The Battle of the sexes


Part of National Weekly

The Battle of the sexes
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October 8, 1949 NATIONAL WEEKLY Page 15 The Battle of the SEXES 'l'he ba.ttle of the sext?:; . I ag~.m .. Revived by Mr. Augusto Sta. t\na :m<l Miss Cvnthici Martelino. the ball startei:l rolhng. The age-old "Man versu:i Woman" imbroglio, is an excellent versio!l of the "Story Without An End." A malady wit:lout remedy fmt :to s.k!11 it. ·what can't be cured. must be 1mdured. I ricn't mean 1:o stifle be~ ntiful thouyhts aching for the sun~hine. But freedom in ii.<1 broadest zense is-not immJne to limitations. The freedom that unites is better than the freedom that sows misunderstanding. What's rthis seemingly, endless rumpus all about! As if one sex is "all-an~el" and the other "all-devil ?" Let th..,. philosophy of thP. candle •teach us. The wax and the wick are one. When lit. OTIP sQeIDS to outlast thP. other. ln thP. end, both arc consnmed ... I sincerely appreciate th•: reason' dished out by the prota~onists. Individual "IQ's" sou .. rPcl fo meteoric heights with atomic speed. But in the wholeness of reason, let'~ find the . heart of reason itself. · Scrioturally man and wnman a~e on~. ' "Male and ff'male "reated he them. and called their name "ADAM''. in the dav ithev were created." (Genesis· 5 :2) Both received life bv-the same Spirit. Man was created out of the dmitnot from a prism. Woman was taken from the ribs of a man - not from Mt. Olympus. Created, they were to fove and' protect each-other: to multi9ly and inhabit· the earth. To each his stationpresc·ribed by God - not hv mere individual idiosyncraciP~ alone Exposing the defects of By PACIFICO A. COLOMA ......... _ ......... __ ... ,,_. I • one. does not provide a whiitAwash for the other. "All have sinned, and' come short of thr· ".dory of God." Time is short. A full lifetime, is hardly enough to rectify our own capital weaknesses. We worship before the august altar of the Intellect. But, the white-robed altar of the :Heart has reasons of its own above the !Intellect. True chivalry g;ives credit where credit is due. True <'liastity remains immaculate anrl unblemished. It asserts itself even in the chronic. storm of trivial annoyances. True. Mudslinging is arnW:'IGonzalo GaWhok, . Inc. DOLLAR DISTILLERY OFFICE: FACTORY: 404 Sto. Cristo St.. Manila 442 Asuncion St., Manila ' Tel. 2-64-34 ini. It's also disconcerting . We have much to lose. Wha.:!: of chivalry and chastity? Imagine the consequences ! The minds of the young are deadly abso-rptive. What 1they hear and see from their elders are deep-seatedly accumulated, affecting the very course of their lives tr,mrnorrow. "Are these our children? ... " Who wants to ask this question for himself in repentance? Police and count i·ecords bear witnes~ to the shocking number of cases committed by both sexes. A result of in sufficient undersitandmg to command mutual i·espect for each other. Sex crimes, etc; we call ii. :How(:vnr convincin~ arguments ar~. we can't f.'51·ape the naked consequences. We arP. bequeathing a foga<'y of Hate to t:he generations before fis. ThP_ very odiou~ force that plucks the pristine eyes of moral ana- spiritual justicP. from it.<i unresisting socketsSuperinri•ty-complex ! It's the cause, or one of the causes of misunderstanding. It breeds hate. Hate stir~ strife, "but love covereth all gins.'' God. is a God of peace; not the authnr of confusion. He created man and woman no•t for bread alone. Neither. for mudslinging. As Longfellow ··ut it: ''Useless each without the other." TEXT - BOOKS AT LOWEST PRICBS NO ONE CAN BEAT MANALILI BOOK STORE 1875 AZCARRAGA