Advice from Aunt Adora


Part of National Weekly

Advice from Aunt Adora
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
October 8, 1949 NATIONAL WEEKLY Page 31 who oftentimes stays away PU ppy LOVE ?- from home and never comes Dear Aunt Adora: . back until ea.rly in the mornPlease give me your ad_vice. ing- or late at night. I have a girl 15 _Year_s of ~ge I have thought of divorcing whose young hte 1s being him, but J( just don't. know wasted by adolesce?t l?ve. whether I would be takmg the S'he is such a sensitive little right step. We have a child soul that a little misunder- -a girl-whom I dearly love, standing with a classmate of and whom my husband also hers who is calling on her re- loves.~Troubled Wife, Quegt:larly to study their lessons Ha e you a pe1soha1 prob:c1n ·: .\re yua in truub!c·: Do you nee.d zon City, Philippi?es. together, is hurting her so advice? v 1f you are bothered by something in your mind, write Aunt Dear Troubleq Wife:. ..,_ much. I don't know what ~o Adora and ask her advice She may be able to help you. You_r letter I deeply sympathize Wluu do. I know it is th11:t age 1.n will be in strictest confidence and under no circumstar1ces Will your you and your ro~lem, bht as a girl's life when a chang~ IS ,identity -be divulged. You may use, but if you want a far as I can see it, you have ta'king place in her, and I JUSt persona: reply., you'll have to enclo~e with your letter a, no one but yourself to blame want your advice whether to stamped enveloped. This ser·vice is. FREE. Address ah comm~mcations f1.11· the mess _you _have made cross her or wean her aw.ay to AUNT ADORA, c/o National Weekly, P. o. Box 266, Mamla. of your married hfe. There from this boy. Pl·ease advi.ce bl d is so much in your home_ me '"'·hat should I do.-Dis- trivialities. If your daughter I am the most trou e wo- yourself and your daughtertracted mother, Tondo, Ma- worriies so much over any lit- man in the world, unloved by that ~ould have kept your husnila. tle misunderstanding with my hus?and and deserted b~ band stay nights instead of the boy she goes to school my friends. When 1 was a spendina- his time philanderDear Distraeted Mother: wit'h, that should not worr.v young woman and 1 was a · ···h the women b f M ·1 , 400 I was mg w111. o r . Your problem is the pro - you. Just look after your memoer o am a~ • Try to analyze yourself lein of every doting moth(:r daughter and see to it that surrounded ~Y friends who carefully and find out whe~ who is as much sensitive with she gets all the sympathie~ probably envied me the ~tten- you have made a grave misher daughter as the daughter that she needs, but do not tion paid me by a cotE:rie3 of take. Is it that you are a herself. l' think there is overdo it. She will go over male hopefuls. But smce. 1 jealous, nagging woman? Are ·nothing wrong wit'h her and her little troubles before long got married, and my married you affectionate to your husto make'· a fuss over it will as she gathers more years life didn't turn out to be tl~e band? Do you show him that make 'or unmake your and by that time she will heaven: that I had _dreamed .1t affection that you feel for daughter's future. know how to face her little to be, t~ey have htt1e by lit- him? Have you ever made an You were a young girl oni:e, life's problems.-Aunt Adora. tle detached away from me. effort to study his ways and and I am sure that you could Now, I suspect that m~n~ conform yourself to them? Or still remember your own life PHILANDERING of these women are runnmg have you often crossed him, at 15 and how your mother around with my husband, who neglected hiin to the poi.nt of rnacted to your little tantrums HUSBAND has ceased to love me and indifference, until you have tal ~t·~~~~:D~e~a:~A~u~n~t~A~d~o~r~a~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ions o little by little killed his love have carrfed this one step i urther and wedded sausa~e with fish in a preparation r:alled, "Fish and S~usage Rolls." Fish and Sausage Rolls 6 fillets of small flatfish 6 link sausages 1 beaten egg . 1 tab.Lespoon· lemon juice 1 teaspoon scraped onion Fine dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons melted butter 4 tablespoons soup stock Wipe the fillets with a clamp cloth. Remove the saut;age meat from the cases and spread over the surface· of the fillets. Roll up each pieoe of fish and fasten it with a toothpick. Dip the rolls in the beaten egg and cover the surface of each with the bread crumbs. Lay the rolls in a greased bake dish and add the soup stock. Sprinkle the sur · face of each roll with the melt,ed butter. Cover the dish and bake for 35 minute~ at 400 F, (hot oven). . {ou; uuests will be intrigued until they try them and then they will be delighted. Odd Facts About Fish In ancient Greece the sole or flatfish was so highly thought of that the cooks used to cut and cook other meats to imitate it. . There are so many :;pec1es nf edible fish in the Philippines that if you ate a different species every day, you could R:O five years before you would eat two alike. More men than women like fish. Queen Elizabeth of Shakespeane's time decreed that ner people must eat fish. She din this to make the countrv use:.' the food that lhey could zet without dependin.~ on other countries:. Most of the .in the Uril.ted are grown on farms. oysters eaten States today underwater Ancient Britons regarded all fish as sacred_ and would eat none of them. In the other olden countries onlY. the lower classes of fish would be eaten as the J?ood fish were saved for the gods. Early Christians regarded the: fish as :i mystic symbol and used it as an identifying mark1er for Christian peoples. The letters of the Greek word for fish, Ichtl~us, were held to be the iI1itiaii:; of the Greek words for "Jes us Christ, Son of God, Saviour." In the State House at Boston Massachusetts is a codfish which is the state symbol of 'Massachusetts. The state used to have a picture of the codfish on their automohile number plates also. in you? I don't thnk that your married life is completely ruined. You can still salvage it. and make your home a real one if you should subordinate yourself to your husband and cease to be a suspicious wife. Let me remind you that a !rnsband is a.n exacting master, and it is a heroic woman who can please one and keep his love. I should advise you to rewin his love. When he comes home, surprise him with a cheerful smile and a meal that he likes best. Show him more af f:ection and when. the opportunity presents itself, iiwite ilim to the show-the two of you alone. If you make good start in this and keep it up, you would .nbt be writing me seeking my advice on how to secure a divorce. But at all events write . ' me agam.-Aunt Adora.