkness: “Please, Colonel, dey ain’t nobody here ’cept jes’ us chickens!” 72 Panorama A City ftelow The City Emo Bajor Nagy About a hundred years ago, the town council of Budapest decided that it was no longer necessary to maintain pas­ tureland within the city since the capital’s population of goats had dwindled consider­ ably. The council recommend­ ed that the pastures be put to the plough. But the goats’ grazing grounds were not sown with corn or wheat; for as soon as the ploughmen went to work, they brought up a number of tools, and statues in marble, bronze and clay. These ob­ jects, and further research, convinced archeologists that they had discovered the ruins of Aquincum, one of the pro­ vincial capitals of the Roman empire. Subsequent excava­ tions yielded finds of great archeological value. A city had been discovered below a city. Since then, Aquincum has become a huge open-air mu­ seum. Specialists soon observ­ ed that the ruins brought to light represented only one third of the Roman city which had been divided into three parts — a military camp, a military town and a civilian city. This last section had been inhabited by settlers, former soldiers, and a native population of Illyrian and Celtic stock who had become Romanized. In this part of Aquincum, homes, shops and sanctuaries were found. The Roman city must have had a population close to 50,000 and it had a number of public buildings. Not far from Aquincum, an arena seating 16,000 people has been discovered; while in another, smaller arena, with 6,000 seats, you can still see the cells which used to house the wild beasts and condemn­ ed prisoners. The public baths of Aquin­ cum, used for more pleasant purposes, are amazingly wellpreserved. This was the first building in the city to be ex­ cavated. Its portico overlook­ ed the main street. Bathers left their clothes in small cu­ bicles, just as they do to-day. And when they entered the baths, they were given a bone plate on which was engraved a drawing and a number. This was their check which they had to turn in when they left. Today, visitors to Aquincum can still see the cloak-room and the cold, tepid and steam baths. November 1961 73 DISSOLUTION OF KIDNEY STONES Walter Theimer Kidney-stones are mineral deposits in the kidneys. They are usually calcium salts of oxalic, carbonic, or phospho­ ric acid, and may consist of uric acid. They can be mix­ tures of all these compounds. The conventional way of re­ moving these painful and by no means harmless deposits has been a surgical operation. Physicians have long been looking for a way of dissolv­ ing the stones chemically in­ side the kidney, but there have been only occasional successes. The stones are not water-soluble; in fact this is the reason for their being de­ posited from the aqueous bo­ dy fluid. They are in part soluble in acids, but this is scarcely feasible within the body with the familiar strong acids. Oxalate stones are most difficult to dissolve, and this type is the most frequent one. Rinsing the Kidney with a Mild Solvent A team of scientific work­ ers at Hamburg, directed by Professor R. von Sengbusch, has now succeeded in finding a mild solvent dissolving the stones on their spots in the kidney without any surgical intervention. The new me­ thod is likely to revolutionize the treatment of kidney­ stones. Physicians, chemists, and engineers cooperated in the team. The solvent is not taken by mouth, but pumped into the kidney with a rins­ ing device, and pumped out again. This rinsing is a leng­ thy afair; it must be conti­ nued for anything between 50 and 200 hours, and occa­ sionally more. A catheter is pushed up the urinary tract as far as the kidney. It is designed for conveying the rinsing fluid both in and out. This two-way catheter is con­ nected to a pump alternating 74 Panorama between pressure and suc­ tion. The pump is specially designed so as to avoid any irritation of the organs and to work without any shock. The catheter must be highly elastic. A group of techni­ cians designed an ingenious device having all these pro­ perties, and indeed some more. The chemists of the Ham­ burg team searched for a sol­ vent mild enough not to at­ tack the organs. Modern che­ mical theory suggested disso­ lution by complex-formation, a method much softer than dissolution in an aggressive solvent. It is too much to say that kidney-stones are entire­ ly insoluble in water. Tiny amounts are in fact dissolv­ ed, and can be estimated by quantitative analysis. Unfor­ tunately the stones cannot be dissolved away inside the bo­ dy like this, since an equi­ librium is formed between the minute quantity in solu­ tion and the undissolved bulk. Just as many atoms or atom groups as pass into so­ lution will return to the stone, per unit time, and in fact the amount returning is larger than the one going away, be­ cause a supply of stone-form­ ing salts keeps arriving from metabolism and makes the stones grow. The Complex Trick Now there are substances able to form chemical com­ plexes with the calcium al­ ways present in the kidney­ stones. The few calcium ions swimming among the water molecules of the kidney fluid owing to the small degree of solubility just