Entries coming fast as deadline closes in


Part of National Weekly

Entries coming fast as deadline closes in
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 16 Have you still the photograph of the girl whom you have thought of entering in t.he Second National Beauty Contest heinsr ::;ponsored by the National Weekly? If you have and you haven't sent it m up to now, you better do so this week, The conclusion ot the date Use this coupon: NATIONAL WEEKLY October 1, 1949 Entries Coming Fast As Deadline Closes In fieing sponsored by the Na tional Weekly covers two . . . stages. 'The first stage of the for the recei~t of entriPs ~s contest will be the submission fast appr~achmg and· you ll of photographs. From these have n.othmg but you;self to entries the 50 Filipina beaulJ.lame if you should fa.il to en- ties who will repres-ent each ter her photograph . province of the Philippines inW:ho knows l>ut that ::;h,e eluding Manila and Quezon will become the next Miss City, will be selectP.d. The sel'hilippines:.?;-;.' ;Or Miss Luzo1i lection will be made by a ur Miss Visayas, or Miss Beauty Contest Committee to Mindanao ? be composed of two prornilf she does, you as the nent Philippine artists, togesender of the picture will win ther with' the Beauty Contest an award l)f P80. Editor. Each of these 50 National Beauties will receive a But a<; the submission of certificate of Beauty, certiphotographs will only last for fied and signed by the mem6 weeks or until October 29, hers of the Beatuy Contest we urge everyone to send in C · t h his or her contestant's picturEI ommitte, s ating t e fact that she has been selected to without delay. The sender of represent her province in the the photograph of the win- s d N t• B c ning beauty who will finally econ a wnail eauty onbe declared Miss Philippines test of the National Weekly. for 1950 will receive a prize The selection of the four of PlOO in cash if the picture National Beauties namely, was submitted in August, P95 Miss Philippines, Miss Luzon, if submitted in September and Miss Visayas and Miss MinP90 if submitted in October. dainao, from among the 50 ofFor the information of the ficial candidates will be the public at large, the Second second and final stage of the National Beauty Tournament contest wh'en a nationwide balloting will be held beginnring the first week of November when the photographs of the 50 National Beauties from each province of the Philippineg, including Manila and Quezon City will be published in a doublespread insert of the National Weekly. For a period of eight months up to the middle part of June 1950, the balloting will be held and the winners who will be given the title of National Weekly's Miss Philippines, Miss Luzon, Miss Visayas and Miss Mindanao, for 1950, will be proclaimed and their full page photographs published in our Fourth Anniversary Issue in July, 1950. Substantial prizes, both in cash and merchanaise, will be announced in our subsequent issues. In fhe meantime, we urge you to join this T·ournament of Beauties by sending in the photograph of the beautiful girls in your provinee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. For further information, read the rules published on this page. RULES GOVERNING THE SUBMISSION OF PHOTOGRAPHS IN THE NATIONAL WEEKLY NATIONAL BEAUTY CONTEST Candidate's name -------·----.................................... ·-··--·-------··-.-··--------·--··· Hon • ., Address ................ .... . ·····:·····-···················~··· ... ·······-················ Now resid'ing at ···--······························ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · ·· ·· Educational attainment ............................... ·····-·············-···-·········· Age -····················· Height ...................... W eighi -··-··-··-············ Sender's name .... ···-······························-·················································· Sender's ad.dress .................. - .............. ····· ··· · · · -· ···· ··· ····· ····· ·· --·············· (To insure return of pictures. each snould be accompanied with self-addressed stamped envelope.) 1. This contest is open to all women in ·he Philippines, singfo and whose ages range from 16 to 25 years. 2. All entries will be by photographs of the contestants, preferably bust picture in black and white, 3. On the back of the photograph, paste or attach a coupon giving the contestant's full name, city and provincial address, and other particulars about her. (Such a coupon is printed on. this page.) 4. As many photographs as are receivaa each'"Week will be published im the National Weekly for a period of 10 weeks amtil the fast \veek of October. fl. All photographs-. of the contestants will be .retur.ned to the senders, provided a self-addressed stamped enveloped is sent for the purpose. 6, The sender of the photograph of the beauty c mtesta.nt who will finally be judged Miss Philippines will receive PlOO if the photograph is received in August, P95 if received in September; and P90 if received in October