Why I will vote for Quirino?


Part of National Weekly

Why I will vote for Quirino?
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Page 28 The day of judgment for the Candidates is fast approaching and the electorates musit have a chance to see the right path to follow when they will (!ast their voles next November and for that I ~m very i!lad the National Weekly is conducting a - c~nY:st like ~his so that the readers wm have a chance to see all angles of the election propaganda. I have no doubt many mUBt ;lave been poisoned with the ennui of prejudiced opinions but here my dfar friends let us not be nasty to believe this and that. I am not asking you to believe me but I am asking you to think twice before you will write the name of your choice for Presic!.ent. · NATIONAL WEEKLY October 8, 1949 Much have been said and published about the Presidential candidate Jose A velin'o, the m1sted 1President of the Senate and the same is true to the Presidential aspirant Dr. ,Jose Laurel, the Puppet ·President of Japanese made Philippine Republic. Much lia:ve been published also against President Quirino President Quirino with President Trama n. Behind them from left to right are Ambassador Joaquin Elizald~. Ambas_sador Myron M. Cowen and Secretary of State Dea.n Ach~son. ·Why I Will Vote For Quirino who was branded by some By MIGUEL D. VALBHE~A Avelino followers as a man Oroquieta, Misamis Occidental who. a1.eep5 more than twenty four- hours a day. Many ar- vocated for sectionalism and the northern part of the ticles have been read in for that he will work !or the Philippines will not have any newspapers vividly de.scri?- improvement of the Philip- share in foe government ing and e.-c.aggerating the mis- pine3 as a whole not for a which will lead to the Je·takes committed during the selected few parts only. Ave- struct:on of the Democratic Administration· 'of the Apo lino advoeates for the division principles. It may be well to but _look my co-crusaders for of .the country. or we call i:t say, thait he is a Visayano and a clean and honest·' go-Vern- sectionalism as per his speech not a Filipino. Patrick Heny ment mo~ of those ills men- in a rally here in Occidental once said, "I am not a Virgitioned by the opposing parties Misami-s. He sa,id to quote nian but I am an American!' were inherited from the Ro- him "My dear electorates, . EQ had never made other xas .regime, and 8.ltho~gh the. vote for me because I am a veople understand that they president is now trymg to Vis.ayano." Such a master Should vote for him because solve them ,it can not be done piece on S€dionailism was de- he is s.n Ilocano. He had neby a wmk of the ey~. I~ takes livered in front of a group ver asked any of his co-Ilotiine so then, let us give the where most wel"e from Lu- ca.nos who are dfffused Apo 'enough time to eradicate zon. He was thinking maybe throughout the islands to the rats in the . government that because it was in the Vi-· campaign for him because and the advocators of corrup-. sayan Islands, all of those they speak too same lantio·n. present were Visayanos but guage and respect the same "i ·will vote for President many were Ilocanos. H Ave- tradifain. Logically speaking, Quirino because he never ad- lino gets elected, I am afraid he can say "I am not an Iloc.:sr.o )Jut a Filipino so vote for me." Laurel may be a better President than Avelino if elected, but he seems to have Ainti Foreign Feelingf' This can be <led.need from his stand and that of his cohorts. In Batangas few for.eign(;!rs are found to be engaged in business. While this is good, yet it is not so, because our world· is a -.vorhl where symbiotic relationships should be prac;ticed. All countriea in the globe receive help from other countries and if we close our doors now from for,~ignP-rs like Japan and China w~at would happen. We wiB return: from whence we h~we come. . Let me present again · L~e ~ide •Jf the Ano wh1> hnd been (Continued on page 32) Page ~2 NATIONAL WEEKLY October 8, 194~ THE CASE . . . WHY 1' WILL. . . legation feel more respect to- American People who are (Cont. from pagie 27) (Conrt. from page 28) ward the 1Philippines upon now so important in the get girl. You sang evc:rytime accused time and again fol' seeing that the Malaca- world because of the help l was finished with my act, having spent the peoples· mo- :fian Palace is well furnished they can do to other nations. a.1_1d thai~'s how my audience ney for Bed, Urinole, :\nd ln- and can be compared with the He succeeded to plant the came to like you. Why I co~1ld terior Decorations. All of residence of any executive of seed of friendship and such miss just once and put an these are still found in the a country? Quirino was just s.eed being a Ia.sting and preend to your boast." Malaca:fian Palace an:.l they desirous tr. add more persron- c1ous one, takes time for it to "All right, let me see you will rcmam to be there until alitv to the Philippines when show material fruits. lt is do it," Janie Mason challeng- .time permits them to. he "made all those improve- likened to .the seed of Vanda ed. Hu5e amount of money rnent:> in the Palace. Sanderiana (Waling Waling) So as you will see, IrispE:c- had been spent in the im- !T'he Malaca:fian Palace re- ihe most precious of all Phil.tor Mar.n declared, everyone provement of the Malaca:fian ceives representatives from !ppine Orchids, which takes of those five had a very good and 1urn1tures but will Jhe Foreign Countries who have nine months to germinate and reason to kill J-anie l\fason. },resident bring them . home an Id.'a of the rich Natural nine years to blossam, hut And' {Inc night whilP. Janie when he leaves the Palace? Resources of the Philippines. once :t blossoms i:t re9.lly sawas <loing her act, someone No sir and every thinking If .the Malaca:fian is not wo:cth tisfies the owner. The result took ~ pot sfiot at her. And person should know that. the residence of Chief Exe- of the Trip of the President th-d's how I was ca.JIP,d into 'f'hey will remain to be your cutive the Presid:ent may to America will show up aft.er the c:ise. proper.