The Negros Occidental


Part of National Weekly

The Negros Occidental
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 18 NATIONAL WEEKLY October 8, 1949 President Elpidio Quirino "hown coming down a PAL plani:~ in the Bacolod City airport durin,:,: his last trip to tl1:: Visayas. Cons id<.> red to be the bigg(·St event ever a trended by thr '.'lh0le tc;iching force of Negros Ocriden::il, was thf' three-day teachers convention last September 15,. 16 and 17. in the City of Bacolod. For tlw first time in the hi~tory of this province, public scho\•~ teachers, four thousand five hundred of them, gathered to work on certain definite objective-;, that of making themselves more useful co the community they serve. The whole affair started with a mammoth parade of all teachers from the provinciai capitol tc the Negros Occidentai High School campu5. , Thousands of thf' city inhabitants and residents of f - The Negros Occident neighboring towns lined the streets where the para passed, and viewed with judicious interest and genuin admiration the impressive column of man-power re pr2sencing a selected group - so vital to the mai tcnance of peace. progress and SI ability of any hum society. The parade ended in the wide grounds of the . gros Occidental High School Athletic Field. Im · diately after the termination of the parade, the teac ers were assembled in the grandstand as the progr'a for the day was officially open•2d by the Division Su perintendent of schools, Mr. Fernando 5. Fuentes The general theme of the convention was · 'hn prove the Teachers and Improve the Service". Wel known educators spoke before the huge cro\'..'d teachers stressing the modern trends in educatio Some of the speakers were ( 1) Mr. Benito Pan_ gil nan, Director of Public Schools, stressed on the cardinal objective of our Education: (2) Dr. A. L Car· son, President of Silliman University; spoke on His personal opinion regarding the elementary educatio in the country: (3) Dr. Pedro Y. Rio, Dean of tne College of Education, Silliman University, explainc how "Guidance ir_i Educatio~ ~o~ld Help Young People Get the Kmd of Trammg That Really Fit Them," ( 4) Ex-Undersecretary of Education, Mr