mentioned are caught by these substances and absorbed into a complex, even if the substances are chemically saturated by or­ dinary standards. The com­ plex holds the calcium strong­ ly, and the captive ions can­ not escape again, except for a few which do so until an­ other equilibrium forms be­ tween those going out and coming in per unit time. It is obvious that few or no cal­ cium ions can return to the stones. This upsets the equi­ librium of the stones decisive­ ly, since returns cannot make up for losses, and as a result the stone is slowly dissolv­ ed. Now if the complex-form­ ing solvent is continuously pumped out again and re­ placed by fresh solvent, the calcium-complexes are wash­ ed out of the kidney for good. This dissolving process is ex­ tremely mild and does not injure any tissues. November 1961 ?5 Difficult Names of Efficient Solvents The efficient solvents con­ cocted at Hamburg have dif­ ficult names but this need not bother the sufferer who is offered bloodless relief. One solvent is the tetralitium salt of ethylene dia­ mine tetra-acetic acid, some­ what hard to pronounce, and called ADTA for short, while the whole salt is briefly call­ ed P30. The trinatruim salt of ADTA is known as P40. The former is particularly suited for urate stones, while P40 is most effective for phos­ phate deposits. Both solvents are adjusted to pH 8.6 and 8.5 respectively, which is on the alkaline side, the buffer be­ ing one per cent of triethanol amine. This substance also takes an active part in the dissolving process. The Technique of KidneyWashing After the solvents had been developed and the time for dissolving the stones had been established by test-tube experiments, a whole new technique of kidney-rinsing had to be evolved. The mild dissolving-process is a slow one, and the kidney must be rinsed continuously for the long periods mentioned ear­ lier. Clinical tests showed that a suitable catheter can be left safely in the urinary tract for weeks. The catheter is introduced in a stretched position, and its opening is brought quite close to the stone, the location being checked by X-rays. Profes­ sor von Sengbusch says that the procedure involves a mi­ nimum of discomfort to the patient who will definitely prefer it to a surgical opera­ tion. Even the most insoluble kidney-stones yield to the Hamburg method, except one particularly vicious type fill­ ing the whole kidney. But the Sengbusch team is just about to develop the method so as to cover even this type. The solvents are described by patients as “friendly to the body”. 76 Panorama T'aufta m gubseil Watei Subsoil water is the princi­ pal source of drinking-water. As ensuring a sufficient sup­ ply of drinking-water be­ comes more difficult in all countries, scientific investi­ gation of subsoil water is in­ tensified. One of the results is that underground water is inhabited by numerous small organisms many of which have become specially adapt­ ed to living in these deep wa­ ters. It has been found that this particular fauna is of great importance to the qual­ ity and processing of water meant for drinking. Three Types of Animalcules Dr. Siegfried Husmann, hy­ drobiologist to the Hydrobiological Laboratory of the Max Planck Society at Schlitz in Hesse, has made a stu­ dy of the connection between subsoil water fauna and drinkwater supply. There are many more subsoil waters streaming through sands and gravel many feet below the surface than is generally thought, and often enormous numbers of tiny subterranean animals populate them. Ac­ cording to Dr. Husmann there is a genuine subsoil water fauna living exclusively in ground water, while other types of animalcules live in surface water also. Dr. Husmann calls the gen­ uine subsoil water fauna “eucaval”. Its members are close­ ly associated with this ex­ treme biotope. “Tychocaval” subsoil water animacules form a second group; this is Dr. Husmann’s term for types occuring numerously in sur­ face waters too, finding fa­ vourable conditions in sub­ soil water as well. A third group is represented by “xenocaval” subsoil ’water ani­ mals: these are foreigners having strayed into the un­ derworld. chance visitors un­ able to survive long in the subsoil. The subterranean populations are very large. Many can be seen with the naked eye. All are metazoans (many-cell animals). Dr. Hus­ mann found no fewer than 111 eucaval species in Cen­ tral Europe, including 28 copepodes, 26 water-fleas, 19 November 1961 77 ostracodes, and in addition to these crustaceans, 15 species of mites, several bristleworms (polychaetae and oli­ gochaetae), tube-m a k i n g worms (turbellaria), nemato­ des (threadlike worms), and even a snail (bathynella, the “snail of the depth”). No, these animals do not usually enter drinking-water. True they live in filtering instal­ lations also, and have a use­ ful part to play there, but they do not normally travel along with the water destin­ ed for drinking. Moreover any travellers would be fil­ tered off during processing, and certainly killed by chlo­ rination. As for turbellaria, for instance, they lead seden­ tary lives in self-built tubes in the sand, and are not car­ ried away by the subsoil wa­ ter pumped