M. Victoriano: ex-newsman's fight for life


Part of National Weekly

M. Victoriano: ex-newsman's fight for life
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Year IV, Number 15 Copyright 1949 M. Victoriano.: Ex-Newsman's Fight For Life !vfanila, Philippines October 8, 1949 Marcelo Victoriano is a former Manila newspa- Officials of the woe volunteered to donate the blood perman who is now fighting for his life against a needed. 4 Chinese newspaperman delivered to the dreaded enemy-tuberculos~s. Victoriano con~rac.ted the· Times the 90 vials of streptomycin, a hospital director disease about 11 years ago in the course of h~s wo~k. as brought in the 40 vials of penicillin, while Marsman a police reporter on one of the pre-war MFtmla dailies. 8 Co. offered to supply the 2,000 tablets -of paraAlthough already suffering. from incipi.ent TB, ~~e aminosalicylic acid. Meantime friends of Victoriano young newspaperman continued with his work until ra111ed to his needs with financial assistance. tne outbreak of the war when his health even became Some years ago while Victoriano was active in more impaired. . newspaper work, he broke the insidious hold of the · After liberation, Victoriano "hang on,".being un- Magdaragar association in San Nicolas when he exposable t~ resume his old job because of his aflment which ed its illegal activities by means of an expose in his pahas slowly eaten away half of his lung. ·In despera- per. He was also the one who located the formtr Miss rion, he sought for hospitalization at the Quezon In- Iluminada Laurel, 1927 Miss Luzon of the Manila stitute where :@.r. C. P. Jacinto attended him. Hospital Carnival, who left home and was missing for several physicians in c:onsu~tion ~ith. D~. Jacinto. infor1:1-ed days .. A~ a poli~e repo!ter, Vicrori~no did his wor~ Victoriano that he could win his fight for hfe agam1>t and did 1t well in the interest of his reader~ and his TB if his diseased lung were operated. Before any public. operation could be u~dert~~en, howev~r, 12 pi.nts of !3ut that is no.w oyer-.tho.se ~ays of be~ts ~nd Type B blood, 90 vials of streptomy~in, 4.0 v.1als .of deadlu~es. Now Victonano is fighting f~r bis life. penicillin and 2,000 tablets of para-ammosahcyhc acid, But with the generous response of the public, who has should be made in readiness. not forgotten him, he has a fifty-fifty chance. That These facts were brought by the Manila Times to is something that heartens Victoriano in his fight for the attention of the public. Response came generously. life.