Something to remember [poem]


Part of Philippine Educator

Something to remember [poem]
Philippine Educator, XII (3) August 1957
Poetry (Literary form)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SOMETHING TO REMEMBER If any child should wish to know The things that children ought to do Tell him one is eating slow And drinking glasses of water too. Sleep at least eight hours a day Under a mosquito net always, Get up every morning early And put always bedding properly. Wash your hands before you eat, And sit at table straight; After eating, wash them very neat Do this, my child, and don't forget. Take milk and eggs a day Eat vegetables yellow, green, and leafy After rest take a little play But do not waste the whole day. Do not fail to brush your teeth And take away the finger's dirt See your clothes if they are. neat Don't put shoes on dirty feet. Walk on the left side of the street Lh~ten for cars, do not forget Look left and right calmly wait Before you cross, that's it. And when you reach your school Greet your teacher, one a.nd all Take off your cap and standing tall Say good morning, that's all. And when. you are dismissed Go home straight, do not miss, Don't loiter on the way if you wish To be a good, good child always. Teaching Unit in Language Arts Writing a Class Paper Grade IV General Objectives: 1. To realize the importance of reading newspapers, magazines and other current literature. 2. To develop the habit of reading newspapers. 3. To contribute some articles to a local class paper. Specific Object.ives: Reading Skills - 1. To be abfo to read and understand the important news of the day. 2. To grasp the message of the newspaper headline. 3. To be able to locate the continuation of an article in the other columns and pages of the newspaper. PAGE 48 By Anacoreta A. Chua 4. To develop the habit of looking up the meanings of words that one cannot understand through context. 5. To read articles with proper phrasing as an aid to intelligent understanding. 6. To be able to interpret happenings as read 'In the papers. 7. To know the parts of the newspaper. Language Skills - 1. To write informal summaries of news read. 2. To converse with ease about an event read. 3. To speak spontaneously on a topic of one's interes~. 4. To be able to report effectively _on a happening both orally and in written form. THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATOR 5. To write concise simple news for a class paper. 6. To write short announcements or advertisements. 7. To give titles to reports on happenings. Phonics - 1. To enunciate correctly. 2. To pronounce the words distinctly. 3. To know which syllables are to be emphasized in words. 4. To know which inflection will best give correct meaning to a statement. 5. To take note of the schwa letters in words. Spelling - 1. To be able to spell both orally and in writing words that one comes across while reading. 2. To be aware of the silent letters that are not prooounced. Helps For Study: Important Parts of a. Newspaper: 1. front page 3. business 5. comic section 2. headline section 6. poetry corner 4. advertise- 7. pen pal column ments or clas- 8. editorial sified ads 9. movie and radio Vocabulary Development: announcement clippings current events daily news humorous news items column newsreel newstand headline editorial commentaries editor printing press contributor edited proofread staff subscription cut illustrations reporters deadline art editor excerpts world news local news Suggested Actitiitie.-;: 1. Visit the school library and other public and private libraries. Find out what newspaper and magazines are available there. List them ~own. 2. Scrutinize each paper and find out their parts. Compare the different newspaper and newsmagazines that you see. 3., Look for the headline. How is it written? What do you understand about the headline? 4. Locate the following sections and read the contents: AUGUST, 1957 a. society page b. sports section c. comic section d. pen pal column e. classified ads f. puzzles g. editorial h. business section i. shipping schedules j. news section k. health news I. literary section m . personals. 5. Make a report orally and in writing on local happenings, from three to five sentences. Select something that will interest your classmates. 6. Write simple announcements, of your friend's or family's birthdays, a meeting, program, lost and found articles, a coming visitor, etc. 7. Write a si.mple editorial affecting your school life. 8. Read newspapers and. make excerpts. 9. Or_ganize a class paper. 10. Make children participate as contributors, editors, proofreaders, etc. in the making of the class paper. 11. Interview people in the community for reports that may be included in the school paper. 12. Reading news items and discussing them. 13. Writing. advertisements, class radio programs, news stories, simple poems, etc. 14. Announcing games in the school paper. Pointers Fm· News Writing - 1. Choose interesting and important news that affect your school and community. 2. Write on very recent happenings. 3. Give accurate reliable news. 4. Do not include personal news that may hurt other people's feelings. 5. Have a good topic sentence and a. very appropriate lead. 6. Observe correct grammar and other language mechanics. Project - The class paper may be made monthly or bi-monthly and may be a continuing project of the class for the school. Culminating ActiviUes - Issuing of the class paper and having ·a program with literary and musical numbers against a background of displayed magazine or newspapers. PAGE 49