to the surface. Drinking-water is of course regularly tested for any mi­ cro-organism presentSubsoil water populated by this fauna exists in cavity systems of all sizes. The tiny cracks and hollow spaces of sand and gravel are most important to the animalcules. There are larger subsoil wa­ ter systems in underground broken stone and small ponds of ground water in subter­ ranean caves, all of which are inhabited by this fauna. Wells and water-pipes for drawing this water are arti­ ficial extensions of the sub­ terranean biotope. Indicators of Water Quality According to Dr. Husmann the subsoil water animalcules are excellent indicators of the quality and origin of sub­ soil water. If subsoil water is populated solely by eucaval organisms, i.t can readily be used as drinking-water. Eu­ caval water-fleas do not pol­ lute drinking-water; they are indeed a sort of natural hall­ mark for quality and purity. This type of fauna testifies that eucaval subsoil water has no connection to the up­ per world. This means it un­ dergoes all basic purifying processes inside the soil with­ out any interference from above, and good drinkable water is produced without any impure water being add­ ed to it. The situation deteriorates > as xenocaval organisms ap­ pear. They can have arrived only through some channels connecting subsoil water with the surface. So some impure water must have had access without having passed the complex filtering and pu­ rifying processes of nature in the subsoil. The same is true of the tychocaval animals liv­ ing in, and making the best 78 Panorama of, both worlds. Now a xenocaval waterflea does not necessarily spoil the whole show. The hydrobiologist will first look for the place whence the stranger has made his entrance into the lower world. Sometimes the place can be found. If surface water is unobjectionable at this spot, subsoil water can be used for drinking pur­ poses without hesitation. Yet if the upper water is impure, the subsoil water must be re­ jected. In case of doubt it is better to be wary. Communi­ cation with polluted rivers etc. renders subsoil water un­ suitable for drinking, except for the circumstantial puri­ fying methods necessary for obtaining drinking-w a t e r from rivers. The number of the noncaval animalcules is impor­ tant. An odd visitor strayed from the upper world, having wandered along some tiny crack, need not cause any alarm. If the strangers are numerous, however, the quality of the water becomes dubious. A biological exami­ nation of a water sample ac­ cording to Dr. Husmann will yield reliable information, and the method is likely to become routine in the quest for drinking-water. Sand Filter Animals Too Plant for preparing drink­ able water includes large sand filters through which the water passes slowly. A numerous and specific fauna has settled here. These sand­ gap animalcules live in the tiny spaces between the grains. Dr. Husmann has shown that this specific fau­ na is useful. Its job is to mineralize organic substances which would otherwise pol­ lute the water. This process has been in part attributed to bacteria and fungi, but the share of animalcules is far greater and more essential. Slow sand filtration would not yield its well-known good results without the col­ laboration of this microscopic fauna, closely related to, and largely identical with, the subsoil water fauna. So these small organisms take a hand in ensuring a supply of good drinking-water to humanity. November 1961 79 M dn The l(. Dana S. Creel Director, Rockefeller Brothers Fund Philanthropy started with the beginning of civilized men when it was realized that in any form of community life, man had to have a concern for his fellowman. To go back very briefly into ancient history, it is interest­ ing to see how the concept of philanthropy took shape in early times. Possibly the earliest time this concept ap­ peared in written form was about 2000 B. C. when it was embodied in the Hammurabic Code which counseled the Babylonians that—“Justice be done to widows, orphans, and the poor.” Another big step was in 1300 B. C. when Moses origin­ ated a technique of philanthro­ py—the tithe—the giving of 1/10 of income for the sup­ port of religion and care of the poor. In late 450 B. C. Gautama Buddha established a religion based on self-rest­ raint and charity for the poor. Alexander the Great in the 14th century B. C. founded Alexandria University in North Egypt. The Jewish and Christian religions introduced a basic teaching of responsibility for one’s fellowman—“Love thy neighbor as thyself.” From this organized charity began to take a definite shape in hos­ pitals, orphanages and shelters for the poor. In 321 A. D., Constantine gave license to be­ queath money to the church, and from that time on large endowments began to accu­ mulate around Christian cha­ ritable institutions. From these beginnings, two of our most important modern institutions evolved—the hos­ pital and the university. It is sigificant that the earliest uni­ versities were not created by kings or rulers or by even ne­ cessarily the rich., The same applies to hospitals. They were by and large started and maintained by those who had a concern for mankind and at the same time had a prac­ tical concern for themselves. 