Businessmen of Achievement


Part of National Weekly

Businessmen of Achievement
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October 8, i 9·49 NATIONAL WEEKLY Joaquin M. Carrion, Jr. MANAGER, I T R ~ E T DIVISIONS INTERNA TI ON AL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION OF THE PHILIPPINES Our man of achievement in business this week is Mr .. Joa - quin M. Carrion, Jr., s·ales · manager of the Time Recording and Electric Typewriter divisions of the International Business Machines Corporation of the Philippines. We consider Mr. Carrion one of our young business leaders who are an asset not only to the economic life of this country but to the worldwide IBM organization as well Born in Manila 36 yea~s ago, he went thru the exclu9ive De La Salle College endin~ up with a bachelor of science in commerce diploma safely :tu~ked in his arm. ~e is married to the former Florangel. Lagdameo of the prominent lf,bnila family by that uame. ~- Carrion's success is not confined to business ma- . chines alone but also to a happy married life. As proof of , this, his family circle is en - dowed with eight healthy chil-· JOAQUIN M. CARRION Jr. dre~, the five of _sc:~10o_I ag_e. ment began to sparkle. Labr responsibility was meteoric. Fo~r <Jf them are studymll m on he was connef!ted with the From apprentice salesman he their father's Alma Mater Luzon Brokerage firm: Here · got promoted to senior saie"and .. a gir.l)s en!olled' in Sta. :he worked in the trans-ocean- man, then ·as supervisor and Schola~:tica· Co,llege. ic express department hand- at present as sales manag~r Mr. Garrion's fh'st break in Ung all orders coming from of ;the two important divibusiness was when. · he got . one of the world's biggest de- sions of this internationally employed with La Y abana ·. partment stores· Sears Roe- kn~wn company. Cigar & Cigarette Faetory irt ; buck & Co. .' · Mr. Carrion taRes singular 1931. He was a.Ssigned,-"to the· He joined IBM way back oride in having introduced sales department in charge in 1938-stArting from the bo~- the IBM electric typewriters of .the provincial a,g-enb.. I.t tom .aa· a.·.student salesman. which are now shouldering w~s here perhaps that his: With this organization, Mr. the bnlk of .the office corresstar in the ··business firma- Carrion's rise to a posi;tion of pond~nce jobs in bir, commerPage 9 cial houses and offices of professionals and careP.r m·m. The debut of the electr:c typewriters in the Philippme bLisin~ss world was one of his tough as>ignments shortly aftter liberation. Here he proved that he is worth his salt as a businessm~.n. He promoted the sales of these 1.ypew·dters so s~1ccessfui1y t lla:t be.fore long he was selling them as fast as the .factory turne(! th!::m out, and to date Mr. Carrion admits t:he <lPmand" is increasing .to a point which renders IBM d~ffic!1l­ ty in giving immediat; suprly. He :s happy to di cl::ise !hat tilmost all leading commercial firms and n:e 1 of all professions are satisfic:l users. As tcstirr.ony of extensive demand of electric typewriters, the PCCBA secretarial department ha:; acquired several units. ·and recen'ly La S·alle College ordered some for its typ:writing classe.J. Mr. Carrion in describ:n::r the advantages of his prod~1ct 1·e.veal;; his inborn qualitl :s as a su.per salesman. "The latest IBM Exeeu:ive Tyrewrite!.' has been designed ·::specially to give importi:;.r:.t !:ttcn the distinc'ive a:opesrar:ce they deserve. Engineen~d to perform today's typing efficiently, ea~lly, aiid economically, it has an "'lldectr!.c keyboard, operaiNl by a light to~cfi:- lmpl'.'ession control as~ures upfformly le. g·ible work, whefher a typi<!t is makin2' one or rilariv carbon copies." And backed bv 19 of proven e1ectrical (Continued on page 26) ·Page.JI() NATIONAL \VEE KL Y . Cm sending you. a p:cturc c;f the Business Managt~r a!ld 1 the 1nd_1,1strial Coord!nator of th.e Stat~ ·Penitentiary at San ·Qµinthi, . CaEfornia, with me, during my visit there in the iiltf!rest'of our jute (saluyut) fibers which cah be used iri t~ manufacture of bags in .this·· institution where they hav~ a mm for burlap sacks. · . 