Unit: our flag and our anthem


Part of Philippine Educator

Unit: our flag and our anthem
Ponce, Amanda
Philippine Educator, XII (3) August 1957
National songs
Teaching meathods
Lesson planning
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Unit: Our Flag and Our Anthem Major Problem - How may we show our love and respect to our flag and our anthem? I. Objectives: A. General - 1. To inculcate the- proper attitude toward the National-Flag and the Anthem. 2. To instill greater love and respect for the accepted symbols of national solidarity. 3. To further develop attitudes of cooperation, courtesy, and tolerance in group activities. B. Specific - 1 . To learn to honor the flag and the anthem. 2. To know and understand what the flag and the anthem stand for. 3. To be inspired to greater heights and to deyelop nobler ambitions by knowing the history of the Flag and the Anthem. 4. To know and .practice the proper honor to be accorded the flag and the anthem. 5. To know the proper care of the flag. 6. To be able to give· due respect to the Flag and the National Anthem. II. Content Outline: A. Our Flag - 1 . History of our flag 2. Description of our flag 3. What our flag stand for 4. Proper honor and respect to be accorded to the flag. 5. Proper care of the flag. B. Our Anthem - 1 . History of our anthem 2. What our anthein stands for 3. Proper honor and respect to be accorded to the anthem *Amanda Ponce is the committee chairman of the Grade III Teache1·s Club, Bonifacio. Elementary School, Manila. PAGE 46 By Amanda Ponce·* III. Approach Activities: A. Initiation - 1 . Showing pictures of children saluting the flag as it passes by. 2. Talking about the flag ceremony and the retreat in school. 3. Structuring the room. B. Raising the problems 1. What was· the beginning of our flag? 2. How does our flag look? 3. What does our flag stand for? 4. How may we honor and respect our flag? 5. How may we care- for our flag? 6. What was the beginning of our anthem? 7. What does our anthem stand for? 8. How may we honor and respect our anthem? C. Gathering materials and information 1 . Research work 2. Bringing pamphlets, magazines, books 3. Collecting pictures from magaz_ines and papers D. Expression Activities 1. Reporting the data ~athered 2. Playing stories 3. Reciting poems 4. Singing songs 5. Choral reading 6. Finger painting 7. Drawing 8. Making a flag 9. Making rhymes and songs 10. Acrostics 11. Panel discussion E. Group Work 1. The differentiated activities: (a) Group one works on the flag (b) Group two works on the anthem F. Presentation of group work 1. Sharing what has been learned about the flag and the anthem. THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR G. Evaluation 1. Children give comments on the reports and work presented. They use their critical judgment. 2. Practice of common courtesies. H. Organization of Learnings 1. Preparation of outlines and summaries. I. Application of Learnings 1. At the flag ceremony or retreat 2. Conduct assignment - Watching brother, sister, friends, cousins, mothers, father and other at occasions where the flag is there and the anthem is sung. 3. Organizing a club to launch the project of instilling in the minds and the hearts of the young reverence and honor for the flag and the anthem. IV. Desirable Outcomes A. Attitudes and Appreciations 1. Proper attitude toward the National Flag and the Anthem 2. Greater love and respect for the accepted symbols of national solidarity. 3. Attitudes of cooperation, courtesy, and tolerance in group activities. B. Understandings 1. Knowing the value of the Filipino Flag and the story of the National Anthem. 2. Knowing the Code of the National Flag and the Anthem. 3. Better understanding of the duties ancJ. obligations of a citizen toward our country's symbols. C. Habits, Skills, and Abilities 1. Ability to read to seek specific information. 2. Ability to read to grasp the main thought of a paragraph. 3. Ability to read for an audience so as to convey meaning and feeling. 4. Ability to speak with ease and naturalness. 5. Ability to give simple, accurate explanations. 6. Skill in use of books, magazines, pamphlets. 7. Skill in planning and executing with efficiency. 8. Skill in raising and solving problems. 9. Habits of cooperation and courtesy with others. 10. Habits of neatness and accuracy in all work. V. Bibliography 1. Executive Order No. 321 2. The Flag of the Filipino People, Proclamation No. 146 AUGUST, 1957 3. History of the Filipino Flag, July 4th National Souvenir Program Republic's Commemorative Guide of Events, 1954 p. 32 4. This is Our Flag - By L. B. Bascon; In the Grade School, June 1956 pp. 16-19 5. Our National Flag, Social Studies Work Book Grade III, p. 51 6. Talking About the Flag, Course of Study in National Language pp. 3-4 7 . Respecting our Flag and the Anthem, Journal of Education, March, 1956 p. 650 8. Making Monday Programs and Flag Ceremonies More Educational, Journal of Education 1953 p. 46 9. Stories (a) Our· Flag, Philippine Independence Souvenir Magazine, July 1946. (b) The Glorious Fourth - Six Years Ago - Philippine School Life, July 1952 pp. 2324; 26-28 (c) Our Country's Flag: Better English for Speaking and Writing p. 136 . (d) The Commonwealth of the Philippine School Life, November 1952 p. 43 (e) Our Flag pp. 35-37; Our Boys and Girls (f) Amado and the Flag p. 38 10. Poems (a) The Flag Goes By, Better English Henry H. Bennet p. 210 (b) Our Flag - Phil. School Life, July 1950, p. 24 (c) I Love My Flag ( d) Flag Etiquette (e) Our Flag, Philippine Education p. 51 June 1957 (f) The Filipino Flag, Philippine Nursing Rhyme pp. 129-130 11. Songs (a) The Pledge to Our Flag, In the Grade School p. 91 12. Pageant - The Philippines, Phil. Journal of ' Education December 1951 pp. 358-359 13. The revolt of the Flag - In the Grade School June 1954 pp. 17-19 14. Tagalog materials (a) Paggalang Sa Watawat - Phil. Educator June 1957 pp. 49-50 (b) Ang Bandilang Pili pi no, Phil. School Life July 1950 p. 25 ( c) Ang Bandila, Phil. School Life February 1953 p. 50 (cl) Hayun ang Bandila, Phil. School Life, June 1953 p. 53 (e) Pilipinas, Phil. School Life, July 1953 p. 105 PAGE 47