80 Panorama Going forward, Dr. W. T. Jordan has recently published a study of philanthropy in England from 1480-1660, in which he traces developments in England and describes the unprecedented generosity of merchants and bankers in that period. Their giving was first directed to poverty, but when it was realized that alms alone could not cure the causes of poverty and disease and that it was necessary to go into the roots of this evil, then their philanthropy was directed to basic needs, education, the es­ tablishment of numerous schools and colleges. It was, I believe, at this time that phi­ lanthropy was first given real recognition in the legal struc­ ture of a society, in the Eliza­ bethan Statute of Charitable Uses. Dr. Jordan summed up his study by saying these be­ nefactions in the 17th century —“formed the shape of the modern world.” Turning to the United States, the early colonists, be­ ing for the most part rugged individualists, brought with them these trends and in the creation of a new life gave a substantial part of their time and resources for the estab­ lishment of schools, churches, colleges, hospitals, libraries, and welfare organizations. Benjamin Franklin, famous in American story in so many ways, was one of the most outstanding early philanthro­ pists in the United States. He raised funds to found a college — the University of Pennsyl­ vania, a hospital, America’s first free library, a Presbytarian church, a voluntary fire company, and so the list goes. In addition, he established a philanthropic foundation which still exists today. I have cited these few speci­ fics of early philanthropy to emphasize that philanthropy, though it may not be always recognized as such, is deeply embedded in Western civili­ zation and has been a vital moving force in the develop­ ment of the Western world; also to emphasize that the United States did not invent it or have any monopoly on it. It is a common heritage of the democratic system. I do believe, however, that the United States has taken the lead in extending and in ex­ panding the concept of phi­ lanthropy to a greater degree than any other country and that philanthropy has, in the United States, become a key factor in its development in the protection of the demo­ cratic process. In the early days, practical­ ly all of the schools, colleges, hospitals, in fact all general community services, were pri­ vate institutions supported by November 1961 81 gifts of local residents. As the country developed ahd the needs increased, the govern­ ment at the national, state and local levels augmented these activities, so that there has been a pattern of a. supple­ mentary or dual community service, governmental and pri­ vate. It is impossible to say now just what .proportion of general community services are financed by government and what proportion are fin­ anced by private giving, and this proportion varies from community to community. It is clear, however, that the pri­ vate institutions are pace set­ ting or standard setting ins­ titutions. Free from political control, they are able to go in their own way in re­ search, experimentation, and adaptation to changing cir­ cumstances in a much more flexible way than govern­ ment-financed and govern­ ment-operated institutions. By and large, it is these private organizations, particularly the universities, that have done basic research in a number of fields when the value of this research is not too clear, certainly not clear to the point that governmental funds would have been available. As for specifics, the type of basic research I have in mind is that leading to atomic ener­ gy and the early beginnings of space exploration — now subjects of vital importance to the nation. The same holds true in research in the medical field. The same holds true in the field of general education. I do not mean to say that there are not excellent or su­ perb state universities, but I believe that when one thinks of the highest standards of education in the United States, one thinks of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Chicago — all private institutions sup­ ported by contributions from individuals, foundations, and corporation. It is important to maintain such institutions regardless of the rapid growth in the number and size of goverental supported colleges and universities. In considering the role of philanthropy in the United States, I have long maintained that the private institutions of a country really set the pattern for what happens in that country. These private institutions, universities, hos­ pitals, museums, cultural and civic organizations are the pace-setters or enervators in our society. Now this is an exciting thing. This means that the private individual, quite aside from what the government may be doing, can, through his support of these institutions, have a voice and a part in shaping and in­ 82 Panorama fluencing what goes on in the country. In other words, in the United States one does not have to work exclusively through the government in seeking to serve himself and his fellowmen. He has another channel of influencing his en­ vironment and that is through private philanthropic agencies and organizations. This is why I said earlier that philanthro­ py is a vital tool in the dev­ eloping and maintaining of a democratic process in the Uni­ ted States. The role of philanthropy in the United States is so well established that it is definitely encouraged as a matter of public policy. As a means of support to charitable, reli­ gious, educational and health agencies, the law provides that 30% of a person’s income can be given free of all in­ come tax and that the receiv­ ing agency is not required to pay any tax on such gifts or the income which it may de­ rive from endowment. In this way, the government recog­ nizes the value of these pri­ vate agencies and encourages individuals to take the lead in correcting or improving conditions and to do for themselves what the gov­ ernment would have to do and probably would do less well if they did not exist. A few years back, I attempt­ ed to find some measure of the role of philanthropy in the United States. To my amaze­ CATERPILLARS The small boy sat at the foot of a telegraph pole, with a tin can in his hands. The curious old gentleman gazed first at the lad and then at the can, much perplexed. “Caterpillars!” he ejaculated. “What are you doing with them?” “They climb trees and eat the leaves,” the boy explained. “Yes?” “And so” the boy continued proudly, “I'm, foolin' this bunch by lettin' 'em climb the tele­ graph pole.” November 1961 83 ment, I found that philanthro­ pical expenditure was a major industry in the country. If I recall correctly, including the giving to all private philan­ thropical organizations, col­ leges, schools, museums, etc., the total amount of dollars given each year, considering a general industry, was the 4th or 5th largest industry in the country. Even though I. have been active in the field of philanthropy for many years, this came as a surprise, but it is even more a surprise to see that the figures keep increasing each year. In 1959 a total of approximately $7,800,000,000 was given in the United States to religious, educational, health, social ser­ vice, character building, and cultural agencies. This is big business and by its size you can see why I say it is a key factor in what America is and what it will be in future years. I personally would be wor­ ried about the role of philan­ thropy in the United States if it were a static concept. For­ tunately, I think it is, as I mentioned before, one of the most flexible instruments in the country and the means through which an individual can express a sense of citizen­ ship responsibility to the im­ mediate community in which he lives, then to a larger na­ tional problem. And more re­ cently there is, I think, in the United States a general.appre­ ciation and understanding that this citizenship responsi­ bility or concern for his fel­ lowman is an international responsibility and that ulti­ mately he must be concerned with what happens through­ out the world—in Africa, Asia, or anywhere else. The world is becoming a very small place. This growing concern and recognition of philanthropy as a tool has an interesting dev­ elopment in the United States and that is the creation of foundations through which in­ dividuals, either separately or in cooperation with others, can direct giving in an or­ ganized, scientific, and sys­ tematic manner. England pio­ neered in the creation of foundations but to a limited extent. In the United States three generations ago, there were very few foundations. The first really large one un­ der a federal charter was the Rockefeller Foundation which pioneered in many ways, pri­ marily in the field of scienti­ fic and medical research. Now there are numerous founda­ tions and the number is grow­ ing by leaps and bounds. Ac­ cording to the last count, there are some 12,000. The majority of these is very small, but the number is important because 84 Panorama CHRISTIANITY A shipwrecked traveler was washed up on a small island. He was terrified at the thought of cannibals, and explored with utmost stealth. Dis­ covering a thin wisp of smoke above the scrub, he crawled toward it fearfully, in apprehension that it might be from the campfire of savages. But as he came close, a voice rang out sharply: “Why in hell did you play that card?” The castaway, already on his knees, raised his hands in devout thanksgiving. “Thank God!” he exclaimed brokenly. “They are Christians!” * ♦ * it shows the extent to which individuals think of organized philanthropy as a means of doing something about the problems of his country and society in general. Philanthro­ pic activity has become a means of gaining stature and recognition as a good citizen. Of these 12,000 foundations, the Ford Foundation is, of course, the giant with an asset of some $648,000,000 and going down to the list to the 8th place there is the Rockefeller Brothers Fund which, I should naturally mention, has an as­ set of some $130,000,000. I am naturally interested in these two particular foundations, but I am not qualified to speak for the Rockefeller Foundation,' for that is a se­ parate corporation founded by Mr. Rockefeller, Sr. with its Board of Directors chairman­ ed by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, III. As one of the oldest foundations, its program is well established with world­ wide interest centering on scientific research but touch­ ing many fields of need throughout the world. By di­ recting its resources and its trained talents and efforts to large general problems, it seeks solutions to fundament­ al problems. The International Rice Research Institute, now taking shape only a few miles from here, is an excellent ex­ ample of its activity. November 1961 85 The Rockefeller Brothers Fund was created by the children of Mr. Rockefeller, Jr. to consolidate and ad­ minister more effectively their philanthropic activities. I think it is distinguishable from the Rockefeller Founda­ tion primarily on the basis that the members of the fami ly serve on its Board and they take very direct and personal interest in what the founda­ tion does and, in many cases, give personal leadership to its various activities. I think, and here again I am prejudiced, that the Rockefeller Brothers Fund is apart from practically any other foundations, be­ cause it is not money alone but the personal interest and leadership of the Rockefeller family which gives a special quality to its program. The Fund’s activities are charac­ terized by those which would come under the heading of aggressive citizenship. Just a few examples, in New York City, the Fund, together with the Ford Foundation, initiat­ ed and financed a study of Greater New York to deter­ mine those factors, such as land use, transportation, po­ pulation trends which in­ fluence its growth and dev­ elopment to date. This study was an attempt to develop a working body of knowledge which would be helpful to anyone—government, busi­ ness, or individuals working on the problems of Greater New York. Another activity is the establishment of an African program to aid eco­ nomic development of newly independent countries in West Africa faced with an impera­ tive need in new industries and general economic growth. Another interest is the con­ servation of natural resources in the United States needed for recreation and outdoor educational programs. An­ other recent activity was a special study project, in which the Fund brought together a panel of eminent citizens to identify major problems of the United States of the next ten to fif­ teen years and recommend ap­ propriate action. This study resulted in reports on educa­ tion, national defense, econo­ mic growth, and a number of other subjects, which hopeful­ ly over the years will prove helpful to the public and to those concerned with nation­ al policies. These are just a few illus­ trations but I think they do serve to give meaning to my repeated statements before that philanthropy is a part of the democratic process which can and does play a significant part in shaping foundations. 86 Panorama I have gone into a little his­ tory and to a somewhat theo­ retical discussion of philan­ thropy. In terms of individual and foundation giving which in the final analysis, as I see it, is really citizenship giving concerned with one’s fellow­ man, it is this that brings me to the real point. I think business corpora­ tions are citizens and as such they have a responsibility to help the community in which they exist and in which they do business, and with the world becoming smaller and smaller, this takes in a con­ siderable territory. By start­ ing on a local level as a ci­ tizen, there is a responsibility to exercise a good influence in the community in which the business is conducted. This can mean the giving of money and the giving of leadership by business leaders to see that there are good schools, good hospitals, good recreational facilities, good cultural pro­ grams which make for a sound, healthy community in which its employees can live. The reverse side of this is that a business can, undoubtedly, sell more automobiles, more soft drinks, more furniture in a healthy and prosperous com­ munity. Extending this a bit further, if there is a depressed area in a community, state, region, or even country where the people, because of disease or poverty, are not able to live CALMNESS In Bret Harte's Mary Gillup, there is a notable description of calmness in most trying circum­ stances. “ 7 have the honor of addressing the celebrat­ ed rebel spy, Miss McGillup?” asked the vandal officer. “In a moment I was perfectly calm. With the exception of slightly expectorating twice in the face of the minion I did not betray my agitation.” Nnwrunirn 1QA1 a full life, there is reason for business as well as govern­ ment to be concerned with the eradication of the causes of this depression. It means more markets, it means also a more stable government. Business has a concern with education because this, too, has a very direct bearing on the type of employees who will be avail­ able to it in future years and the type of leadership which will generally be influential in the community in which it exists. In *the educational field, business has a particular concern with scientific re­ search, basic as well as ap­ plied, because it is from this research that' new products and new markets can be dev­ eloped. This