Teachers' Convention


Part of National Weekly

Teachers' Convention
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October 8, 1949 NATIONAL Teachers' Convention Esteban Abada, Scnacor Geronima Pecson and othe1s, spoke on various topics that mostly concern th ~ teachers. Although not included in ~he program, the mos[ outstanding talks of the day, as far as the teachers arc concerned, are those given by Ex-Undersecretary of Education Esteban Abada and Senator Geronima Pecson. Speaking in a humorous, sportive mood, Mr. Abacia made ve.ry startling remarks which evoked enthusiastic responses from his .imused listeners. His most witty remark was: ;,After all, regulations arc made to be broken.'' He was then referring to certam regulations in the civil service which in effect tend to unduly restrict the teacher's exercise of his political rights as a citizen. Mrs. Pecson, :)n the other hand impressed the teachers with her command of English and power ot oratory. She alfo gave some interesting information affecting the welfare of the teachers. On the second day, the teachers' interest was f~cused o~ the arrival of President Quirino and party. The President spoke to the teachers on the ~hir~ day of the convention and emphasized on the need for more food production. . During the three-day convention, demonstration classes and professional conferences of all teachers. principals. z.nd supervisors were he~d. Open forums Another view of the couventioniists as they gatherc'l together in a three-day conven ti0n held in Bacolod Cit.:/ from Sieptember 15 to 1'7. Besides Superintendent of . Scho0ls Fernando Fuentes, all ::;upervising teachers :and · principals of the province attended th~ convention which coincided wilh Educa\in1: Weekly which was held l0r the first time this year. WEEKLY Page 19 On September 15 to 17, the tea ~hing force of Occidental Negros held a convention which \1·a5 addressed by President Quirino. were conducted after every conference and school problems were threshed out. The last day of the convention was climaxed by the address of Mr. Marcelino Bautista, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the P.P.S.T.A. His speech was immediately followed by an open forum. Several vexing problems common to most teachers were presented. Mr. Bautista answered them in most cases to the satisfaction of those concerned. The convention was terminated by a social affair in the Bacolod University Club. -J. Ma. R.-Bacolod City. Page 20 NATIONAL "WEEKLY Pl-Chinese Friendship President Elpidio Quirino, left and Chinese ~1inister Chen Chili Ping.