~y and mine. 'l'hr._c feel ashamed and the humilia- the Election if he is Elected. "Of course, everyone of were placed there and should ti on then must be felt by all So then let us Vote For Him. you has 5ome kind of an ali- cultivate the pride of ewry true blooded Filipinos. Any- I will Vote for the Apo bebi," Inspector Mann dr'awied. unselfish thinking Filipino. It body who is much interested cause among his rivals he is "You, Pedro, were sharpen- is the pr!de of the country for improvement must spend the only one who is so decided ing your knives. You were in becau:;e :the Philippines young in order to have something to your wagl')n and: you didn't as she is, can furnish tlie re- show as means of impressing to clean the government in even hear the shot. Fatty sidence of her Chief Executive other people to give more spi:te of so much odds. He is was practicing on some tele- befitting that of the number help. We all cherish as Fili- the only one :among the C!lnphone poles in the outskirts one man in the country. pinos whaJtever good impres- didates who is brave enough of the fail- grounds. And Mc- v·e must not forget that sion foreigners have on the to show to the World that the Kay, wI-o will get his ten :-.lothes has something to do Malaca:fian Palace. The Pres- Philippines, young as she is, thousand dollar insurance. with the personality of a man ident if my memory does not is .not afraid to sail hi the Sea was in front of his itent keep- ~o do with the respect of fail, .:mce submitted his dis- of Sharks and get rid of them ing an eye on: the crowd. But other coun:tries to the execu- cretiouary fund for Auditing. one by one. He iS ele only did anyliod'y see you, Mc- tive of that country: Mabini Is that not a sig-n of honesty~ one who is not afraid to proKay?'' w.a.s about to be dismissed Did any Chief executive of secute the guilty and even if "Why, yes, Phil here must though :he was so diligent in the Philippines . do that? I 'he was lambasted once by have seen me, did you, Phil?" ;,is work for being shabby in leave this to be answered by Avelino for conductin~ inves"I wouldn't say tha~ r have dothes and an appeal from the readers. tigation of members of the LiSf.en you," the man said. his immediate superior who He ~pen.t P200,000 during · ber~l Party he wen.t on and '<rrhijJ is murder, and' r am could not afford to miss him his trip to the United States pum~hed t~e culpr~ts by r~­ not going Ito lie.~' only saved him from dismis- which is claimed by his Poli- movmg them from th~1r "All right, all right," r sal. Will not then the foreign tical 'ipponents as useless and posts. I need nc:t mentiOn n- needless, and that he did i:t to those people. He is. brave to shector Mann cut the two .:d on ;the basis of clarity, enhance his election next No- shout to the four wn~~s ~hat 8 ort. "And as I was saying, straight exposition and de- vembc:•.·. While this may be o_ur beloved Ph11Ipp.1_ne.s there is Luana, another sus- d t• th h nn.a~ to b :t II pect. Or aJ.l the alibis I have uc wn and conciseness. Take partly true, it should not be oug sup~ . es I m . your pen and paper or your overlooked thait ,President ~radd1e as she is stlll young, heard, she .was out walking, typewriter and write down Truman made commitments is now ready to make herself mayoo lookmg ~t the mo:>n. · your solution. It is an in:te- to the effect that Quirino was known that ~. · can stand And then. theres your pistol resting pastime which you i10t to go Home empty Hand erect and ~b1tio~s enough exper.t, Jim Garret. I have will surely enjoy ed. He did not bring home to be the Little Giant of the not ques~ion~d the feJlow. He Address all letters to Ci:m- any tangible thing but friend- East. must be in his wagon. Some- test Editor clo National ship and the feeling of !J:aving If you want a. President body .go and .get him." Weekly, P. 0. Bo~ 266, Ma- brought the Philippines an who will shield all corrupt of,Plnl, the circus errand~ boy, nila. inch nearer the hear.t of the ficials in his Party, Vote for returnea a minute laiter to -~~~~~~· Avelino, if you want a Pres.report; that Garret was miss- DRA. TOMASA F. HAL IL I ident with a secret formula to ing. have the Huks unite with the To anybody who sends in DRA. FE F. HALILI government Vote for Laurel: the best solution, a prize of but my dear friends if you Pl0.00 will be awarded. To Office Hours: 9:30-12:30 a.m.-3;00-6;00 p;m. want n president who solves the sender of the next best DRA. TOMASA F. HALILI the Huk problem openly and solution, a year's subscription DRA. FE F. HALILI decidedly and ready to pun1"1tb I WOMEN'S DISEASES & CHILDREN - wi} be given, and for the Office: Central Hotel, Rm. 205-206 Azcarraga lthe culprits be it his party third'. best solution six Office Tel . .2-75-05 men or not, then: be with me months' suQ.scription. Residence: 1430 Washington Ave. Sampaloc-Tel. 6-61-41 and let us Vote for Apo QuiAll solutions will b'.:l decid- rino.