reminds of rather painful experience of some twelve years ago. When I was asked by some of the officers of a large financial institution in the United States to pre­ pare a memorandum suggest­ ing what it might do in the philanthropic field, I did this with considerable hesitancy, because the idea of corporate giving at that time was not too well developed. I very cau­ tiously recommended that this institution as a citizen of its community should give to lo­ cal institutions which had some bearing on the welfare of its employees. So in the first category of agencies which I suggested were listed hospitals and welfare agencies in its immediate vicinity and also a general community fund for the city. Then as a second and lower priority, I listed some of the educational institutions in the city and several of the cultural organ­ izations. As a third and even lower category, because I felt it is more difficult, was listed the support of special research project relating to monetary policies and banking problems, which could be started in par­ ticular universities with the thought that such studies will not only help the universities but would also have a very direct relationship to the cor­ poration involved. I must con­ fess that at the time when that report was reviewed, it was laughted out of the Board Room and I was termed a fuz­ zy head and a visionary. I take pride in the fact that now af­ ter twelve years, that same corporation has now develop­ ed a philanthropic program which takes in not only cate­ gory 1 but also category 2 and category 3 that I suggested, and has also gone much fur­ ther in the support of general community activities, the ex­ tension of scholarships and even general budget support to selected colleges and uni­ versities throughout the country. Corporations in the United -States are presently a greater reservoir of relatively untap­ ped support to private educa­ tional health, and welfare or­ ganizations. Someday, I am firmly convinced, that corpo­ rations will be a major fac­ tor in the support of philan­ thropical institutions in the United States. The trend is developing. Last year corpo­ rations gave roughly $400,000,000 to private educational, health and charitable organ­ izations. This is just the beginning. I cannot say that this giving by business is wholly spiritual and stems exclusively from a love of mankind. Some people arffue that there is no such thing as philanthropy and that everything anyone does has a self-serving motive. I can argue on both sides of this question. AH' I would say is that regardless of what one’s motive is in giving, if he gives intelligently, I am sure it is good citizenship and good business. * * * ADVERTISING The editor of the local paper was unable to secure advertising from one of the business men of the town, who asserted stoutly that he himself never read ads, and didn't believe anyone else did. “Will you advertise if I can convince you that folks read the ads.?” the editor asked. “If you can show me!” was the sarcastic an­ swer. “But you can't.” In the next issue of the paper, the editor ran a line of small type in an obscure corner. It read: “What is Jenkins going to do about it?” The business man, Jenkins, hastened to seek out the editor next day. He Admitted that he was being pestered out of his wits by the curi­ ous. He agreed to stand by the editor’s explana­ tion in £he forthcoming issue, and this was: “Jenkins is going to advertise, of course.” Having once advertised, Jenkins advertises still1. November 1961 Origins of American Man One of the great remaining enigmas of science is the ori­ gin of American man. This question provided the theme of the second Intellec­ tual Encounters of Sao Paolo where, from August 21-27, 1961, archaeologists, ethnolo­ gists, geneticists and linguists reviewed the current state of scientific knowledge about the human past of the Wes­ tern Hemisphere. While draw­ ing attention to the uncertain­ ty which still reigns as to how man spread out through the New World, the scientists at Sao Paolo did not question the Asian origin of the Indians or the very remote date of their arrival in America — about 30,000 years ago, when that continent was connected to Asia by Alaska. Some im­ portant communications on the discovery of very ancient tools belonging to prehistoric Indians were made to the con­ ference. These testify to man’s presence in South America in the 10th millenium B.C., and associate it with the presence of certain extinct animal spe­ cies. The Intellectual Encounters of Sao Paolo highlighted the serious danger which threat­ ens the last living evidences of South American prehistory. on The Indian tribes of Brazil and neighboring regions are disappearing without any se­ rious effort being made to preserve a record of their tra­ ditions, arts and languages. With them, our last chance to solve the enigmas of the distant past is vanishing. Governments and scientific institutes have been asked to push investigations before it is too late. An example of a valuable effort is provided by the cu­ rious case of the Sheta Indians who were discovered in the forests of the state of Parana (Brazil) when the area was opened up