'At pre~ent, they giet burlap fro:m India and Pakistan but if our, jute fiber can compare with it : .favorably, whic'h they tpjnk it ·would, they may _b:ttr a]J our· jutie fiber si1pply fQr their mill needs. FROM QUERUBIN FULGENCIO :'At t~is \~'riting they are underlalpng testf! with the bales ~-~nt by our Bureau of Plant Industry and after about a !npnth pr ~o they cnn more or i_e~s dete~mine just what they think, of our·fibers. Dr. Fulgencio, center, at San ~Quintin I brnupht with me specifi- cations and details of the ~a-cks w~ make .experimental'fH'E NURSE lv in J\fanila at the request of {Coritinuea· f~~ page 11) Mrs. Irene E. Murphy and ~aw her.· i~side the 'hospi:tal they will use those informarqom. .'I'here was iciness and tion in the makinO' of sacks peculi-irity in her manners. under our standard and pat"Anything?", Amping said ter?· . as-jf talking w a stranger. :n the .s~me occas1on, I met An·gelo was·:about to speak. lie Pres~uent of a Bag M~­ when another gasping nurse nuf acturrng Compa 1 ny m coming from the same door Houston, Texas and ne gave brea.thlessly announced, "Am- '."'" .th~ n~:nes of. three co~­ ping;,your patient just arriver{ pan~es whLh are i~terested m from -the operatinJr room. 1.>uYlllJ?:. the portion of the Blood transfusion. Quick!" JUt~ fiber near the . roots ~'Ob' · ' .,, 0 ,. which cannot be used 10 the . : , , exc......, me, mister," manufacture of jute sacks. During my prasent observership in the Social SM!urity Administration of the Federal Security Agency under the sponsorship of the United Nations, I believe .I may be able to get in touch with thos·e companies, which if ~uccessful would redounrl to &omet"hing good for the Philippines in about two years. You may use this photo Hnd pertinent portions 0f this letter for publication. Thank you very mu'!h and I'll try to be in touch with she s'aid- frantic:ally and hurriedly walked away. ... Ang~lo . sudderily became e<>i:ise1ous of .his self. He peeped inside the room into v;·h:ich Amping had entered. Everr. pur~e was busy doing ~om~thrng. They looked like a confused crO\vd with a defiiiite ·thfng to do. Slowly he w~l~ed ·down the ·stairway. :H:1s, dream was dead! Rosa's wo:r~s bob~ed up, again. BE WISE! ECONOMIZE! .Sqro,eday,, you will find me in another one's life the same way as I found- you in Tony's. ·"Someday . . ." he murmured audibly, as h'c' passed out of .the hospital gate. Aimlessly he dragged his feet across the hard pavement of ;,i, ·long and seemingly endless road. SHOP AT Berg's TOYS BABY WEAR DRAPERIES COSME'.I'ICS PERFUMERIES t.ADIES' DRESSES LADIES' HANDRAGS COSTUME JEWELRY.: LINGERIE HOSIERY ~HOES ESCOLTA, INC. TEL. 2-70-43 BEL'l'S BILLFOLDS '£0ILETRI!!:S DRF.SS SHIRTS SPORT SHIR1'S MEN'S SKIPPER SUITING MATEHIAl MEN'S RAIN WEAR MEN'S HOSIERY MEN'S SHOES UNDERWEAR NECKTIE~ October 8. 1949 you as regularly as I can for ~he duration of my fellowship nere and Europe. Very sincerely yours, Qucrubin Fulgencio, M. D. United Nations Fellow from the Philippines BUSINESSMEN ... (Contniued from page 9) perfonnance, Mr. Can·ie:i furth~r explained, the trend now is definitely towardi electric typewriters. He be· lieves that in the near futuie the manual typwriter~ wiU be out of the market. "1.nd thA great,>r demand will be for the electricaHy-operated one.,. The reasen for this radi~l prediction is that this IBM produ.!t has undergone the acid test of clerical efficien·· cy, proficiency, speed, ancl economy with flyimt color@, and the rPquirements- flf m" dern business is to }ear her.v;.ly on a mechanized sy~t~m of office work. This is nersuasive and convincing· sahsmanship, wherein Mr. Carrion feels at home. His pet sales promotion: plan i-: to ~e­ cqre the patronage of all colleges &nd universitieg, and governme_nt offices in the use of th·:: IBM electric typwriters. We rate Mr. Carrion a.s a businessmiln of achievement for this week not on~y for n;s vast r.xperience in mt'r<'antile operationd but also for hi" having been :the recipient of 3 gold medals from the wr.rld headqua.rters of IBM in New York. Reason for the series of awards wa~ his having ~uc­ :essfu)jy and succesively c'>vered the 100% quota allocated to the divisions wherein 1e is the sales manager. Fe,,. ·his .:!Xceptional accomplishnent 'he qualified for mem'Jership in the IBM 100% Club o.f New York for the third time. So far only three Fffpinos have been afforded this honor, includine: Mr. Ran1on del Rcisario, general manager of the local branch of the InfornationaJ Business M~­ chini:-s Corporation and Mr. Jose L. Arguelles, IBM salesman of electric bookkeepinv. and accounting machines.