The Bicol Star
- Title
- The Bicol Star
- Issue Date
- Year 35, Volume 33 (Issue No. 10) March 9, 1968
- Year
- 1968
- Language
- English
- Filipino
- Item sets
- The Bicol Star
- Media
The Bicol Star
Roxas seeks to create citizen's counsel league
New train service between Naga-Manila
No fake sweeps tickets being sold to the public says manager
D. I. Supreme Regent due here; Naga host to D of I district convention
Sa isay an responsable paggadan ki Gob. Alberto?
RHF appropriates P300-T for Ragay and Sipocot emergency hospitals
Schistosomiasis problem ni S'gon
Abaca world market increased
4-H Club Prov'l. rallies scheduled
Partial Review: For public information
Army type pre-fab schoolhouses may be manufactured in C. Sur
STTA advocates 'Wildlife Week'
Longer pasture leases up for study
Legal notices
U.S. Peace Corps volunteer helps in building school project in Sipocot
National Volunteer Office ready to serve
Proposed Land Reform amendment
Fund lack snags Milk Project
The Star Witness: Dai paglingawan an hagyan mong sinakatan
From the Hilltop: Libre'ng Pilipino (5)