for coffee cultiva­ tion. Although surrounded by modern civilization, these In­ dians are still living in the Stone Age. In 1962, thanks to Unesco support to the Inter­ national Union of Anthropo­ logical and Ethnological Sciences, scientists are going to study their neolithic civil­ ization. • Another grave source of concern to scientists is van­ dalism on archaeological sites. The conference recommended that other states follow the Brazilian example and vote protective legislation. (UNESCO) Panorama VITAL VITAMIN Monika Muller The bizarre design of rods and spheres, almost of the look and shape of a fashionable modern-art "mo­ bile" or non-objective sculpture, which was the sym­ bolic centre-piece of a several-day international congres, was but a one-millionfold enlargement of a mo­ del of the structure of the vital vitamin B 12. For this congress which was recently held in the university cli­ nic of Hamburg under the chairmanship of the Ham­ burg physiologist, Professor Joachim Kuhnau, more than 150 well-known researchers and scientists from all the world, what was called the large "Family of Vitamin Researchers", had come to the North-German two-million city of Hamburg, which is a federal state of itself in the Federal Republic of Germany. The aim of this conference was to exchange views on the recent dis­ covery of some of the secrets of vitamin B 12, and to listen to new ideas relating to the effects of this im­ portant vitamin. This marvelous vitamin is a substance contained in liver, meat, the yolk of eggs, and cheese. The great­ est importance must be ascribed to this vitamin, be­ cause it is indispensable for the normal formation of blood; its lack will cause a dangerous blood disease, pernicious anaemia. This disturbance caused by a lack of vitamins inhibits the maturing process of the red blood corpuscles in the bone marrow, and for a long time this vicious disease was held to be uncurable by medical science. Only after the liver-substance therapy had been developed and introduced, and vitamin B 12 could be isolated from the tissue as an efficient "anti-pernicious anaemia" substance, physicians and researchers were able to save patients suffering from this other­ wise lethal disease. Today patients suffering from per­ nicious anaemia are treated with special liver prepa­ November 1961 91 rations containing the prepared "anti-perniciosa" sub­ stance as well as fresh liver and vitamins B 12, where­ by it has been possible to medicine to subject this dan­ gerous disease to a very high degree of control. When the vitamin researchers had met last in Hamburg, five years ago, the structure of vitamin B 12 had just been found, and the opportunities of using its effects to the benefit of patients had hardly been look­ ed into, let alone examined and further developed. Now this very field was the focus of the topical dis­ cussions in the university clinic, in which also the dis­ coverer of this vitamin, Dr. Lester Smith of the Re­ search Station at Greenford, England, United Kingdom, participated. These scientists all are convinced that a thorough research into this vitamin would clarify fur­ ther important biological problems and be of decisive importance for practical medicine. For the layman, however, it is very difficult, indeed, to follow the re­ searchers even into the "lower" regions of their "scien­ tific altitude flight" as one reporter described these highly technical discussions of this complicated spe­ cial field of medicine. The joint research into the nature and properties of vitamin B 12 by scientists from twenty-five coun­ tries of the earth is another example-setting model of the great scope of opportunities of international co­ operation in scientific fields to the benefit of mankind. It was in this spirit that the Hamburg Senator Dr. Biermann-Ratjen, on the occasion of a reception given by the Hamburg City and State Government in ho­ nour of the members of the congress, said that "also for the layman the history of the vitamin B 12 is dra­ matic and exciting, and convinces us all that a close network of fine international cooperation in science is the right road for human knowledge gaining ever more ground to the benefit of mankind, to watch the scien­ tific world in its patient, untiring and cooperative strug­ gle must deeply impress us all." * * * 92 Panorama Attention: All organization heads and members! Help your club raise funds painlessly... Join the Panorama “Fund-Raising by Subscriptions” plan today! THVanorama Fund-Raising by Subscriptions plan will get you, your friends,, and vour relatives a year’s sub­ scription to Panorama. The Panorama is easy to sell. It practically sells itself, which means more money for your organization. The terms of the Panorama Fund-Raising by Sub­ scriptions plan are as follows: (1) Any accredited organization in the Philippines can take advantage of the Plan. (2) The organization will Use its facilities to sell sub­ scriptions Rj Panorama. (3) For every subscription sold the organization will get Pl.00. The more subscriptions the organization sells, the more money it gets. "The heart of the Philippines is in the country, and the heart of the country is in the land" *